The Voice

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Whitney pov- Jan 27, 1991
I have been  so nervous. I couldn't keep anything down. I been throwing up all day. I mean I knew I had also sing this song for the heroes  coming home in February. "Okay let's welcome Whitney Houston singing our star spangled banner!" I went on stage. I song my heart out. Everybody was clapping and everything. I was almost in tears by the end of the song. Michael was waiting on me. I was finished and was waving then it hit me. I'm pregnant. I missed my period and I've been sick. My mom hugged me and told me I done  great. We were in this box thing. Some of the player wives were their and so was some other famous people. Michael was watching the game. I hugged him. He pointed out to me a man with his son on his shoulders. The baby was only 1. I smiled. I put my head on his shoulders. "I have to tell something and when I do try not to jump up and down and look like an idiot." I said. He just laughed. "Okay what?" He said. "I think I'm pregnant." I said as the kick off happen. "Wait what!" He said getting up. Everyone else was already standing to see the kick off. I pulled him in the hallway. "Im pregnant?" I said. He look at me. "Oh my goodness so we going to have a baby." He said. I nodded. "When did you find out." He said. "Well when I was  finish singing and I became emotional. It hit me. I miss my period. I've been sick and I'm been so mean to you lately." I said. "Whitney you just completed me..." He said. My mom came out and check on us. "What going on ?" She ask. "I'm pregnant." She hugged me. "I saw that when I saw you singing the national anthem. Your glowing." She said hugging me. We decided to leave and tell Katherine. We left everybody was sorta upset. "Michael, Whitney why are you leaving early?" The paparazzi said shouting at us. "Family emergency!" He said. "Is it Latoya!?" They ask. We look at him funny. Next thing we were being run over by fans. Michael use his body as a shield to protect us. I was screaming for my mom. Michael turn around. A bunch of police began to pull up. He hug my mom and me in his arms. "Whitney it okay!" My mom said. Next thing I know gunshots went off. "Michael!" I scream. "Baby I'm right here."he whisper in my ear. The police got the fans to move back. We got in the van. My mom hugged me. I laid my head on Michael. "Everything okay?" He said. Michael was used to the crazy. I was sorta use to it but it never got this crazy till now. We went to Hayvenhurst. "What happen to Latoya?" I ask him. "I don't know." He said. "But if he did something I going to kill him...." We pulled up. We saw someone running at the door at Hayvenhurst. they face unrecognizable. Michael tried to pull me back but I got out the car. "Latoya?!" I shouted. She ran to me and cried. "Whitney!" She said. Michael got out the car. He cradle her. He realized it was his sister. She hardly had any thing on. Katherine open the door. "Mom it's Latoya." Michael said. For the first time Katherine scream in agony. I never seen this woman upset. My mom help Latoya in. Joe came and pick her up. He took her to her room. He help Katherine up. I was crying at this point. What did he do to her? I told Michael I got help clean Latoya up. Katherine was getting herself together. I got a towel and dap her face will cool water. She flinch every time. I told her to go and take a shower. I put her out some pjs. She told me he going to kill her if she don't return. I told not to worry but she insisted. I went to talk to the only person she may fear more. The only person who know her. The one who scared his kids the most. I went to the kitchen and called Joe. "Joseph can we talk." I said. Everybody look at me like I had 7 heads. He walk over to me. We went in his study. "What is this about Whitney?" He said my name with so much hostility and venom. "You need to talk to Toya she talking about going back to him....." I said. He cut me off with a laugh. "She a grown women....." He said. He was about to walk out: "if you not going to do this for her than do it for your unborn grandchild!" I said loudly. I'm pretty sure the whole house heard me. He turn around and eyed me. I saw people staring in the doorway. "What you say?" He said eyeing me. "You heard me. I'm pregnant!" I said. Katherine look at Michael. He just nodded. Latoya look at me. "Toy don't go back to him!" I said. "I want everyone out, except for Michael and Whitney and Katherine!" He yelled. Making all of us jump. Michael came in the room along with Katherine. He close the door. "Okay so let me get this