Chapter 1

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Sam has been living at Carole and Burt's house since Rachel and Finn brought him back from Kentucky last year. Sam kind of felt...empty, in a way, since Finn died, but visiting New York with Blaine over the last week, and spending time with Rachel made him feel better. He didn't know why, he didn't know how, but he and Rachel had a moment when they were dancing together in the loft while they all sang 'Just The Way You Are'. The way she looked up at him was stuck in his mind. It got kind of awkward after, because of the face Santana made at them. He blushed like hell when it happened and he definitely didn't know why. It wouldn't be the first time they danced together.

Almost 500 miles away, Rachel was cleaning up tables after the diner closed, thinking about Sam. It's been a couple months since Finn died, and she felt like part of her heart was missing. But when her and Sam danced, and she saw him looking down at her, it felt like that part was back, cracked, it seemed, if only for a few seconds. He started dancing with her while they sang 'Just The Way You Are' and they had a moment. She didn't realize that she'd been standing at the same table, wiping the same spot of it for a good ten minutes, thinking, until Santana got her attention.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

"Yo, Berry, there's more than that one table you know. And I'm not doing all of these by myself." She barked from the other side of the diner. Rachel snapped out of it and rolled her eyes at Santana before going and cleaning up the rest of the tables. Kurt was currently off somewhere with Dani and Elliot, trying to figure out new songs for their cover band to sing. They finished wiping down the tables and counter with the help of two of the other guys working and then headed out, walking together.

"Let's get something to eat Berry. I need to talk to you about something." Santana said. Rachel made a face but followed her to McDonald's, of course. They ordered their food and sat down to eat it."So, what's up with you and Guppy Face?" Rachel looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing is going on between Samuel and I. Why do you ask?"

"After the dancing you two had going on, anyone would think that you two are a couple."

"What? That was just a friendly dance between two friends. Nothing more, Santana."

"Okay, okay. No need to freak out on me, Berry."

"Sorry." Rachel blushed slightly.

"I think you two would look cute together." Rachel looked at Santana like she was crazy."What? I have nice opinions too, every once in a while."

"Why do you think we look cute together?" Santana shrugged.

"I don't know, I just do. You should ask him out."

"No, no. That's one thing that won't happen, Santana. I don't think I'm ready. Not after..."

"Look, Rachel, you know that Finn would want you to be happy. I know that you're still upset, but that doesn't mean you have to be lonely and depressed for ever. He and Sam were best friends. If anything, Finn would want you to end up with someone that would treat you like you should be treated, and we all know how sweet and caring that Sam can be."

"I know, but I just need some more time. It feels like it's too soon to be dating again."

"Well, then wait until graduation. Hair gel, Trouty and Wheels are going to move to New York."

"By then he'll probably have a girlfriend." She said.

"Oh, so you are considering it huh?"

"No! I didn't say that! Stop putting words in my mouth!" Santana laughed.

"I'm not. Chill, Berry. I just like pulling your leg. And I doubt he'll have a girlfriend. If he did, it's be Wheezy again but you know her, she'll end up breaking up with him again like last year."

"I felt so bad for him. He deserves happiness." Rachel said, sipping her water.

"You could be that happiness, you know."


Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Sam, wake up sweetie." Carole shook his shoulder gently. He groaned.

"Five more minutes mama." He mumbled, hiding his face deeper into the pillow. She laughed. And pulled the blankets off him. He whined, feeling the coldness on his legs and stomach. He lifted his head up and looked at him, his long hair falling in his face. She moved the hair out of his face to see him playfully glaring at her.

"Burt and I are going to lunch, do you want to come with us?" She asked.

"I'm tired." He mumbled.


"I'm tired." He repeated, a little louder. She chuckled.

"You don't have to go Sweetie. We'll bring you something back." She said and kissed his forehead. She pulled the covers back over him and he mumbled a thank you and started snoring before she even left the room. She laughed and went back downstairs.

"He's still sleeping, isn't he?" Burt asked.

"Like a rock. When I first woke him up, he said 'five more minutes mama'." Burt laughed.

"He says that to me sometimes too, when I wake him up for school in the mornings." She smiled.

"I think he misses his parents."

"I know he does. Blaine told me that Sam always talks about them and his little brother and sister. He hasn't seen them in at least a year. At least, face to face."

"We should arrange something. Maybe bring them here for Thanksgiving, since it'd just be us three and Kurt."

"I think Sam would love that." Then there was silence for a few minutes."You know what else Blaine told me?"

"What?" She asked.

"That Sam and Rachel had a moment while they were in New York."

"A moment?" She asked, confused.

"I said the same thing and Blaine said that they basically stared into each others eyes for a minute as if they were madly in love. Then it got awkward for a while and everything went back to normal."

"Hm...I'm gonna have to ask him about that." Carole wiggled her eye brows and Burt laughed."Wait, why were they dancing anyway?"

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