Chapter 49

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“Now, back to the original question.” Santana said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.”Are you two getting married soon or what?” She asked Sam and Rachel. Sam sighed and shook his head at Santana.

“Now isn’t a great time for us to be getting married, Santana. Sam is going to be in LA after the summer ends and I’ll mostly be in New Orleans to film.”

“And they haven’t been together as long as you guys. Not even two years, right?” Mary asked and they nodded.

“And yet you were going to marry Finn when we were seniors, just because you blew you NYADA audition?” Everyone looked at Santana, shocked.

“You know what? I’m gonna pretend that you didn’t say that.” Rachel said.”Because you’re not going to ruin my day.” She stood up and looked at Sam.”I’m gonna go see my dad’s. Let me know when she leaves.” She said and walked towards the house.

“Rachel!” Sam called. He glared at Santana and ran after Rachel. He grabbed her hand.”Babe, don’t leave.”

“I don’t want to be around her, Sam. I’m tired of her insulting me like she does and saying what she said today. When you’re not at the loft, that’s all I hear. She’s steady making rude remarks and I’m sick of it.”

“I’ll make her leave, Rachel. You shouldn’t have to leave here because of her.”

“No, you go have fun because it obviously doesn’t bother you anyway.” She walked out and slammed the door. Sam was shocked. She gave him one of the meanest looks he’d ever seen. Rachel drove away. He turned around and went back outside, furious.

“What the hell is your problem?” He demanded, standing in front of her. She crossed her legs.

“I don’t have a problem. Berry’s just on her period and being a little-”

“Leave.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Leave. Rachel’s mad at me and I don’t know why, but it’s because of you.”

“I know why she’s acting the way she is, you two aren’t getting none.” Sam threw his arms in the air.

“Why do you automatically assume crap like that? Is that all you think of? I’m serious, you need to leave. You’re disrespecting my family because of the way you’re talking.” He was being calm about it. She shrugged and stood up.

“I don’t really care. I only came because Britt wanted to come.” She said and walked off.”Come on, Britt.”

“No. Just leave Santana. “

“Thanks a lot Trouty Mouth. Now you’ve got my girlfriend mad at me.”

“No, you did that to yourself.” Brittany said. Santana scoffed and finally left. Sam sighed and groaned into his hands.

“You’re not going to go after Rachel?”

“No. She’s mad at me now. The way she looked at me basically told me not to bother her.” He said.”I’m going inside if y’all need me.” He said and went up to his room. He sat on is bed with his guitar. After playing around with the strings, he texted Rachel.

Are you at your dads house?~ Sam

A few minutes later she replied.


I’m sorry if I made you think it didn’t bother me. Almost everything she says bothers me, especially if it’s about you. I thought the days of her insulting everyone and acting the way she is was over. I argued with her until she finally left and Brittany’s mad at her too.~Sam

Thank you for standing up for me, but I’m still mad, Sam. You didn’t even try to stop me when I left, which obviously means you don’t care as much as you say you do. I’m going to stay with my dads for a while.~Rachel

The way you looked at me before you left looked like you hated me, Rachel. I care about you more than anything in the world, you know that. Why are you staying with them? You know you can stay here as long as you want.~Sam

I don’t hate you. I love you. I’m staying with them for two reasons. One is because I miss them and want to spend more time with them. The second is because I feel like we need some space from each other. We’re always together and I’m probably annoying you half to death.~Rachel

I understand that you miss them. What do you mean by needing space from each other? Are you breaking up with me?~ Sam

I’m not breaking up with you, Sam. We just need to take a break.~ Rachel

You’re basically breaking up with me. That’s what taking a break means.~Sam

Then maybe that’s what needs to happen.~Rachel

Sam didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to respond to that. After a few minutes, he typed,

If that’s what you want. Just know I love you and I’ll always be there for you.~Sam

I know. I love you too.~Rachel

He threw his phone somewhere and laid on his back. He didn’t realize he’d been crying until his mom came in to tell him,

“Everyone left, Sam. Brittany told me to tell you that she’s sorry about Santana.” He didn’t say anything, he just nodded.”Are you okay?” She asked, walking closer to his bed. He nodded again but then she saw that he’d been crying.”What’s wrong, Sammy?” He put the palm of his hand on his forehead and let out a deep breath.

“She broke up with me.”

“She did what now?” Liz asked, poking her head in. She was walking by his room and heard him.”Why would she break up with you?” He sat up and shrugged.

“I have no idea. She said that we needed space from each other and then she said we’re taking a break which is basically breaking up, and she didn’t deny it.” He said. Mary sat beside him and rubbed his arm.

“You two haven’t been arguing, have you?” He shook his head.

“Everything was fine earlier. She was talking about how it was her fault that I broke my hand and I told her it wasn’t. She said that she was going to tell that story to our future kids and she didn’t mean to say it. It just slipped out. I told her I wanted to marry her one day and she started asking me why I loved her if she didn’t look like Santana, Brittany, or Quinn. I basically poured my heart out to her and now she’s saying that I ‘obviously’ don’t care about her as much as I say I do.”

“All of this because of Santana?” He shrugged again and wiped his nose with his sleeve.

“It’s her loss, Sam. She’ll regret breaking up with you.”

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