Chapter 3

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

When Sam woke up the next morning, it was after 9 AM. He was confused until he saw the note by his bed. He picked it up and read it.

I know you're still feeling bad so you can stay home today. If you need me or Burt, just call one of us. ~ Mama C

Sam smiled slightly. He put the note back by his bed and went back to sleep.


"What in the world?" Rachel asked as Kurt brought a box inside the loft. He put it on the coffee table and opened it, handing out puppets to everyone. Rachel got one that looked just like her, and Dani, Elliot, Santana, and Kurt himself had some that looked like them.

"Why is this creepy mess here?" Santana asked. Kurt shrugged.

"Blaine made them. He said something about how everyone who sat near the vent in the choir room has had weird dreams or hallucinations since last week. He said that he had a dream about puppets so he made us and the glee club some."

"What kind of weird dreams?" Dani asked.

"I don't know, but Blaine told me that Sam got sick from the fumes yesterday."

"Is he okay?" Rachel asked. Santana raised an eyebrow but Rachel didn't see.

"Carole said that he's fine. He stayed home from school today."

"Well, did he have a weird dream too?" Elliot asked.

"A very weird one, actually. Blaine said that Sam told them that his dream consisted of him sitting in the middle of the auditorium while Rachel sang a song in a weird language while Avatar people danced behind her." Rachel made a face and Santana and Dani laughed.

"That is weird."

"You'll have to ask him about it tomorrow when we got to Lima for Thanksgiving." Kurt said, wiggling his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes.

"There is nothing going on between Samuel and I! How many times do I have to tell you this?"

"Chill, Berry. We're just messing with you."

LIMA: 2:30

"I thought you stayed home today, Sam." Mr. Schue said as the taller boy walked into the auditorium.

"I did, but I started feeling better and I got bored so now i'm here. Did they ever figure out what was coming out of the vent?"

"Yeah, they fixed it around 9 this morning but we're airing it out in there now by keeping the doors shut and the windows open." Sam nodded.

"Good, you're here. You're overgelled hair gel friend has made some freaking creepy as hell, but cool puppets." Kitty said, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to them. Sam made a face as he was handed a blue puppet that actually looked similar to him. Especially the hair.

"Dude, the lips, really?" Sam asked, looking at Blaine who grinned widely."Love the hair." He said and winked, causing them to laugh.

"What do you say we sing a little something, huh?" Mr. Schue asked, grinning. Everyone agreed happily and went on stage.

After they sang ‘What Does The Fox Say?’, They all started taking pictures of them with their puppets.

Sam Evans

This thing is creepy as hell, but it’s pretty damn cool too.

This thing is creepy as hell, but it’s pretty damn cool too

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