Once More...

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Elena's POV

Folding up my clothes in the laundry room, Theo crawls into the basket beside me.

"What are you doing here, silly goose?" Bending back down to get more clothes, I keep folding them until they are neatly stacked.

"Okay kid, I gotta put these up," I say as he laughs for a while.

"Oh, you think that's funny?" Setting the clothes back down, I swoop Theo into my arms.

"You think that's funny?" Tickling him all over, he twists and curls before hysterically laughing.


Hearing Ethan's boots hit the wooden floor, he peaks his head in.

"What is going on in here?"

"Oh, nothing. He just keeps laughing." I say.

Tickling him some more I bring him close to my chest and hug him tightly.

"You wanna go play?" I ask him as he smiles up at me.

"I'll put up the laundry...the both of you go and settle this situation. Weirdly enough?"

"Thank you." I say kissing his lips and walking out to the living room.


"That's a cat. What sound does a cat make?" I ask Ethan who was placing his hands around a picture book full of animals.


"Good job! And what about a cow?"


Hitting the book repeatably with excitement, Ethan comes back into the living room.

"He's starting to speak?" He asked.

"Well not officially. But he gets some things."

"Has he said his first word?"

"Yeah, Dada."

Watching as Theo crawled to the other toys in the room, he starts to wobble when he uses his stroller cart.

"He's grown so much...what is her like 3 years old?"

"Mark told me that in his family the men told to grown up faster...so maybe. But he's like 5 months right now."

Crawling over to Ethan and me, he reaches his arms to us before picking him up and sitting him on my lap.

"Have you looked at any house is Switzerland?" He asks.

"Um, yeah. Some of them are pretty close to the Hospital, and other are far enough away not to hear the highways."

"There's highways?"

"Yes, there are highways. I'm not going to Greenland? They have technology." I joke.

"I know, I just...I don't want you to leave. I know that you don't want anyone to influence your decision on leaving-, and I think it's a great opportunity for you to save more lives in Europe. But, you have family here, people that care for you and love you."

"...I know, but how will I ever branch out and make something out of my career if I just stay here in Seattle my entire life? I want Theo to see the world before he's 10 years old. I want to give him a lifetime of adventures."

"I know, but sometimes it's good to stay near home."

"Coming from someone who traveled 14 hours to work here in Seattle. Don't you miss England?"

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