Chapter 18

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"You know I'm coming to Lima, right? Me, Santana and Kurt." Rachel told Sam as she threw clothes in her suitcase.

"You don't have to come Rachel. That costs so much-"

"My dads pay for my visits and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I came back for this." She said. He sighed.


"How's Liz doing?" She asked. Sam looked over at his sister, who was currently asleep on his bed. What happened today finally brought them together and they haven't been arguing. She was terrified, and wouldn't let him go until she fell asleep.

"She's asleep. She wouldn't let me go, at least, not until she fell asleep."

"I feel bad for the poor girl, having to watch her mom get shot in front of her, and then her stepdad killed himself, and then what happened today."

"Yeah. I have a feeling she won't let me go anywhere without her for a while."

"I understand that. You're probably the only person she really trusts now."


"Rachel! Let's go! Our flight leaves in thirty minutes!" Kurt yelled.

"I have to go but I'll call you when we get there."

"Okay. Do you want me to come get you guys?"

"If it's not much trouble."

"Of course not. What time do you think you'll land?" He asked.

"Um, around 9:30, well, 8:30 there since we're an hour ahead.." She said. He chuckled.

"Alright, I'll be there."


Sam wasn't the only one who went to pick them up. Blaine and Brittany were also there so they waited together.  They saw the trio walking towards them so they headed that way. Kurt dropped everything in his hands and ran to hug Blaine, and Santana did the same. Rachel was on her phone texting someone so he walked towards her. He assumed she was texting him but hadn't noticed the other two run off. He was right, because his phone dinged a second later. She heard it and looked up confused, but when she saw him she smiled and hugged him. She let him go and started looking at him to make sure he was perfectly fine.

"Rach, I'm fine." He chuckled. She grabbed his hand and saw the band aid on it.

"What happened to your hand?"

"Carole came up behind me the other day and scared the crap out of me and I cut myself on accident." He said."No one got hurt, okay? Everyone is just shaken up and scared." She nodded. He kissed her cheek and grabbed her bag for her. She smiled at him and grabbed his hand and they left to go back to Carole and Burt's house. When they got there, Carole and Burt greeted her with hugs.

"Oh my gosh, look at you!" Rachel squealed, gesturing to Carole's baby bump. Carole laughed and the two went in the living room to talk while Sam went outside with Burt to do something."How far along are you now?"

"Seven months." She replied. "I have a feeling they'll make their arrival next month though." Rachel giggled.

"Have you come up with names for them yet?" She nodded.

"We have, and Sam helped out a lot. He told us that he was tired of hearing us arguing about names so he just sat in the living room with us for an hour until he came up with names we all liked."

"Are you serious?" Rachel asked, giggling. Carole nodded."What are their names? Or are you gonna wait until they're born to tell anyone."

"Well Sam will probably let it slip but Riley Madison and Liam James."

"Those are cute!"

"I love them. Sam just spewed names left and right until we came up with those."

"Wow. Kurt will be jealous."

"He'll probably dump water on Sam for it, like Santana did."

"Oh god." Rachel face palmed at that."He's still planning what he's gonna do to get back at her when he comes to New York after graduation." Carole laughed."And she's actually scared about it." She laughed again.

"I don't blame her." Carole said."The boy'll probably get her back good. I heard him talking to Blaine about putting ice in the back of her shirt or something like that."

"Uh oh. I'm gonna have to get him a shield or something then." The two laughed and Sam and Burt came in, Sam holding his hand up over his heart, his hand in a fist.

"What'd you do this time?" Carole asked.

"I accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer."

"As hard as he could. He completely missed the nail." Sam said,"Jeez, that hurt. That was worse than slamming my hand in a car door when I was 11." He shook his head.

"I said I was sorry!" Burt chuckled."At least it's not broken."

"It's all good. If it was broken I'd still be cussing." He said."My finger nail is probably gonna come off-"

"Oh my gosh, ew!" Rachel exclaimed, cringing. Sam chuckled."I hate just thinking about that. It makes my fingers hurt." He laughed.

"You can't ruin those perfect nails of yours." Kurt said, walking in with Blaine following behind him. Rachel rolled her eyes playfully and laughed.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check on Liz." Sam said and went upstairs.

"The fact that just hours ago, they were at each others throats, and now they're closer than ever." Blaine said.

"Well, something like this can bring people together. And after all Liz has been through, she needs someone she can trust and talk to." Rachel said.

"What do you mean?" Carole asked.

"She just...witnessed something. I'm not going to go into detail because it's really not my business to tell." Carole nodded in understanding. Sam came back downstairs.

"She's still out of it." He said.

"No I'm not." She mumbled, walking behind him.

"Damn, I was hoping I didn't wake you up. Sorry."

"It's okay."

"What'd he do?"

"He knocked over his chair."

"It was dark!"

"But it was literally a foot away from you and you tripped and knocked it over." She looked at him and he blushed. She laughed.

"Can you take me to Rudy's house?" She asked him.

"I thought you wanted to stay here for a while, Sweetie." Carole said.

"I don't want to be a burden-"

"Uh uh, don't finish that sentence. You're not a burden. As long as you want to stay you can." Liz smiled.


'When do you want to go? Because I'm taking Rachel home in a little while." Sam said.

"Just let me know when y'all go. I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Don't fall." Sam said.

"I'm stealing your clothes." She replied. Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Look in the last two drawers, something in there might fit you."


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