Im every woman

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Whitney pov
Clive was trying to talk me into this song. It was this country song. I told him no. He was Whitney we can change it a bit. The sound to sound like something you would do. I finally gave in. They told me they will record it next week. Michael came in. He hugged Omar, his sister and kissed Prince on the forehead. He wave to me. I wave back. "Hey so Whitney we going to I'm everywoman." Clive said. I look to see Michael holding Prince. Omar and his sister parents came and picked him up. I was getting ready to record this song. I remember doing the background vocals on this track with Chaka Kahn. It was so much fun. I invited her but she's been so busy. I begin to sing. I still was t comfortable with my body yet. I mean I just had baby. I still has a lot of weight to lose. I don't even want Michael around me. I just don't feel sexy. He was looking at me biting on his lips and stuff. I stop singing. I just didn't even feel like it. "Let's take five Whitney." Clive said. I came out and pick up my son. I just played with him. I could feel Michael staring at me. I was getting ignored after, a couple sec. "Will you stop staring the weight not going anywhere." I mumbled. I look to Michael making this face. "Clive can you watch Prince for a second." Michael said. He grab my hand. I went to the hall with him. "What?" I said. "Do you really think any women can compare with you. You so beautiful. So amazing. Baby you too sexy. If you think you having this little weight on you means your not attractive. Come here." He said. We went to another room. It look like a janitor closet. Michael what are." I said but he kissed me. I felt hand go into my jeans. He had me moaning and stuff. He pulled his hand out. "So I want ya sexy a$$ to go in there sing that song. So we can go home put little man to bed and can make love to you all night. Remind you that ya still fine." Michael said. I fix my clothes. Michael went to the bathroom. I went to hear Prince crying. I got him for Clive. I calm him down and fix him a bottle. Michael came in and just ripped my baby out of my hands. I knew he was going to be a daddy's boy. Him and Michael go everywhere and he only 3 months. I can't wait till he began to crawl. "Okay Whitney your ready?" Clive ask. I look at Michael and he wink at me. I just nodded. I went their and got ready. I told Clive to let me warm up. I wanted this to go perfect. I gave Clive a thumbs up telling him I'm ready. I begin to sing.

After 4 mins. I was done. I was so nervous to hear it. I went out and Clive told me to listen. He played it back. I was shock. I look at Michael who nodded. "We have to drop this sometime next month. Record the video tomorrow." Clive said. I said okay. Me and Michael were leaving but fans and paparazzi were outside. Michael handed me Prince. I put the blanket on top of his head. Michael tried to shield prince and I. I was holding my baby. When a photographer tried to grab the blanket from his face. Pal, Michael's bodyguard pushed him away. I ran to the car because Prince was crying. I climb in and Michael climb in. I was cradling Prince. He was screaming. Michael close the door. Pal hit the back of car to let the driver know to drive. Michael grab Prince out of my hand. I look through his diaper and found his pacifier. I gave it to Michael. He calm down. He was now happy. Michael calm him down. I was so scared. Michael grab my hand. I laid on his shoulder. I begin to fall asleep. We pulled into Neverland only to have our window being hit on. Starling Prince. The other security guards rush to prevent them from entering in the gate. I got the diaper bag. Michael took Prince inside. I was walking in. "Whitney this way!" Paparazzi yelled. I went inside. I was trying to figure out what was going on. I mean they were going crazy. I went inside. The nanny had Prince. "Michael what's going on?" I ask. "They came are telling people that you and I are expected another child." He said. I just laughed. "They gotta be joking." I said l. He just look at me. "I have got to lose this weight." I said about to go up stairs. "Wait I have this work out that may work." Michael ran after me. I laughed. We went to our room. "Michael." I said screaming his name. He kissed my lips. He threw me on the bed. "Wait you need to close the curtains." I said. He close the curtains. He took off my clothes and kiss my neck. He strip himself.

I woke up to see Michael on the balcony. I put my robe on. I saw him holding Prince. "Look up at all the stars. You know if we ever camping we can see a whole like of stars. More than this." He said. I just smiled. I could tell he was feeding Prince. He begin to talk about how many constellations they were. He was just talking to him.Telling him stories behind them. He was talking about Gods creation. I was amazed at how much he knew. I just stood their listening. Michael turn and saw me. "Oh and this is one of my favorite study. Your mom." He whispered. Jr, well Prince began to coo. Michael came and kissed me. I kissed Prince in his forehead. We spent the whole night star gazing and talking.

The next day I shot the video. I had fun. Chaka Kahn came and did the video. It was so much fun. Michael even came and supported me. Of course some of the little girls were star struck. It was so cute. Prince was with Katherine. He told me to many people. We had fun. It was entertaining.

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