Chapter 57

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Saturday, July 18, 2015
8 AM

"Well, aren't they cute?" Nana said as she, Pa, Dwight, Mary, and Liz stood over the sleeping couple. They were in the barn, Dwight having found the two curled up together on the hay.

"They're not naked so I don't think they've been doing the dirty." Liz said. Mary smacked her arm.

"Elizabeth!" Liz laughed.

"Should we wake them up?" Pa asked.

"We probably should." Dwight said, walking over to them. He shook Sam's shoulder and Sam groaned, pulling Rachel closer to him."Wake up son." Sam opened his eyes and jumped when he saw his dad so close to his face. Him jumping woke Rachel up.

"Sam!" She whined, putting her face in his shoulder.

"Sorry babe." He said and looked at his dad, then looked around."What the hell?"

"That's what we'd like to know." Rachel sat up and stretched, moving her hair out of her face.

"Why are you two out here?" Mary asked. Sam and Rachel looked at each other.


15 hours earlier
5:30 PM

"Rach, do you want to go to the lake with me?" Sam asked, walking up behind her and hugging her.

"Are we going swimming?"

"If you want to we can."

"Then yes I'll go with you." She said, grinning. He laughed.

"Go get your stuff." He said. She nodded and went and grabbed her bathing suit to put on when they got to the lake.  He already had his on. On their way out, Sam said,

"I'm gonna take one of the horses Pa."

"Alright, be careful son!" He called back. They left, Rachel sitting behind Sam with her arms around his waist, her bag over her shoulder. Sam made jokes the whole way there, Rachel laughing like crazy. They got there and they were the only ones there.

"I figured there would be people here." She said.

"It's a private lake." He told her."It's on my grandpa's land so no one comes unless they're allowed to." She nodded.

"This is so cool." She said."And it's beautiful out here." She said, looking around. He looked at her, a smile on his face.

"So are you." He said sweetly. She smiled and kissed him.

"I'm gonna go change." She said and jogged to the little house his grandpa built so people could go change if they needed to. He was already standing ankle deep in the water. She ran and jumped on his back, scaring him, which caused him to fall. She laughed wildly. He laughed, realizing it was her. He sat up, bringing her with him. They sat in the water like that for a few minutes, listening to the water and the ducks and birds flying around. For the next hour and a half, they played around with each other, throwing the football Sam had brought. Rachel sucked majorly at it but they had fun laughing at each other when one of them slipped and fell under the water. Around 7:30, they just sat on the sand, their feet in the water.

"Are you excited to be going to New Orleans?" He asked. She sighed.

"I am, but I'm going to miss you."

"You'll only be there for what? Two or three months, right? Then you'l be coming home. Or well, to LA anyway. And I'm definitely gonna come and see you." He said, holding her hand.

"I know, and I'll go and visit you too but it still sucks." She bit her lip.

"I know, baby, but it'll be over before you know it." She nodded and put her head on his shoulder."You want to go get rinsed off and we'll go get something to eat?" He asked. She nodded.

"I am getting hungry."

"From all the running and falling you've been doing, I would think so." He said. She punched his arm and he laughed.

"Come on, let's go before I start getting hangry again." He snorted at her word choice and stood up, pulling her up. He hugged her first. She smiled and hugged him back. He pulled back slightly and kissed her, then hugged her again. He pulled away and she said,

"What was that for?"

"I just wanted to hug you." He said, grinning at her cutely."You're just really huggable. And kissable." She laughed.

"So are you." She said. He chuckled.

"You're too cute. That's why I love you." She pecked him on the lips, climbing onto the horse.

"I love you too."

To be continued...

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