Chapter 51

178 4 12

Saturday, June 27, 2015
4 PM

Rachel never thought that she would be the reason Sam was put in the hospital. She didn't think that she would be crying her eyes out in front of his family and apologizing and telling them why she broke up with him.

Three hours earlier
1 PM

"Sam!" Mary called. Her oldest son was currently outside, sweating his ass off in the heat, running back and forth in the back yard, from one side of the yard to the other. He stopped and jogged over to her, where she was holding an ice cold water bottle."You need to come inside for a little while, Sam. It's too hot out here for you to be doing this so much."

"I'm fine mom. I've done stuff like that when it's hotter than this."

"I don't want you to have a heat stroke, Sam."

"And I won't mom. I'll come in in thirty minutes, okay?" She sighed and nodded, giving him the bottle of water. She watched him drink some and finally went back in the house. Thirty minutes later, Sam came inside like he told her he would. She looked at him as he took a towel and wiped the sweat off his face. She went and turned the air up a little bit so he could cool off. He sat down and sighed, leaning his head back.

"You're really pale, Sam." Stacy said, looking at him. She was making herself something to drink. He took the towel and wiped his face again.

"I'm fine Stace." He said and gave her a grin.

"Then why does it look like your hurting?" She asked, hand on her hips.

"I have a headache but I always have headaches nowadays."

"That's not a good sign, Sam. Especially after being out in the heat like you've been."

"I'm fine mom." He assured her."I'm gonna go and take a shower." He said and stood up, but he staggered and swayed to the side. He shook his head and grabbed onto the counter.

"You're not fine. Sit down."

"I just got dizzy is all. I got up too fast."

"You're lying through your teeth. Sit your ass down, now." She said sternly and he did, shocked at the tone in her voice. She could tell something was wrong. It wasn't normal for him to be so pale and have such rapid breathing, even after running so much. She went in the living room and made Liz and Dwight come in the kitchen with her."Does Sam look pale to you two?"

"Yeah. Are you sick?" Liz asked, touching it forehead. He shook his head.

"I'm fine-"

"He stood up and almost fell flat on his ass, so he's not fine."

"I think we should take him to the hospital. He could be having a heat stroke or something." Dwight said.

"No I don't! And I'm not having a heat stroke. I didn't even get that hot outside."

"Sam, stop lying. You know you suck at it." Stevie said, walking into the kitchen, having overheard the conversation. Sam sighed and groaned.

"Fine, if it'll stop y'all from hell hacking me." He said.

"Good. Just sit here until we get our shoes and I find the keys."

"Okay." He shrugged. He was fine. There was nothing wrong with him. Sure, he felt a little weird, but that's because he hardly ate anything today. After they got their stuff, they quickly left. About half way to the hospital, Sam felt a burning feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Dad, dad, stop the car." He said. Dwight could hear it in Sam's voice that he was about to throw up. He quickly stopped the car on the side of the road and Sam opened the door and threw up. It was a brownish looking liquid. He spit what was left in his mouth and grimaced as he shut the door back.

"You alright?" Dwight asked. He nodded. Dwight got back on the road, and at by 2 o'clock, they had reached the hospital. They went in through the emergency room and Mary immediately rushed to the desk before the rest even got into the hospital.

"Ma'am, I think my son is having a heat stroke-" She said, and heard Stacy yell,

"Mom!" Just as another nurse yelled,

"I need a gurney!" Mary turned around and saw that Sam had collapsed.

"Oh my god." She rushed back over to them as doctors rushed out with a gurney and lifted Sam onto it easily. They took him through the doors and wouldn't let them go back with him. The same nurse who yelled for a gurney stayed and asked them questions, like what his name is and how old he is, etc. About 45 minutes later, the same nurse came back out to give them some information on Sam.

"From the tests we've run already, he's very dehydrated and exhausted. We're positive that he's had a heat stroke, but we're running more tests. As of right now, we've got him on a drip, giving him fluids. I'll come back and let you know what else I find out soon." She left after they nodded to her.

"Do you think I should tell Rachel?" Liz asked her parents.

"She deserves to know." Mary said. Liz nodded and called her.

Present time

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Blaine told me that he was exercising a lot outside to try and get his mind off of me." She was crying so hard, they could hardly understand what she was saying. Mary stood up and pulled her into a hug.

"It's not your fault, Rachel. You know how Sam loves to go out and run. You're not the reason why."

"I feel like it is my fault. I didn't want to break up with him. I cried so much when I did." She cried. Mary just nodded and hugged the crying girl.

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