She's Used To Be Mine

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"The body has approximately 11 organ systems, all doing different things at the same time. In order to keep us functioning, or,  alive. They need one voice. A leader, a master, and in our brains, that job belongs to the pituitary gland." I said as I cut open the skull of a cadaver in the new anatomy lab.

Extending the flesh and removing the skull fracture, I present the interns a freshly new brain. 

"The pituitary gland communicates with all of the other glands, telling them when to produce the vital hormones we need to function."

Walking around the lab, all of the interns are in pairs of four as they try to remove the skin from the bone, before sawing the frontal part of the brain open.

"There's no denying it. It has the toughest job in the place." I whisper as I helped a few of the interns out.

"Hey, Elena. Can I talk to you?" Meredith asked.

"I'll be right back, don't cut too deep you'll puncture the frontal lobe.

"Hey, what's up?" Coming out of the room, Maggie, Amelia, and Alex are all waiting outside.

"Webber needs one of us to walk Bailey into her surprise breakfast thing this morning."

"Not I."

"No, thanks."

"I have surgery." Amelia says as Meredith and I stare at her.


"Then why are you here?" I questioned.

"I don't want to see Owen."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, Elena...can you?"

"I have to teach this Anatomy class Bailey wanted me to do."

"What about after?"

"I have rounds with a new intern of mine."

"Oh, is it the blonde?" Alex asks as he peeks inside the room.

"No, why?"

"Because he looks stupid. And you are not stupid." He whispers before kissing the top of my head and running off.


"Fine. I hate all of you." Meredith hisses before leaving the hallways and I go back inside my class.


Walking down the hall, I give one of the nurse's my files for my post-op patient, when Callie comes up from behind me.

"Hey, you going to the attendings meeting?"

"That's today?"

"Yeah, it's Bailey's surprise party." She whispers quietly.

"Um, yeah, sure."

"Okay, let's go."

Turning the corner, she opens the door to the conference room where everyone is waiting for Bailey to come in.

"Hey, guys," Callie says as we stand near Maggie and Amelia.

Sitting up on the wooden table behind me, I let my legs dangle when as Alex sits down next to me.

"So, what happened with your date last night?" Callie asked.

"I mean, I barely know this woman. We had like two dates last week. She asked to see me again tonight."


Eating one of the pastries on Alex's plate, a feel someone lean poke the side of my stomach.

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