Grammys 1986

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Whitney pov
I woke up in Michael arms. I took a shower and got dress I was getting my make  up on.  I saw a hickies on my neck. I got ready to have breakfast with my mom. I put a scarf on to cover the hickies Michael left. I was so scared. My mom is going to kill me. I mean no we didn't have sex but that didn't mean we didn't want to and Michael human nature statement what was that. Oh I'm dead.
Michael pov
I just made it back home. I went up stairs. I took a shower. The only thing that was in my mind was Whitney. Her body, her voice and her.... I stopped and decided to call her. I put on my pjs. I got the phone and call her.
Whitney pov
I just got put the shower. I found this cute outfit. I answered. "Hello." I said. "Hey whit it me Michael." His voice rang through the phone. I thought about everything we could have done and should have done but didn't. "Hey mike." I said putting on my bra. "What are you doing?" He ask. I was putting on my panties. I was sorta out of breath. "I was running to answer the phone." I said hoping he couldn't tell I was lying. J could tell he knew. My mom and Michael are so hard for me to lie to."Quit lying.... Before I come over there and give you something."He said. "Fine was..... Getting dress." I said. Nervously. "Oh..." He said. I felt so uncomfortable. I look at the time 7:50. Me and him talk about last night and the Grammys. He was talking about stuff like Neverland. "So when are moving in?" I ask. "Probably next week." He said. "Oh that cool. Well I talk to you later.i look at the at the 8:45. "Michel I have to go my mom is expecting me for breakfast. He said goodbye. I got dress and left. I was running late but I knew my mom would be upset. I came to her hotel and went to the restaurant. I had fans walking up to me asking for my autograph. Then I say beside my mom. "I already order for both of us ." She said. I just nodded and sip on my orange juice. I apologized for being late. She look at the scarf on my neck and chuckled. "I bet you and Michael had a good time." She said ripping off my scarf. I attempted to secure it but she already saw. "Mmmmm?" She said. "Momma we didn't have sex...." I said looking at her with scared eyes. She just nodded letting me know that she believed me. We talked about what happen and the Grammys tonight. "So I know this is odd question but are you planning on do it tonight or next week when I leave. Cause if you are I'm going to need you to first is protection." I cut her off. "Mom we had this talk and I'm definitely not ready for all that.... I want to wait a while." I said looking at her. She just nodded. "Don't wait to long, I need to at least live to see my grand babies and see you and mike get married." She was rambling on. "Mom who said I was marrying Michael." I ask trying to be serious. "Girl you know you love him." She said. I just chuckles and ate my pancakes. We left and I just went home and slept. I woke up to someone knocking. I knew it was probably a make up artist but it wasn't. It was Michael. He had another custom. "Hey baby." He said. "What time is it?" I ask. "It around 4 o'clock." He said. Coming in. I was still in kinda. "I'm going to take another shower and I'll be right out." I said. Michael just nodded. I took a quick shower and got dress in some jeans and a t-shirt. I walk down to see Michael talking to someone. I look it was my mother. "Hi ma?" I said. She just look at me. "Hey baby." She said hugging me. "How are you feeling?" She ask. "Fine a little tired but so excited...." I said. "I can't. Wait." I said. Michael just kinda chuckle. "Well nippy I'm going to go in your room and get your dress ready." She said winking at me. I just giggled because she was so embarrassing. Michael came and hugged me from behind. "So we have probably about a couple of mins alone. I wanted to ask you something?" He said. I just nodded. "Are we going to wait  to go public or." He said "I think we should wait. I don't want the pressure and plus sneaking around will be fun. Can we at least go out for a month with out pals ruining every." I said. He just nodded. "I was thinking the same thing." He said. He kissed me. My mom walk in. I was upset she interrupted is until I saw the makeup artist and hair stylist was here. Michael told me he will see me at the Grammys. He gave me another peck and left. I was so nervous. My mom got my dress. While they did my make up. My dad came and supported me. I was so nervous. I thought I was going to throw up. We pulled up to the awards. I walk the red carpet. They ask me how I was feeling and stuff. I sign a couple of autograph. I saw Michael doing an interview. They ask if he we in a relationship. He told them is complicated. He saw me staring and wave me over. "Excuse I'm just such a big fan of hers." He said pointed to me. "Whitney! Michael! Come one let take a couple of pics." A photographer said. I walk over to Michael. The crown went more crazy shouting out names. I guess they were combining out name. Mitney! Wicheal! Whicheal! I couldn't help but chuckle. We just smiled and stuff. We walk to put seat my was across the room. I was kinda upset but I didn't let it show. There was times when I could feel Michael looking at me. Dionne walk over to him and talk the. Came directly to me. She told me my mom had been updating on me and mike status. She said something embarrassing because he was blushing a lot. The lights began to dim signaling it was time for the show to start.

I couldn't believe I won a Grammy

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I couldn't believe I won a Grammy. It was present by my cousin. It made even more special. I took picture. As soon as u was getting off I saw Michael walking with Stevie.

 As soon as u was getting off I saw Michael walking with Stevie

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He looked so handsome. It look like he had something on his mind. We were suppose to head to the after party. I told my driver to find Michael limo. I knew he need to talk to someone. He look so stress. I climb In his limo and told my driver to meet me at Neverland. I told Michael driver the same thing. I made sure to move out the doorways. So a when he got in he wouldn't see me. The driver open the door. Michael climb in. He hadn't notice I was there. He was too busy looking down at his hand. The driver close the door. I cleared my throat. Michael look at me smiling. "Are you okay?" I ask. His smile turn to a frown. I climb and sat next to him. "I'm fine just so frustrated." He said. "About?" I said. Looking into his deep brown eyes. "About this next album...." He said. "Michael, my mother told me.If you fail and you tried your best that all that matters." I said. I caressed his face. "You want to know something that also bothered me?" He said just above a whisper. His face inches closer to mine. "What?" I said. "I couldn't do this..." He said right before he pressed his lips to mine. He kissed my neck. "I also saw the way look at me when you song that song saving all my love...." He said. He begin to kiss me. We pulled up to Neverland. "Come on", he said pulling me into the house. The house was fully furnished everything was new. He showed me around. "And this is my room...." He said opening the door. This place was amazing. He kissed my lips. I began to take his jacket off but then I realized that we had to go this after party. "Why you stop." He ask. "The after party. It would look so suspicious of we didn't show...." I said. He just nodded. "Well then we have to continue this later...." He said. I was upset. I wanted to cry. I fix my make up. I made sure Michael wipe my lip stick off. We went to the after party separated. I had a good time but a lot of guys were hitting on me. Eddy Murphy and some creep name Bobby brown. I walk away from them. I had sip on some champagne. I felt someone hand on my shoulder t was Clive. "We'll Ms.Houston we have to work another album as you we got go.... But the way we putting I wanna dance with somebody on this one." I just nodded. "We'll have fun but not to much." He said. I just nodded again. I talk to other people and mingle. I just relaxing. Michael came and check on me. After an hour I decided to leave. I was so bored at home. I was so lonely.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston: The king of pop and The voice Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu