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i stepped outside glancing up at the moonlight. yoongi stood out ahead of me; his jacket catching the light of the few stars out.

he drags his hand into the depths of his pocket, pulling out a piece of metal.

pressing his thumb against the matter it causes a car to flash its headlights and unlock.

he turns to look over his shoulder at me, tilting his head and making himself appear more hazy.

"can we talk in the car?"

he walked over to his side of the vehicle and got in, closing the door behind him and shortly after i followed. grabbing the handle and stepping in.

once inside he chuckles lightly. "you've definitely made progress."

he presses a button and locks the doors.

I closed my eyes and leaned on my arm.
"what are you talking about?"

i heard his seat settle and the smack of his lips when he smiles. "the first time i asked you to get in my car."

"which was about twenty minutes after we introduced ourselves."

the vibrations of my throat create a laugh as i remembered that old car. it took forever for me to trust him enough to get in a car with him.

"how old were you when we met?"

"hm..it was my second year in college so probably nineteen."

"and now you're twenty-one, and haven't even had your first glass of soju." he turns to me and snickers; tilting his head back and my eyes are drawn to his adam's apple.

"i couldn't really afford to have a hangover before a big test."

rolling my eyes i grunt and poke him in the arm."and what about you? you're older than me."

he shrugged nonchalantly, though his smile still remained. "i might've dabbled in a few shots."

he pauses, closing his mouth and just eyeing me. his hand moves away from his side and reaches over to me,brushing a lock from my face.

his smile faded and he sighed, almost sounding disappointed or upset."you've grown up a lot in the last two years i've known you."

i didn't create a response, only waited in a silent hope that he goes into dept.
"miso...people make mistakes right?"


"and young adults like us...shouldn't we be able to make mistakes as we learn more about ourselves and what careers we want and the lifestyles we want to live?"

i shifted in my seat, tugging at my dress to stay flat. i process his question a moment before nodding. "yea i can agree with that."

he sat up and looked out of his car mirror, watching as a few more people went to and fro from their cars to the building.

"do you ever act different around different people? like with your family you know you can be more free to be yourself than if you were to be with a group of people you just met?"

tucking my fingers between my thighs, I keep them warm;  sucking my inner lip. he didn't wait for my answer.

"don't you want the days where you can just do whatever you want, travel, get mad drunk, just fucking french kiss your best friend."

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