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Whitney pov
I was watching the Cosby show.  I was laughing so hard. I was crying. I was so into the show. "Whitney!" Michael came in to view. I smiled. "Hey baby." I said. He smile when he saw me. He touch my baby bump. The baby move. He was so happy. I kissed him. "So what are we watching." He ask. "The Cosby show and guess who name is mention." I said. "Who?" He ask. "Yours." I said. He just laughed. We were on the part where Rudy was talking about the concert. She was saying she was going marry Michael. Then Kenny said he was going marry me. I look at Michael and Michael look at me. We cracked up. We watch the last episode. "They is just so cute." I said. "Oh I'm getting with  this award." Michael said."I know they call me to perform. I said no because you told me not to." I said. "Yea I don't want you to overwork yourself." He said. I just giggled. "Okay when is this award?" I ask. "This Sunday." He said. I just nodded. "Michael I didn't want to worry you but I been having a little spotting". I said. He look at me. "Then stay here." He said. "I want to come." I said. He got up. "Whitney I don't want you to come your bleeding or spotting! I want you to relax." He said. "Baby the doctor said it normal. Long as it isn't heavy." I said. "Whiney fine but my mom is coming too." He said. I just nodded. We had been back and forth. I even began to sleep in the guess room. I just want him to be happy.
I was getting ready. Michael and his mother told me not to stand up. I was just their to relax. When we walk on the carpet, people went crazy. They were going crazy when they realize I was pregnant. "Whitney! Michael! " people were screaming. "Get Whitney inside now!" Michael yelled at his bodyguard.  I walk in and sat down. I was approach by Ms. Patti LaBelle. She congratulated me and told me I would have been performing tonight. I told her Michael wanted me to take it easy. Katherine came and sat beside me. She told me Michael is so upset I wasn't sitting. I look at Michael and rolled my eyes.

Michael went on stage from his sister.They told me to go get in the car, because Michael didn't want me to be crowded. I was so mad he was sitting next to Madonna. They were flirting. Katherine and I went to the car. I'll told her to go spend some time with Michael. I put up the partition. I cried a little. Michael and his mom sat  in there about thirty mins. When they came out I pretended to do my make up. I fixed it. Michael grab my hand. I wanted to come home but we had to go to this after party. We went and I put in this smile like I was so happy. I bump into Kevin. He ask for a pic I took a picture. He was in The back at the dinner.

I walk over to my seat

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I walk over to my seat. We celebrated. They were serving wine so I couldn't drink. I didn't even eat.
Michael pov
I think I been stressing Whitney out. I mean we fought for a couple of days. Then we get to this after party  and she  can't eat anything. I could tell she was crying in the limo. I told my mom we should leave the event early. We took my mom home. Whitney was staring out the window. I put my award aside. "Whitney look at me." I said. She didn't want to. "I'm sorry for putting a lot of pressure on you." I said. "I'm sorry for being to over protective." I said. "I just want this baby and you to be okay." I said. She turn and faced me with tears in her eyes. I just hug her. "I'm sorry for being a hormonal b!tch"she said laughing. I just kiss her. When we got home we made love all night. Then she inspired another song give in to me. I couldn't sleep so I began to write it. I was singing and I look down at Whitney. Her eyes was open. "Hey baby." I said. "Hey." She said look at me. I caressed her face. I could tell she was still sleepy. I told her to go to bed. "I can't your baby is up and moving." She said. I move the cover off her. I was watching her tummy move. It was so amazing. I laid my hand on it. It was moving and it was so amazing. I look at Whitney She had the biggest smiled on her face. I could see her crying. I hated to see her cry. "What matter?" I ask."I'm just happy!" She said crying. I couldn't help it. I kiss her. I began to sing will you be there. Whitney sing with me. Her voice was so gorgeous I just had to listen.
Whitney pov
I was singing with Michael but he stop. I look at him. He told me to keep me going. I continue singing. I was getting sleepy so I stop and we back to sleep.
Micheal pov
I been doing some stuff. I know Whitney would be made but I am weak. I took a pill and went to sleep. I just hope Whitney doesn't fine out.
3 months later -August 10 1991
Whitney pov
I'm due at the end of September. I feel so  big. Michael has been acting so different. I went to the baby room. I was so happy. I decided to know the gender, it a boy. He had everything and even more. We already hired nannies. I would be shooting the  bodyguard in December. I was so ready. I went in Michael office. He was sleep. I went to his desk. I saw something in his pocket. I was about to grab but Michael grab my hand. I knew He been taking Ta Kwon Do. "Michael!" I shouted. When he saw it was my wrist he stop and look  at me. "What are you doing." He said. My wrists was sore. "Ummm I was checking on you and then I saw the pills bottle was for?" I ask. "Whitney it just pain medication and a little." I cut him off. "If you don't give these pills up you will never see your son." I said. He grab my wrist. I was in so much pain. "You know! It wouldn't be hard to get custody! I can just mention your cocaine habit." He said. He look so evil. "Michael!" I scream. My wrist! He was squeezing it so hard. He release it. "Michael stop it!" I said. We began arguing and then Omar came into the room. I felt so bad. "Michael!  Omar." I said but it was too late Michael pushed me against the wall. "Stop it!" Omar scream. He ran out the room. He ran to his room and threw the picture of him and Michael.

I beyond shock

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I beyond shock. "I hate you!" He screams. I held Omar. Michael was different person. Michael walk closer to us. I called Maria. She came running. "Take Omar with you." I said. She just nodded. Michael was about to say something thing but I told him to shut up. I helped Omar pack. I called his mother about the incident. My wrist was purple. I walk in kitchen and got a bag of frozen peas. My mother words echoed. If he hit or hurt you once he will do it again. I iced my wrist. "Whitney I'm sorry." I just cut him off. I just lock myself in the guess room. I cried myself to sleep. I woke up in Michael's arms. I undid his grip. I took off my ring. I let a note. 'Get help or I'm done~Whitney' I left my ring beside it. I also took off the bracelet he and I had made. I got a bag and a pack. It was 3 am. I got my car and left.
I so tired of driving. I felt so bad. I went to this hotel. I called my assistant robin. I told her where I was and everything that happen. I was having minor contractions. She told me my mom is on way. She came down because Michael called her.
I just tired to lay down and relax.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston: The king of pop and The voice Where stories live. Discover now