The Untold Truth

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Waiting for the elevator on my floor, Riggs comes up from behind me.

"Hey, you going down to the E.R.?" He asked with his Aussie accent.

"Yeah, if the doors could open fast enough."

"How are you?" He asked.

"Good, Jackson came over. We fixed everything..."

"You two are alike, you fight together, and you work it out."

"Yeah, recently it feels like all we have been doing is enjoying life...and this hits us like a truck."

"Like semi?"

"...Too soon." I whispered as the elevator door opens and Arizona and Alex stand in front of me.

 "Elena...Hi, uh, Good Morning." She said with a smile.

"Um, we're gonna take the next one," I tell Riggs.

 "Oh, okay."

Crossing my arms in front of me, I look at Arizona until the doors close.


"Shepherd! We need you!" Hunt yelled as he ran outside.

"On it!"

Running outside with Ben and Edwards following behind, the ambulance was just down the road.

"What do we have?" I asked.

"Ashley Hughes, 21, crush injuries with bilateral hip dislocations. Good distal pulses." The EMT said.

"How'd it happen?"

"Fell on me," Ashley grunted.

"What? What fell on you?" I asked as I kept my back to the ambulance.

Checking on Ashley's eyes, one minute there was light and the next it was dark.

"Why'd it just get dark?" I blurted out.

"I did." 

Turning around slowly, I look directly in front of me to see the stomach of someone wearing a blue shirt.


"Uh, you okay there?" Ben asked.

Taking a step back, I could finally see the entire person.

He had a small gash on the side of his head wrapped with a long strip of gauze.

"You're bleeding pretty bad from that head lac," I asked.

"Don't worry about me. Just make sure she's okay."

"Let's get her inside. Somebody page Torres!"


Stepping out of the Trauma 2, I walked over to Ben who was preparing my tray to the head lac patient right outside.

"Okay, so your injuries are not as bad, but Ashley's are pretty severe. Can you walk us through exactly what happened?" Hunt asked as he joined us later.

"I don't really think that's...I mean, you know, Ashley, she's...a lady."

"Mm-hmm, and you and the lady were..."

Cutting off the stitches that I sewed through his head, I put away the scissors.

"Listen, I have a son. I have seen everything, smelled everything, and heard everything. Don't be shy." I whispered.

"I don't want to kiss and tell."

Casually looking over at Ben, I grab one of the swabs from the tray.

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