straight, your think just because you pregnant you can demand anything from me." Joseph said coldly. I just rolled my eyes. "You see Michael! This bitch is so disrespectful." He said. Michael look pissed off. "Look Joseph I wanted you to stand up for daughter and take care of her. She is in a bad relationship." I said. I was about to leave but he grab me. "No you don't get to make any demand." He said. Michael snapped. "Dad she worried about Toya! She having my baby! Your grand baby and your calling her bitch! Your are nothing, but and abuser. You cheated on mom and now your turning your back on Toy. When see needs you the most. I don't ever want you near my kid!" He said. He grab me. Joseph look surprise at Michael. "Michael?" His mother said. "No mom! Joseph take a last look! Because this is the last time you see Michael Joseph Jackson in this house." He said about to walk out. "Michael! Don't this!" I said. He stop. "You guys need to cool it." I said. They were steady going at and Katherine told me act like you hurting. I look at funny. I had to put my acting skills to work. I grab my stomach and grab the edge of his desk. "Owe!" I scream. "Whitney!" Katherine scream. I couldn't believe it. Joseph ran to my side and so did Michael. "Baby what wrong?" Michael said."Whiney calm down relax." Joseph said. I begin to cry but me and Katherine laughed. They look at me weird. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop. "Okay so I told her to act hurt." Katherine said. "Just to get you two to stop fighting." She said laughing. I was still cracking up. "You guys scared the crap out me!" Michael said. "And I never seen Joseph so scared." He said laughing. "Yea you know you what y'all got me good!" Joseph said laughing. I stop laughing. "So why don't you two go help Toya. And we'll come up there and talk to her later." Joseph said to me and Michael. I just nodded. "Okay Joseph." I have him a hug. "Oh and don't forget that my grandson is going have to start rehearsal when he's two." He yelled. I crack up. "Who said he going to be singing." I said. "With a voice like yours and mike's. He or she better." He said. I just chuckle and we up stairs. I Toya. "Hey. Toy." Michael said. Jermaine and her brothers tried to comfort her. she ran to Michael and hugged him. My mom Cissy hugged me. "Whitney I need you to do one favor?" Toy said. "Okay what is it?" I said. "Call Janet." She said. "Besides we need her here." She said. I knew Janet was getting ready to shoot a movie in Georgia. I was the only one who had her number. I called Janet and updated. She told me she on her way home now. I was getting kinda dizzy. I remember I didn't eat. Katherine and Joseph saw me."whit are you...." Katherine was cut off by me falling out. I woke up in a bed. I knew it was at Hayvenhurst. I sat up slowly. Michael was sitting up staring at me. "You need to eat and drink something and as of right now I'm ordering you on bed rest for at least a week." He said. "I'm okay" I said. "But your carrying my child and I don't want you to." My mom cut him off. "Hey no stop. I'm taking nippy to the doctors tomorrow and we going to see what the docs recommend." She said. Michael and I agreed.

1 month later
I been relaxing every chance I get. The baby is fine and so am I. I do know this, I'm so horny. Michael and me probably do it ten times a day. I got dress. I had to perform for heroes. The fans have been going crazy. I mean they will be outside Neverland chanting Michael and I name all night. I have a new name sorta like Michaels but I'm the voice. I don't know what they mean but all I know it's more pressure. Oprah called me it first and it been catching on. I ran my bath water. Michael told me to take bath with the door open and no showers because I may slip. He been very over protective. I mean I be trying to eat something sweet like a cupcake or pie but this negro, take what ever I have and heads me a fruit. Latoya is with her husband. I worry about her constantly while Janet is acting on this movie. It call poetic justice. She staring along side a rapper name Tupac. I love his music. I begin to sick. I ran to the toilet. My morning sickness is alive and kicking. I had to get ready for this heroes thing. Michael couldn't come he was doing a music video. So I had to sing with out him. I perform the song. When I sung the first line, people cheered. I stayed for everything. It was around 2 am. I was so tired when I got home. I went straight to sleep.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston: The king of pop and The voice Where stories live. Discover now