The secret addiction

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1 month later
Whitney pov
I was cleaning out Micheal office. We just got down with blanket birthday. The twin are about to have a birthday coming up. I was trying to get ride of some stuff. I wanted 1999 to be the best year. I was cleaning the house every inch of it. I organizing and stuff. I was dusting off a painting but it fallen off. It was one of mountains and landscapes. I was beyond shock. The combination was on the back. I open it to see some money and stuff. Then I saw a backpack. I open it to see nothing but pills. I read the labels. Micheal Jackson. Some were for pain, some for insomnia and other for depression/anxieties. I had to look up insomnia. "Inability to sleep." I said under my breath. The nanny came in with Prince. I put up all the stuff. I grab my son. I told her to take the day off. She thanked me and told me call her if I needed her. I nodded. Prince was just trying to grab stuff. I turn him around. "Why don't we go see if your dad lying about some stuff." I said. He smiled and said dada. He clapped his hands. I walk to the security cameras. Their was one outside our room. I rewind it to about 5 months ago. Micheal was taking pills before coming to the room. "What the hell." I zoom in to see if I was in the room. I was looking on the other tapes. I was in the kids room. He walk to the kids the room. I got hit with a flashback. "You guys all ready for bed?" Micheal ask. He
was kinda sluggish. I didn't say anything in front of the kids. We went back to our room and I ask him. "Are you drunk or something. Any medicine?" I said. He said do I just over work my self. I nodded.
I was beyond upset. I skip a head to about 3 weeks ago. When he passed out on me. I was cleaning up. Micheal was kinda zone out. All the sudden he collapsed. I woke him up and told him to get in the couch. He told me okay. Told me he was tired. I told him to go to the doctor. I was beyond pissed. I grab the bag of pills and called Katherine. I called Micheal at the studio and told him to meet me at Havenhurst. I pack up some baby food and stuff. I put blanket in his car seat. The paparazzi was snapping pictures. I put the pills in my purse. I got the kids from school. It was the twin birthday. They were having a birthday sleep over this weekend. I put them all in there booster seats. Prince was the only one. He told me he wasn't feeling good. He was a little warm. I pulled up at heaven guest. I got blanket. Prince was clingy. He hated being sick. I ring the door bell. Joe answered the door. "Grandpa Joe!" The girls rang to him. "Hey. Have y'all been good. Hey little man. Prince what a matter with you?" He said. "He says he not feeling well." I said. He nodded and let us in. He told the twins happy birthday. Latoya was here so I gave blanket to her and went to deal with my sick baby. I had the back of pills with me. I took him to Michael's old room. I found Katherine in the kitchen cooking. I ask for a thermometer. She ask who is it for. "Prince." I said. He walk to the kitchen entrance. Next think I know his cheek are a little red. He was giving the look like I think I'm going to. I pick him up and ran him to the nearest restroom. I had him over the toilet. He threw up. He was crying. I rubbed his back trying to sooth him. After a couple of minutes he stop vomiting. I felt his forehead he was burning up. Katherine brought me a wet towel. I flushed the toilet. I made sure it was clean. He rinse his mouth out. I took him in put him in Michael's room. I took him temp. 102.7. I got him some cold water. I look in the baby bag. I was so relieved to find some children's medicine. I read it make sure it had most of the symptoms. "Is your tummy hurting?" I ask. He said no. He said this throat hurt and he don't feel good. I heard a knock. It was Micheal. "What matter?" He said walking in the room. I had the left the bag down stairs in the kitchen. I put them up high. "Prince is sick." I said. "Ow my little man." He said caressing his cheek. I made him sit up. Katherine brought in some soup. He ate quite a few but not much. He took his medicine. He didn't want me to leave his side. He felt asleep. I came downstairs. I went to the kitchen. I asked Micheal to watch the kids. His family followed me to the kitchen. "Nippy what wrong?" Latoya said. "Your brother had a problem." I said. I sat out all the medicine. "Nippy is this an intervention." Janet said. I nodded. "About three weeks ago he collapsed. In the kitchen." I said. "Okay well lets do this when the kids are outside. I nodded.

The kids was with the nannies. "Micheal?" I said. "Yes." He said aiming down the stairs. I pulled out all the medicine. "What is all this?" I said. "Whitney... where did you?" I cut him off. "Let talk about this." I said. "Fine I will explain. I need them. I've have had anxiety attacks, and I can hardly sleep." He said. "Then try. You are abusing these drugs." I said. I played the video. "Really you spied on me?" He said. "No she just concern." Katherine said. Joseph nodded. "Well don't be." He said walking to another bedroom. "Micheal." I followed him. He had this look in his eyes. "Micheal please talk to me." I said. "Whitney just leave." He yelled at me. "No I'm here not matter what for better or worst, Sickness and in health, and rich or poor." I said. "Whitney leave." He said coldly. The door was shut. "Micheal talk to me tell me what wrong." I touch his shoulder. "Leave me alone." He shove me off. I hit the wall. I guess they heard the commotion. Micheal look shocked at what he done. "Baby I'm sorry." He said reaching down. I look down to see blood. Janet rush to my side. My nose was bleeding. "What did you do?" Katherine said. He was silent. "Mommy!" I heard someone yell. I look like to see Prince. He must have heard the commotion. I got up and and got him. I put him in bed. "Mommy?" He said as I went to the bathroom. I clean off the blood. I tilted my head back."mhmm." I said. "Did daddy do that?" He ask with a raspy voice. I could tell he was sick. "Umm it was accident. He didn't." He cut me off. "Yea but just because it was an accident doesn't mean it won't happen again." He said kinda upset. "I know." I kiss his forehead. "Now you get some sleep and I'm going to talk to daddy. See if we can help him, okay?" I said.He nodded. My nose stop bleeding. I went back to the room. Micheal was sitting on his bed. Joseph talking to him. "Micheal go get help." He said. He nodded. "Fine. Your right. I am addicted. I've been doing this for so long." I cut him off. "How long?" Katherine and I ask. "Since thriller." He said. I nodded. "Whitney I'm so sorry I didn't mean." I cut him off. "Just get help. Go to rehab." I said. He nodded. "Time to get over this secret addiction." He mumbled. We nodded. We went to dinner. He went to talk to prince. I stood in the door way. Prince told him to promise he will never do it again. He promise. He kiss his head. He took his temp. "Well your fever down a bit now you 100.2." He said. Prince nodded. I gave him so more water and he went to sleep. We stayed the night. Luckily the kids had a couple of clothes. "I probably need to go." He cut me off. "No you don't." He showed me. He brought me some of his old pj. "I'm so sorry." He said kissing my neck. "Micheal?" I said. "Mhmm." He said. "What are you doing?" I said. "Mhmm. Well let's see..." he said picking me up. "Micheal." I said. "Let me make it up too I'm sorry." He said. "Fine but if you have another secret addition tell me." I said. "Yea I do and that is making love to my beautiful, talented wife." He said. I smiled.

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