When You Annoy Him For Fun/When You Tease Him

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(A/N: This has got to be one of you're moments with Levi where you just love to mess with him but in a good way, lol. Anyways, here's another boyfriend scenario guys and this is something I've wanted to try last year but I didn't consider the idea at first. So, hope you guys enjoy and happy reading, folks :3)

It's finally my day off today and thank goodness my duties as a Survey Corp cadet is over for this week. 

This week's activities were quite stressing yet worth it at the same time but the funny thing is probably Connie's jokes about horses and I can't stop laughing especially Eren (*ahem* Jean *ahem**ahem* Okay, sorry Jean)

Since it's my day off, I will get a chance to spend my time with my husband and my kids! 

But for some reason, I haven't gotten a clue on what I'll do today. 

Well, let's find out, shall we?

A few hours had passed by right after I got of the bed, I already ate breakfast with my family and I was able to teach the twins a thing or two about our headquarters inside the office.

"Oh! So, if there's something going on in town, all of you would go there straight away?", asked Leon.

I nodded simply and kissed his forehead, "Yes, Leon. Especially if it's an emergency and besides, if it's something serious would get there right away".

"Oooh~ So that's why we didn't see you and dad here! You were out there fighting titans! Were they scary, mom?", said Isabelle and jumped up and down.

I sighed and patted her head, "Well, from my experience, they are-"

I stopped talking when Hanji entered the office and a lot of sweat was covering her whole face.

"Oh, there you are, Hanji! And...what happened to you? You look tired", I said with a worry as I got up from my seat.

"Haha, sorry. I was in a little bit of something back in my lab. Anyways, where's your kiddies?~", she said excitedly.

The twins got out of the couch and ran towards Hanji while raising their arms for a welcoming and warm hug.

"Aunt Hanji!"

Oh yeah, they still can't stop calling her that. I better tell them soon that she's not exactly my sister or anything.

They gave Hanji a big hug which she returned quickly and I said, "Okay, I'll see you later guys. I hope you get to learn a lot today with Hanji".

The twins looked at me with a nod and replied, "We will, mom!".

I kissed their heads and faced Hanji saying, "Please do take care of them. They are starting to get a little rowdy nowadays but I can't help but find it cute".

Hanji laughed and patted my shoulder, "Well, said. Just leave to me, my friend. See ya!".

With that, they left the office and I'm completely alone with Levi, who is actually in the bedroom this whole time sleeping.

I better see if he's up or not.

I went to the bedroom with a bit of excitement and found him sleeping peacefully while being shirtless.

I giggled while tip toeing towards him quietly with a grin and I can't help but finding this quite exciting.

'Hehe, I must admit though. He does look cute when he's sleeping even though he kept denying it all the time', I thought and admire his facial features, 'and I can't help but kiss him too'.

Levi Boyfriend / Husband Scenarios (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now