Chapter 9

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Saturday, November 30, 2013
6:30 PM

Saturday came quicker then the two realized. Rachel went to stay with her dads yesterday because they came home a little early. Kurt decided to take matters into his own hands and pick out Sam's clothes for the date. He choose one of Sam's many plaid shirts and dark jeans with his boots. Sam tucked the jeans into the boots out of habit and Kurt chuckled.

"No, Sam. Guys don't tuck their pant into their boots."

"Yeah they do. Back at my grandpas farm that's all I did. It's kind of a habit now."

"Well you need to break it." Sam fixed the bottom of his pants."See, it looks better. When you wear boots like that, don't tuck the pants in. If it's work boots then yeah, that makes more sense."

"Alright, gotcha."

"You know, I thought you weren't going to ask her on a 'date'" Santana said as the two boys walked downstairs.

"Well, all I did was ask her if she wanted to go to dinner with me today, and then she said 'Like a date' and I didn't say anything at first so she just said to pick her up at 7."

"Sure. Well, you better get going Trouty. She doesn't like it when you're late." Sam nodded and grabbed everything he needed. His car keys, jacket just in case, his wallet and his phone.

"Have fun! But not to much fun!" Santana called. Sam rolled his eyes at her and left. He got to Rachel's dads house ten minutes later, right on time. She was already waiting outside for him. He got out and opened the car door for her. He got back in the drivers seat and got buckled up.

"I wasn't late, was I?" He asked.

"No, you were right on time! I just needed a little break from my dads going on and on about me possibly being Fanny in Funny Girl." She said."They were smothering me." Sam chuckled at that.

"My mom does that to me. Constantly asking me when I'm gonna get a girlfriend and stuff like that."Rachel giggled.

"That's just what they do. Mama's always want whats best for their little boys." Sam smiled. After a couple minutes of silence, she asked,"So, where are we going?"

"Breadstix, if that's okay."

"That's great! I haven't been there in a while." She said, smiling brightly. He chuckled again.

"Well good. The food there has gotten so much better since last year too."

"It used to be a little...What's the word for it?"

"Bland? Nasty? Gross?"

"Precisely." She grinned at him and he couldn't help but smile back at her. They arrived and found a table and got their order taken. Once they got their food, they made small talk for a while and after they finished eating, they decided to walk around the park.

"How have you been doing? You know, since..." He asked sitting on a bench. She sat next to him.

"Since Finn died?" She asked. He nodded, biting his lip."I'm okay. Of course I miss him. He was my first love. I always thought that we'd be together in the end." Sam nodded in agreement. He'd thought that too.  Finn passed right before school started back, in July. It was quiet for a minute or so.

"You know...I can't help but feel like, like it was my fault, you know?" He said. She looked at him, wide eyed.

"You feel like it's your fault that he died?" She asked, shocked. He nodded." Why would you think that?"

"We were working at Burt's shop together. He was always late and I told him not to be late and he got in that accident trying to get there on time. If he was late that day, he'd still be here." He bit his lip again, trying not to look weak in front of her.

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