Dark secrets and even darkers scars

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Whitney pov Sept 11,1997 ( she's only a month along.)
I was taking to Bobbi. He wasn't coming. I waited for about an hour. I promise Michael I would come to this thing this thing for him.. He  and Diana been talking about watching videos. I walk in her house. A lot of people was there. Bobbi k was with My mom. She said she will wait for Bobbi and if he doesn't show then she take care of her. I look to see Michael and Diana whispering and chuckling. "I don't know what weirder the fact they had sex or the fact you and him are still together. Especially considering I was first kiss."Jermaine said. I was beyond pissed. "Go to hell!" I said. I saw Dionne seating beside them. I tap her shoulder. Michael was about to say something but I told her I need to talk to her alone. He sat right back down. I knew Dionne was very close to Diana Ross. I had to know. "Hey whit. What is it?" She said. "I have to know this did Michael and Diana ever?" I ask. "Well if you must know! I was his first!" Diana said. I was so shocked. "I mean he was about 18. Young and I taught him a couple things...." She said. I was beyond pissed. "Your jut like everyone else here! All of you have at one point smile and my face and pretended to be something or someone. I look up to you and I remember me and my mom came here. I told you I wanted to be a singer and blew me off. You I wasn't fit for the industry. Then you offered me a job to babysit. " I said with tears in my eyes. "Come on Whitney. It holly wood you put a smile on you face play like your friends and act like the princess you suppose to be. But when the lights are off and you alone and a young." I cut her off. "Michael was young and admired you then you broke his heart just like everyone else." Dionne said. "Dionne come down we both know how this industries do us. What about that time Clive drugged Whitney. She didn't tell you." I look at Dionne. "What?" I said. "One night you and Jermaine was at the studio. Michael wasn't your first whit. Jermaine was. Clive would slip a pill into your drink and you would go to sleep." Dionne said. "I came the next day because your mom had a bad feeling. I found you past out and Jermaine was on top of you." She said. I begin to have flash back. It was a couple of days before  we recorded if you say my eyes are beautiful. I remember waking up a little and seeing Jermaine. I mumble no. I was in tears. I couldn't breath. "Dionne. What happen?" I ask. "I pulled him off of you and took you to the hospital. You were their for a week. Most of the time you slept. When you awoken I told you were very dehydrated and for you to take t easy." She said with tears on her eyes. "Little did I know you would fall in love with Michael." She said. I was in tears. Next thing I know we heard screaming.
Michael pov
I hear it all. I saw Jermaine. He was watching they don't really care about use with a drink I his hands with out brothers. "Hey mike how wh." I cut him off to with a punch to he face. "You son of." I scream. I felt someone try to pull me off of him. I could tell it was Jackie. "Michael stop!"  Whitney scream. "Baby, he hurt you and." She cut me off. She walk toward me. "It doesn't matter lets just watch the videos relax and we can go home." She said. I could tell she was crying. I hugged her. I look at her. She was in tears. I wrapped my arms around her. I told her I love her m. We went watch countless video. She was falling asleep. I didn't mine though. Then I don't care about us came and it woke up. We just listen to it. The. She pulled to the car. "Did they treat you that bad?" She ask referring to the when I had been arrested in 1993. I just nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" She ask. "Because whit. You were pregnant with the twins. I wanted to be strong for you." I said. "Michael really! Be strong you told me to marry Bobbi! The whole time I thought I was going crazy. I wanted to be with you." She was yelling. I told the driver to drive off. Next thing I don't where she went but she hit me. "Whitney! Stop!" She wouldn't calm down. "Nippy Stop!" I grab her hands and  sat her on the ground. She was yelling me and telling me to stop. He was a monster. I kiss her. She snapped out of it. "Michael I'm sorry." She said. She had tears in her eyes. "I'm going to try to take away that pain but you need help." I said l. She nodded. I don't know why but she look cute. I kissed her neck.
Whitney pov
I don't what happen. I hit Michael. I snapped. All I could see all the things Bobby had done. Next thing I know I was thrown to the ground. "Michael I'm sorry." I said in tears. He told o have to get help. Michael gave me that million dollar smile. "So are you going to give to me or do I have to take it." He said smiling. He was saying as he kissed my neck. "Michael." I just nodded.

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