Don't Forget About Me

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  One Day we're gonna look back on this moment in our life as such a sweet time of grieving. We'll see that we were in mourning and our heart was broken, but at the same time, your life was changing.

"Release the clamps," I tell Bokie.

"Take him off the monitor."

With latex gloves, and a cotton gown wrapped around my waist. The silver instruments glistened from the lights, including the clear tubing exiting the patient's mouth.

"Slowly, inject adrenaline."

We waited for what seemed like hours, yet the patient's heart was not responding to the medicine.

"I need a crash cart," I said calmly.

Grabbing the rubber handles, I slide the two metal plates in between his heart before shocking it back to life.

"There you go.," Ben said as he watched the monitor.

"The heart transplant is done.."

Taking off my gloves, another new set was slipped on.

"Suture kit." Opening my hand, I wait for the needle and wire.

"No, I'll close him," Bokie said.

"It's fine Bokie.."

"You, go see you're husband.." Taking the suture kit from the technician's hands, I remove the gloves, and my scrub cap before thanking her.

After pushing the second door open, I see Derek sitting down on a bench.

"How was the surgery?" He asked.

"Alright...The patients going to make it."

"That's great.."

"I just hope he doesn't ruin them by the time he gets back into his smoking habits.."

"...yeah, that would be a waste.."

Taking my hair down from the braids, I take off my shoe covers and throw them in the trash.

"Wanna go get some coffee?"

"Yeah, sure.." I whisper.

Going up the emergency stairs, we headed over to the coffee stand just in front of the information desk.

"So, I heard Callie's practicing on the nerve graph?" I tell him, grabbing my coffee.

"Yeah, she wants to see if I can find a donor..but the only thing that's on the list is my sisters. And I don't want to put you through anything right now.."

"Derek...this is your hand, we're talking about. Forgot about what I think, and what they did to me for a minute. A doctor told you he could give you 80% of your hand back, yet Callie is giving you everything she has. I'd take it.."

"What about all of this? You can't deal with any more stress because of Lexie and Mark.."

"Lexie's gone..and Mark..Just call them. Because I can't work in Neuro without you...And neither can Harvard."

"Who told you about Harvard?"

"I took a wild guess when they gave me a call to go and work for them..alongside my brother.."

"So are you going?"

"I don't know, I should wait and see who they put in for Head of Plastic Surgery. But..maybe."

"Meredith yelled at me yesterday because I wanted to go.."

"Well, I can't blame her either. You're building her a beautiful house on a beautiful piece of land. I wouldn't want to throw all of that away, for Harvard."

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