When He and Your Ex Fight

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(A/N: This is requested by Inastasia. Woah, this is the third time writing about your ex-boyfriend in this book and it was quite a challenge while I was typing away on my keyboard but in the end, I was able to finish it *wipes sweat*. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and this is my first time writing this sort of thing just by reading the title. Also, sorry for the slow updates because apparently, my schedule is rather busy at the moment (*ahem* school *ahem*) and I have exams coming up so I hope you guys understand what I'm going through. But I'll do my best to update as much as possible! If you have any concerns at all like errors and misspellings, just let me know in the comments section down below. Happy reading, folks! ^^)


All the scouts lined outside the training grounds stood up straight and stayed firmed as Commander Erwin walked swiftly from left to right.

"Today is rather hasty. We have may to extend our training starting next week", said Commander Erwin with a sigh of disasproval.

All the cadet's eyes widened at his sudden announcement and started turning their heads with the others just to comment or murmur.

Once again, Commander Erwin sighed, but it's longer this time, and wiped the side of his left eyebrow.

"I know how you all feel but some of you are slacking off. Especially the new recruits that we gathered last week", said Commander Erwin in a serious tone, "Whether you like to train or not, you have to. So please, participate our daily exercises and don't slack off".

Everyone's foreheads was already covered in sweat as they felt the intimidation towards their own Commander, standing in front of them with his bushy eyebrows and blue orbs.

"Understood?!", he exclaimed, feeling somewhat angry.

"Y-Yes, sir!!!"

Everyone gulped and Commander Erwin left with a sigh as he went back to the headquarters feeling stressed of all that's happening right now.

I looked over Eren and the rest at my left side and they seem a little bit intimidated from Commander Erwin as well especially Connie.

"Man, I didn't think I'd ever see the day witnessing THE Commander Erwin so pissed off", Jean commented as he coughed awkwardly.

"You said it. He seemed calm most of the time but nowadays, I've always wondered how the Commander looks like when he's really pissed off", said Connie and blink continuously.

"Now you know, Connie. Although, doesn't the Commander get mad and loud during expeditions?", Armin replied and sighed.

I shook my head with a sympathetic smile as they continued their conversation and followed the crowd of cadets as they walk all the way inside the headquarters.

I just hope the day doesn't get any worse from here. Otherwise, Commander Erwin's eyebrows might get thicker and thicker or worse, bushier (Lol).

TIME SKIP (Brought you by Levi drenching himself with water, shirtless but surrounded by a lot of cleaning supplies like mops, brooms, and Windex bottles - omg xD)

After witnessing Commander Erwin frowning his majestic eyebrows and using his loud and mighty voice, he decided to cut our day short for today since he's already feeling stressed from all the problems that's laid on his lap including the announcement of extending our training hours starting next week.

Of course, after that surprising announcement of his, everyone sighed with relief and started doing their own thing for the rest of the day.

Since it's already been decided by Commander Erwin himself, Levi took the opportunity for us to go on a date together while the kids are gonna hang out with Eren, Mikasa and Armin inside the headquarters.

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