Chapter 45

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"What?" Sam thought he heard Rudy completely wrong.

"Your dad had a heart attack." Sam just froze. He didn't say anything for a minute or two.

"Wh-What happened?"

"It just happened out of no where. He just got lightheaded and nauseated and his chest was hurting. He passed out and we called an ambulance to come get him."

"Is he...?" 

"He's alive. We haven't heard anything. It just happened about an hour ago."  

"Oh my god." Sam covered his eyes and rested his arm on his knee."No, no, no. God, I'm coming home tonight."


"No, I'm coming home. I'll see you in a couple of hours." Sam hung up and went to he and Rachel's room. Rachel stood up to follow him and there was a loud bang, causing everyone to go to the room. Sam had punched the hell out of the wall and was sitting on the bed with his face in his hand.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Rachel asked, squatting in front of him. He shook his head."Sam, baby." He mumbled something but they couldn't understand him.

"We can't understand you." Artie said.

"My dad...H-He had a heart attack an hour ago."


Phil let them take the private jet back to Ohio, and they arrived at 1 AM. Sam was quiet the entire plane ride. He didn't show any type of emotion. The second they got off the jet, they went to the hospital and met Rudy at the front. He immediately hugged Sam.

"How is he?" Blaine asked.

"He's okay. They said that he should be fine." Rudy said.

"Have you gotten to see him yet?"

"I haven't, but your mom and the kids have." He shook his head. Rudy took them to the waiting room where the rest of his family was. The rest of the Evans were shocked to see them already, but were happier nonetheless. Sam hugged his mom for a long time.

"He's okay baby, he's gonna be alright. The nurse is gonna let us go and see him." She said. He nodded and let her go, going to hug his siblings. When the nurse came back, Sam and Mary went to see Dwight.

"He's awake, and he's in a little pain, but I gave him something for it." She said, letting them go in the room. Dwight was laying there, the breathing tubes in his nose, looking towards the door. He smiled widely when he saw Sam, and Sam started crying when he saw his dad. He went over to him and leaned down to hug him. Dwight hugged him with one arm and whispered to him as Sam cried. Mary sat on the bed next to where Sam was standing and rubbed his back.

"Your old man isn't gone yet, Sam." That made him cry harder."I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm okay, son. I'll be alright."


After spending a little while longer with him, Sam and Mary went back out into the waiting room. No one was allowed to stay with him so they had to go home. Rachel saw that Sam had been upset so she immediately hugged him. He hugged her back.

"How is he?" She asked Mary.

"He's hurting a little, but he'll be fine. They're going to release him in three to five days. It wasn't a strong heart attack like they thought. He says to tell all of you, yes, every one of you, that he loves you and that he'll see you soon." She said, speaking to Santana, Blaine, Rachel, Kurt, and Artie. Stevie walked over to Sam and Sam hugged him with one arm, his other arm wrapped around Rachel's waist.

"Come on, let's go. We'll come back in the morning, okay?" Mary said, and they all nodded. Sam and Rachel of course went to the Evans home and the others went to their families houses. When they got home, Stacy went to bed, hardly able to keep her eyes open, but the rest stayed in the living room and talked for a little while.

"What happened exactly, mom?" Sam asked.

"I'm not completely sure. I had just gotten out of the shower."

"Me and dad were in the kitchen making dinner and he started complaining about how his chest was hurting, then he said he felt sick and he passed out." Stevie said."I caught him so he didn't hit his head on anything."

"We heard loud sounds coming from the kitchen so me and Stacy went to see what it was and when I saw that it was dad, I called an ambulance while Stacy went to get mom, then we went to the hospital and Rudy called you and now we're here." Liz said. Sam nodded, biting his lip. Rachel put her hand on his knee and looked at him, a soft expression on her face. He glanced at her, but looked back down.

"Why don't you two go to bed? I'm sure it's been a long day for you, especially with the flight and going to the hospital." Mary said. Sam nodded. He and Rachel said goodnight to everyone and went to bed. Rachel was facing the middle of the room and Sam was facing the wall. She figured that he just wanted a little space to think so she stayed on her side of the bed. That is, until she felt the bed start trembling slightly. She heard him sniff and she sat up and looked at him. He was trying to hide the fact that he was crying again.

"Oh, Sammy. Come here." She scooted over and hugged him, basically spooning him. He grabbed one of his hands and he held it tightly. She kissed his cheek and ran her hand through his hair lightly as he cried. He turned onto his other side and she let him put his head on her shoulder. She basically held him, rubbing his arm and playing with his hair as he cried."Just let it out, Sammy." She leaned down and kissed his head. They stayed like that for a while, until they both fell asleep, in the exact same position.

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