Mix emotions

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Whitney pov a couple weeks later
I have been finishing touring. I'm so grateful and getting ready to shoot the movie the Cinderella. I been relaxing and having fun. Michael invited me to Moscow. He shooting a video for the song stranger in Moscow. I been so busy mentoring brandy. Also planning a big tour that I haven't been with Michael a lot. I told him I can't come he was upset. He really wanted me to go. I deicide to surprise I told pal to make an excuse for the plane delay take off and I will dress like a flight attendant and surprise him. He agreed. I got a uniform  it was costume. It was hard to fine. I met the pilot and a couple of other people. The section was filled with 2 captions and 1 flight attendant. Then of course his 3 bodyguards. They were so excited and said Michael is going to be shock. He came and set down and they brief him on all the necessary procedures. He look so upset. I could tell by his face. I chuckle knowing he hated I wasn't there. He ask on of the attendance for a drink. I brought him his wine. He didn't even look up. He look so upset. I sat on his lap. He shot me a look of anger but when he saw it was me he smiled. "Nip! I thought you couldn't come." He said standing up holding me. "Well I wanted to come and support plus I lied. I just wanted to surprise you...." I said kissing his lips. "Mm. Maybe you can surprise me later...." He said. He kiss my lips. "Okay put me down." I said. He laughed and sat me in his lap. "I'm serious." I said. "Well we have almost an 10 hour, flight so." He said. He close the section between them. He kissed my neck. "Mike!!" I said laughing. "Whit!" He said kissing neck and pushing up my skirt.

I woke up. I got ready. Michael was fully dress but asleep. I got in the seat beside him. Next thing I know. I hear. "It's is raining. We going to have a bumpy land. Put on your seat belts and remain calm." I hear the pilot say. I sat on the seat next to Michael. I buckle my seat belt and kick Michael. He woke up and look at me crazy. "What?!" He said tiredly. "It going to be a bumpy landed put on your seat belt:" I said. He did. I knew he was terrified. He hated to fly. I grab his hand. Then he said something that had thrown me off. "If I don't make it: I want you to know I will always love you...." He said. "Apple-head don't do this now, we going to make it." I said. He nodded. I was nervous. He kiss my lips. I think it help calm down out nerves. We didn't realize that the plane landed. We got off in the rain. Michael told me to go to the hotel and he'll be there later. I check in and just nodded. I took shower and relaxed. I had something special. I called the kids and Clive. He was upset I went but I didn't care. I watch tv. Next thing I know I hear chanting out side the hotel. I knew Michael was their. I look out the window amazed at how many people were put there. He sign a couple autographs and took a few pictures. I smile. I knew it he was going to need a towel. I order him some tea. I look to see the door open. He looked a mess.

He was soaked

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He was soaked. I handed him the towel. He look at me. "You okay?" I ask. He nodded. I could tell he was freezing. I told him he can take a shower or change because I put his clothes on the bed. He laughed and pick me up. I told him to stop. "Whit! It just a little water.... Or you don't want to get wet?" He said. He kiss my lips. "Mmmm Michael." I said moaning. "If we don't stop your going be having another baby?!" He said. I was shocked. I haven't told anyone but I am. He pulled away and look at my face. "Whitney what is a matter?" He said. "I'm pregnant." I said. He smiled. "Well looks like we got another one on the way...." He kissed me. I was a little upset. I mean this is our fourth child together. I was so nervous. I look at him. He was in deep thought. "Mike?" I said. "Marry me?" He said. "What?" I said taken back. "Whitney Elizabeth Houston, I love you with all my heart. Your are the mother of children. The only woman I love. I want to marry you." He said. "Okay yes!" I said but in my head all I could think can we do this. I mean I love Michael but I'm terrified. He ended thing over fear and I don't want that. I don't want to every be hurt again. We made passionately love but I couldn't get this question out of my head. I ask God to show me. I was dreaming. I walk to the door and open it. I was standing there with Michael but he wasn't the same. He fainted. He seem off. But it was like I wasn't there. I was screaming. I woke up. I knew what it meant. We need each other. Even when it get bad and I need to tell him never push me away again or anything. I woke up to see him ordering room service. "Yes that will be fine." He said. He east along vey deep. I just listening because it funny when people don't realize it him calling. He is very good at that. He can sound like he can do anything. I look up and saw him smiling. I smiled back. "Good morning." I said stretching. I was sitting up but I didn't realize how sore I was. "Ouch!" I said. Michael was reading something. He snapped his head up and look at me. "Whit?" He said. "I'm fine just a little sore." I said nodding my head. "Oh?" He said. "I'll run you a nice warm bath...." He said. I just nodded and relax. I was beginning to feel sick. I grab the trash can and threw up. I felt someone pulling my hair back. "Whit just relax."he said. I just nodded. He got me a water. I laid back and curl into a ball. Oddly so terrible. I knew today was one of my worst days. I drunk some water. I laid down and relax. He told me that my water was ready. He carried me into the restroom. I wasn't dressed. He sat me in the water. I felt immediately relief. He rub my forehead. I was so relax. He kissed my forehead. He begin to sing a song I was suppose to do with him. I just can't stop loving you. I join him in singing it. Then he ask why I couldn't do the duet? "Yea, it just that. Clive thought it should over expose me and stuff like that....." I said. He looked at me. He was hurt and upset. He kissed my forehead and told me to relax.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston: The king of pop and The voice Where stories live. Discover now