Not the Goodbye hope for

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1 year later
Whitney pov
Bobbi Kris had her baby. I had been thinking about this and it's time for me to go. I put on the suit Michael got for me. The kids have been prepared. They know they won't see me until everyone thinks I'm gone. "Lord this is my only escape from this life style. Let me know I'm doing right." I said. I haven't felt guilty but nervous. It was the nervous you get when you go on the first day or you meet the love of life. Like I did. I was just in the studio dining with Jermaine and there he was. Now we can finally be free to walk down the street hand in hand. Not worry about being follow. Not worried about who's watching just be able to be us. There was a knock. I open to see Micheal. "Okay so the water running and everything should go smooth." I said. He smiled and kissed me. We went to the hotel. "Whitney Houston has been seen kissing a mystery man. Rumors us he favor Michael. Maybe he is a impersonator." They person said. I cut off the tv. I walk out to see my family. I voice in my head told me I'm not going to leave exactly the way I think. "Mom?" They said. I hugged them. I told them I love you. I whisper in my mom ears. "This plan will fail and when it does be there for my babies." I said. She look at me like she knew. She kissed me. I told her I love her. Nick kept staring at me. We got into early. I was cleaning up my room. I told Michael to go say goodbye to his family. I was in tears. I heard the door open. "Hello?" I said turning around facing Nic. I had put a camera up just to make sure they know I'm clean . "So you just going to leave me!" He yelled. "I will come back for visit." I said softly. "No!No!" He had a knife. "The only way you will leave me and Bobbi Kristina. Is if you are dead." He said. "Nick." I was cut off. "No you deserve to die." He said. "Nick put it down." He started getter by a drink prepare. "But before you go let have t toast. "Nick. Stop it!" I said. He forced me to drink the drink. I spit it out. I didn't know what was all in it. I tried to fight back. Everything was telling me to fight. He ran some bath water. I was in so much pain. "God please! I can't take no more! Jesus!" I said. I don't know what. The fort open to reveal Bobbi Kristina and Michael."Mom the car is." She cut herself off. "You can't leave me. Nic cam in with a knife. "Krissy get you mother out of here." He said. "Mom." She said. "I can't." I said. Michael pulled out a gun. "Mom stay with me." She yelled. Blackness was overtaken me.

2 days later
I woke up in a room. Michael was beside me. "Mike?" I said. He had tears in his eyes. "Your awake." He said. I nodded. "Nick in jail and right now everyone believes your dead." He said. "What is it your not telling me?" I ask him. "Nippy the doctors want to operate because you have a blood clot but with your heart you might not make it. I let them do the procedure. They told me you were going to die." He said."Anything else." I ask. "The kids came and seen you." He said. "And?" I said. "This will be the goodbye until, years or months. " he said making me cry. The kids and mom came in. "Mommy don't forget us."they said. I cried. "Never." I said. "See ya." They said. "Goodbye." They said. "See ya later alligator." The twins said. "After while crocodile." I said. I told them I love them all. My heart breaking knowing it could be a while till I see them. I gave them a kiss. My life as Whitney Houston is over and now can be me. I look at Michael. He smiled. I know this is only the beginning...

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