When Your Ex Joins The Survey Corps

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(A/N: This is requested by RichmaryDelaCruz. Hiya everyone, it's your author MegaBlazethecat and I have here yet another boyfriend scenario of Levi but only this time, your ex-boyfriend (whoever you want his name to be) is back once again. Tell me what you think about this scenario guys cause' I think I overdid it. If you have any concerns about this, let me know right away so I can improve it which also includes my future stories. As always, I hope you guys enjoy this scenario and happy reading~! 😄)  


Everyone stood up straight and saluted in sync as soon as Commander Erwin and the higher ups stood in front of us.

It's six in the morning and a few hours back, Hanji told every cadet to go to our assembly area outside the headquarters because Commander Erwin wanted introduce to us our new comrades, who are fresh graduates from the trainee corp held by Keith Shadis.

"I'm sure everyone got the message from Hanji, am I correct?", said Commander Erwin and looked to his right to see all the fresh graduated cadets, "These cadets that we have here today will be our new recruits, everyone step forward".

The new cadets obeyed and moved forward by a few steps before saluting.

"We are the 106th cadet corp!", said the new cadet with gray eyes and glasses, "As of today, we will be your new comrades. I hope we all get along and work together to protect humanity".

All of us saluted back and when I observed the 106th cadet corp, they are about 30 people who looked like the same age as me while some looked like 15-17 years old.

'That's a lot of recruits...-Eh?'

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone who looked very familiar and when I tried to process who that person is, my eyes widened in an instant.

'What the...is that (B/N)? No, it can't be...' (A/N: Use any boy name you wish to insert :3)

I shook my head and convince myself that isn't the same ex-boyfriend that cheated on me with another girl years ago.

I opened my eyes again and I can still see (B/N) from the distance together with the other recruits.

'So, it's not a dream after all. I can't believe my ex-boyfriend is here to join THE Survey corps. Why did he joined the military all of a sudden?! Wait...don't tell me-'

In a split second, our eyes met and my heart has stopped from the moment he saw my presence from afar.

What he did next was that he gave me an innocent smile - even though it doesn't look innocent to me - and winked.

'Oh no, I knew it...'

"Okay, that's all for this morning assembly and you may all have your free time for one hour. Make sure to be back here for training under Corporal Levi, understood?", said Commander Erwin.

"Sir yes sir!!!", all of us said.

'Sir no sir, I have to get out of here-'

One by one, everyone started leaving the formation including the higher ups and used their time wisely by going to random parts of the organization, spend time with others and eat food - that includes Sasha and her boyfriend, Connie.

"What do you want to do guys? We have one hour to spend!", said Krista with excitement.

"How about we prank Jean? I heard he's going to the stables to take a nap", said Eren, "Wanna head there?".

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