Chapter 32

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When Sam and Blaine returned home, those who lived there were already there. Sam had his hat on so no one could tell he got a haircut. They took the few groceries into the kitchen and then went in the living room.

"So what have you two been up to today?" Kurt asked.

"We went and got something to eat and picked up some groceries." Sam said. Blaine looked away from them to keep from laughing.

"What else did we do Sam?" Sam took his hat off and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh you know, just went and got a trim." He said. Everyone looked at him like he was insane.

"You cut your hair?" Kurt asked, shocked.


"Alright, Mr. Sassy Pants."

"I think it looks good. It looks the same way it did when you were a Junior." Rachel said, running her hand through it.

"It makes his mouth look bigger." Santana said and Sam glared at her and she laughed cheekily. Sam sat with Rachel and she whispered,

"Should I tell them I didn't get my hair cut?"

"I think they've believed you long enough. I just want to see their reactions to it." She laughed and nodded. She stood up.

"Everyone, I have been hiding something from you."

"You and Trouty are engaged?"


"You're pregnant?"

"Heck no!" Sam and Rachel said at the same time, looking at Artie like he was crazy.

"I've been hiding the fact that my hair is longer than you think it is." They were confused so she pulled her wig off and her hair fell down passed her shoulders. The only difference was that she didn't have bangs and she got ombre in her hair.

"What." Santana said blankly, looking at Rachel. Rachel grinned cutely at them.

"You didn't really get your hair cut?" Kurt screeched.

"Dude, my ears are bleeding." Sam said, covering his ears as he walked away from Kurt, who glared at him.

"I was going to get it cut but I knew that I'd regret it so I just got ombre in it."

"What about your bangs?" Blaine asked.

"I have them pushed to the side, like side bangs since they were getting really long." She said. Kurt huffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're a really good liar, you know?" Santana asked.

"Actually, I refer to myself as a great actress." Santana rolled her eyes but laughed. Sam was in the corner, hands over his ears.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Rachel asked.

"Staying away from Kurt so my ears don't bleed again."

Monday, June 30, 2014

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" There was someone jumping on the bed, but he didn't know who it was.

"What the hell." He groaned. He heard Rachel laughing from somewhere."Can you not?" The person stopped jumping.

"Why are you so mean when you wake up?" Liz asked. Sam looked at her, a weird look on his face.

"Would you be happy if someone jumped on you?"

"Depends on who it is. Get up bro." She smacked his leg and he groaned. She left and he got up and got dressed and went through the living room grumpily, glaring at everyone. He went in the kitchen and got himself something to drink, literally running into Rachel as she came out of the bathroom.

"Oops, sorry. Good morning, sleepy head." She kissed his cheek and went in the living room as he mumbled a good morning to her. He got his drink and went in the living room. He plopped on one of the chairs and rubbed his face.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning, Trouty?" Santana asked and he glared at her.

"He didn't go to sleep until late last night." Rachel said.

"I can't help it." He mumbled."Not my fault I can't sleep." He said shrugging.

"Are you sick or something?" Liz asked. He shook his head.

"I don't know why I can't sleep. I just stay up thinking." He said, shrugging.

"I haven't even gotten a hug from my brother." Liz said, crossing her arms. Sam chuckled and got up to hug her. He lifted her up and she let out a surprised yell and he laughed. She hugged him back and went to pull his hair slightly to annoy him, but had nothing to grab. She pulled away, her jaw dropping."You got a hair cut."

"I did."

"You look like a different person! When did you get it cut?" 

"Saturday." He answered.

"Well dang, mom is gonna have a cow then."

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