When The Twins Refuse To Eat Their Food

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(A/N: This is requested by Kute_Kittenwrites. I'm back, guys! Sorry for the delay! Here's another boyfriend or maybe so called husband scenario and I've been caught up with my schedule for the past two weeks (I think?) so I hope you guys understand *bows head*. Also, this scenario is something that I haven't done before so always, I hope you guys do enjoy and happy reading! ^^)

"(Y/N), I'm here. Tch, sorry if I'm a bit late"

I looked to see Levi wearing his white polo shirt and black pants along with his black coat or blazer that he's holding over his shoulder.

His expression was tiring but he did frown a little bit just how stressed he is right now from the meeting that he just went to. 

So much for a weekend but atleast he was able to get home eventually just to see me and the twins.

I'm sure they missed him so much since they're always staying in the other room beside the office or my family's house in Wall Sina but they only stay there if expeditions are going to be held in a day or two and other reasons.

I stood up from the couch leaving the twins doing there thing (they're playing with a stuffed bear which is a gift from Krista) and approached him with a smile.

"It's fine, Levi. Did something happened during the meeting?", I asked before we could lean for a chaste kiss (the twins didn't see it since they're too enticed with the stuffed bear).

"Hmm? No, not exactly", he said as he approached the twins and hugged them both, "It was crowded in the district that we're in and what makes matter worse, well, let's say we were caught in traffic for about an hour. I thought I would be able to get home early just to see you and the twins, tch".

I sweat dropped from his rambling and when I checked the clock, it's almost seven in the evening. 

"Oh, perfect! Actually, I'm glad you arrived in time because we actually haven't ate dinner yet and speaking of which, I think it's in the mess hall. I'll be right back", I said and kissed his cheek before leaving the office.

Before I was about to leave the office, my arm was being grabbed by Levi's just to attempt to stop me from my tracks.

"No need to get it, hun. We'll just eat it there straight away. I'm sure the twins would love visiting the mess hall, is that right?", he said and patted Isabelle and Leon's head with his palm.

"Er, hehe. You're right, let's go!"

With that, Levi and I gathered the twins and head towards the mess hall so we could eat our dinner as a family.


When we arrived inside the mess hall, it was empty except a few cadets were cleaning up and immediately informed us that some male cadet and his gang were really drunk and trashed the place which almost made Levi pissed off but good thing he didn't let it out that much.

We prepared our food and set it down on our very own table. Each twin was beside us and Levi prepared table napkins on the table as well.

"Alright, the food is here. Mmm, it even smells delicious. This is meat and vegetable soup, I think?", I said as I grabbed the spoon from the table.

"Yeah, it is. It's listed for today's menu. The cadets say it's really good though and I just hope they are right about that", said Levi as he grabbed his own spoon too as he examined the soup.

Meanwhile, the twins were scanning the bowls on the table and for some reason, they started staring at it with a weird expression (ex. frowning) which Levi and I hadn't notice while we were taking sip of the soup.

And it turns out, the soup was indeed delicious just like the other cadets said and I think I'll thank whoever cooked this later.

"Hmm, not bad. I guess they were right afterall", said Levi as he kept on drinking the soup and started eating the meat and vegetables.

I agreed with a nod and I looked over to the twins. I grabbed one of their spoons and dipped it on their bowl (Note: They're sharing one bowl).

I blew the spoon so it wouldn't be too hot and decided to serve it to Isabelle first.

"Okay, Isabelle. Say ahh~ This is soup and it's really good for you. It will make you warm since it's a bit cold lately due to weather conditions", I said with a kind smile.

Isabelle examined the spoon and for some reason, she backed away. I gave her a strange look and I was thinking if I was imagining it or what but when I attempt to feed her again, she turned left or right.

That's odd. She never does this before. Never. I wonder why.

I looked over to Levi and it looks the result was about the same. He tried to feed Leon but looks like he backed away too. 

I sighed and thought that maybe they like my home-cooked meals that I served them ever since they were two (Note: They're 3-4 years old right now).

I tried to think of a way to solve this problem but instead, Levi spoke up.

"If you finish your meal, you'll become strong and healthy like me and your mother", said Levi and patted both of their heads.

Both of the twins eyes were sparkling and looked directly at Levi with their cute smiles.

Now that I think about it. Lately, the twins were admiring our skills ever since they started watching us exercise or train outside the headquarters especially Levi's.

I even catch them imitating Levi's moves using a stick or small pillow as a sword so they could imagine themselves fighting with skill like he does which I find it cute most of the time.

"Like you and mommy?", both of the twins said in unison.

Levi smiled at both of them and gave them a reluctant nod, "Of course, you guys want to be strong someday right?".

The twins looked at each other and without any hesitation at all, both of them pointed their mouths for us playfully which is a sign for saying ahh~ or 'I want food'.

With that, both me and Levi looked at each other with a smile and finally solved our problem as we resumed our family dinner time before they would proceed to their bedtime while we have our time to ourselves (probably cuddling perhaps).

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