Jane Doe

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Cleaning up Trauma 3 after Hunt had taken a patient up to I.C.U., I wiped down the table, and grab some new medical kits.

"Hey, how are you?" Callie asked.

Taking off my gloves I look at him as she stepped into the room.

"Uh, good. How are you?" I said as I threw away some used gauze pads.

"How are you feeling."

"Fine. 17 weeks and fine."

"Did you tell Jackson?"

Grabbing the tablet from the counter, I sighed.

"I'm worried that you're doing this alone when you don't have to."

"I'm not. I'm not alone. I told you...and Alex? Who weird found out."

"Okay. So then, let's do this right. Let's get out in front of it. You should start with booking a 3D ultrasound, and then um, let Arizona run a genetic test-"


"What? Why, not?"

"Because Arizona is April's friend. Once she finds out, so does April."

"Then, let Alex do it."

"He did. Yesterday morning he did an ultrasound."

"Did he run any test?"

"No, and he respected that."

"Elena, I get it. With what Jackson and April when through last time, you don't want a bunch of needles being stuck in your belly-"

"Callie, I don't-"

"But we can do a CVS, and then if it's there we'll see it and then we'll just know."

"The baby's not getting tested."


"Because my baby will be fine," I whispered before walking out of the room.

Callie's POV

"She said 'Because my baby will be fine.'"

"O.I can be diagnosed early, if she doesn't want to take the test then she shouldn't?"

"Wait, what?"

Stopping in the middle of the incubation room, Alex and I whispered to each other.

"Theo was a normal baby, and so will this one? I can see where you want her to get tested, but she's the mother."

"Maybe Avery can convince her?" I said.

"No, you do not tell him. She's the mother and he's the father, it's between the both of them."

"I don't know what to do, Karev?"

"Well, I'm not doing this. I'm not lying to my friends."

"No one's asking you to..."

"I say, 'Pass me the coffee', and I feel like I'm lying to him."

"Well, then we need to talk to her...together."

"'We?' I didn't want to know about this things in the first place. I just told her that I would do her check-ups until she told Avery."

"Fine. I will talk to her."

Elena's POV

"So... what kind of surgeon is he?" Maggie asked me as we were asked to scrub into Meredith's surgery.


"We can work with that." She gasped.

"Guessing 40's. Kind of tall. And he's ranked in the military, so he has an authoritative side."

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