The trail

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Whitney pov
I been feeling better. Micheal and I went to the doctor. "Hey mrs. Jackson how is everything." He said. "Fine." I said. "Well it looks like your stress level up and you need to take it easy. We still doing some testing but she will be free to go." He said. Micheal stared at me."okay thank you." I said. He nodded. Micheal and I walk to the car.
2 weeks
We haven't talked. The house is like a ghost town. Silence. The only noise you hear is the one where Micheal pacing. The kids are staying with Katherine, Jermaine and everyone. The nanny is with them. I think I'm pregnant. I have not told Micheal. I decided to go to the storage room. I open the door to see the crib we brought blanket. I was terrified. Tomorrow is the day we find out whether he is found guilty  or not. My husband has been hospitalized and everything. He been through hell. So have I, but not as bad as he. I went to see him. "Jermaine, I know. You have plane. I know if I'm found guilty." He said. His voice breaking. I walk in. He turn. "Umm I'll talk to you later." He said hanging up. He look like hell. "Micheal?" I said. He had his face in his hands. I pulled them away and look into his eyes. "We going to be okay. You going to be found not guilty." I said. He nodded. I kiss his lips. He laid his heart my chest. "Don't make false promises you can't keep nippy. I didn't do it but they are trying their hardest to find me guilty." He said. "I gulp. "Fine. If you hear what I think you hear then we pack up and leave this place. And I would love to have another wedding and maybe another baby." I said. He look at me. "You sure about that? I don't think we should bring anymore kids in this wicked world." He said. "Micheal just think about it. After all this heartache it will be great to have something to look forward to." I said kissing his lips. He nodded. "Fine." He said. He pick me up. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. He laid me on the bed. "And I love this new baby too." He said kissing my tummy. "How did you." He cut
Me off. "I didn't but the only time you want another one is when we are expected. Plus you just confirmed it." He said.  "Fine." I said. He kissed my lips.

"You sure you don't want me come?" I ask. "Umm no. With the baby and all." He said. We left Neverland last night. We were currently at the condo I bought. I stayed in and watch the verdict. I was a nervous wreck. Robyn and I stayed on the phone. "He didn't do this." I said. "I know let just see." She said. I had been listening to gospel music, praying, crying and reading my bible. "Nippy I have to go but I will call you later." She said. "Okay." I said. The kids were with nannies. They were watching movies. I turn on the tv. I had to know if my husband coming home. The first not guilty pop up and all the others followed. I was crying tears of joy. I watch as he left.
He looked defeated and upset. He looked lost. Upset. I breath. "Mommy?" I heard. I look to see blanket. I held out my arms for him. I had a couple of tears. "Why are you crying." He ask. "I'm happy." I said knowing that Michael was upset. He looked sad and upset. I knew he would be here soon. I was thrilled to see all his family with him. I just wish I could have been there. He looked lost. He will never be the same. "Mommy." Blanket said touching my face wiping my tears. "Let ugh go get some ice cream." I said. He smiled. I kiss his forehead. I got up and walk down to see the kids watching a movie. The nannies got up and approached me. "Blanket go sit with your brothers and sisters." I said he nodded. They followed me to a near by room. "Is he." I cut him off. "He was found not guilty on all counts." I said with tears streaming down my face. They smiled.

Michael pov
I couldn't believe it happen again. I could be lock up for something I didn't do. They read all count and I was kinda zone out. How's nippy going to raise the kids. How am I going to explain it to them when they are older. I turn to see my lawyer smiling. I hadn't heard anything. He whispered in my ear. "Your a free man." He said. Little do he know I never be free. I'm always trapped. Trapped by the Media and lie upon. I walk out the court with my family on my side. My mother and I got in the car. "I will never trust anyone ever again." I mumble. "Are we going back to Neverland?" Latoya ask. "No, we going to the condo me and nippy are staying at." I said coldly. Part of me died that day. The will to open up. I have been stab to many time. "God help." I mumble.
Whitney pov
"Why don't we get some ice cream?" Grace said. I didn't want the kids to be around when Micheal came home. I could tell he was upset. "Yay can we go to the park too?" Paris said. She had my mom hazel eyes. While her sister had more of a blue shade like Joseph. Grace look at me. I nodded. "Okay you guys go get ready." She said. They smiled. Bobbi Kristina went and hug me. "Love you mommy." She said. "Love ya too. Stay close to grace and Nancy! Don't talk to strangers!" I yelled. "Okay. Mommy!"  They all yelled. Mj came down. "Look out for your brother and sisters." I said. He nodded. "Is daddy coming here?" He ask. Micheal talk with him and said he might not come home. He said he was going a little trip and he don't want him to see him where he going. He told him to be strong and when he is older, he explain more to him. "Yea he be here soon." I said. "Are we going back to Neverland?" Nicole ask. "No we can never go back there again." I said. "Why not?" The kids whine. "It's not the same as it once was. A lot of thing happen there that make me upset okay!" I kinda yelled. Making the kids  jump. "I'm sorry." I said. I kiss them and gave them a hug. They left with the maid. I went and fixed myself. Making sure you couldn't tell I was crying. I clean up the theater. I didn't want the maid to do it. I need to help to relaxed. I heard the door open, just as I finished cleaning. I saw Micheal, his siblings  and parents. I walk out. I hugged him but he didn't return the embrace. I look in his eyes and saw he was broken. I kiss his lips. "Micheal why don't you go lay down and relax." Katherine  said. "No I'm fine. Where are the kids." He said. "They are at the park with Nancy and Grace." I said. "That's good." He said. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He rub my neck. His mother and for the first time ever Joseph had fear. I turn to see Michael. He had this face of anger. I took a step back. "Baby everything okay." I ask. He nodded. "I'm fine just a little upset." He said and walk away. "Nippy I don't think Micheal is okay?" Jermaine  said softly. "He looked mad and upset. He hasn't he the same." His mom said. I nodded. He came back in the room with a glass of whiskey. "You guys want something to drink, brothers." He said. Walking in front of me like a lion ready to attack.  "Umm sure." They all said. He had been through a lot. They guys followed him to the den. I whisper to Jermaine and Joseph to make sure he don't drink to much.

A/n:  next chapter Michael's  melt down

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