Chapter 30

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Friday, June 20, 2014
2 PM

By the time Friday rolled around, the news of Sam signing onto Island Records was heard about all over the world thanks to the internet, which also caused Sam to get hundreds more followers on Instagram and Twitter. Demi and Nick had even talked about him in one of their interviews.

"How did Island Records discover Sam Evans?"

"He won a song writing competition at his high school, actually. Demi and I picked five songs out of all of them and he was one of them. Then there was a singing competition, basically, and he was the only one who had music along with his song."

"And he was one of the only ones who had an awesome stage presence. We asked him questions and he'd answer them in a heart beat." Demi said.

"And he is in high school?"

"He just graduated two weeks ago actually."

"Does he have any more songs other than the one?"

"No, he has at least ten, as far as we know." Demi answered.

"Can you give us any details on when we'll get to see him performing or when any of his songs will be released?"

"All I can say is that there will be at least song released by August." Nick said."Other than that, we haven't really gone into detail yet."

"Well, I can't wait. Now, is there going to be any new music from you two any time soon?"

7 PM

"Hey, yo Trouty! Come here!" Santana yelled. Sam rolled his eyes from where he was cooing in the kitchen and went in the living room, where she and the others were watching TV or on their phones. Rachel was at rehearsal. 

"What Satan?" He asked, standing behind her at the couch.

"Jonas Brother number 3 and Ms. Big Mouth talked about you in an interview today." She said, showing him the video on her phone. He watched it, making a surprised face.

"Huh. They did say anything to me about that. No wonder I'm getting so many followers on Instagram and Twitter." Kurt and Artie laughed. Sam made a face at them and went back in the kitchen to finish cooking the spaghetti. He got a text from Rachel and laughed.

What your about to see isn't actually real, I just want to screw with everyone. I didn't really get my hair cut this short. XD~Rach

Okay haha~ Sam

As he was making Rachel a salad, he heard,

"What the hell did you do to your hair?" Kurt exclaimed. Sam walked into the living room and leaned against the side of the couch. Everyone except him were looking at her shocked.

"What? I've been wanting something new done to my hair so I got it chopped off!" She acted like her middle finger and pointer finger were scissors and mocked snipping hair off. They all had shocked faces. Sam grinned and walked up to Rachel, wrapping his arms around her. She hugged him back and tried to hide a giggle. He snorted.

"I like your hair Rach."

"Thank you! Your hair is longer than mine now!" She joked and he laughed.

"Yeah it is." He pecked her on the lips and whispered in her ear,"How long are you gonna let them believe you got a hair cut?"

"As long as I can." She whispered back and he snorted.

"Okay." He kissed her on the cheek."Food's done y'all." He said, going back in the kitchen with Rachel. She sat down and he put her food in front of him with a cup of water. She grinned at him.

"Thank you!" He got his food and sat down as the others got theirs. 

"This is so good!" Kurt said.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Sam said, using his Elvis impression.

"I told you Sam can cook. He's made me some vegetarian food too." Rachel said.

"If this singing this doesn't work out, you can be a chef Trouty." Santana said, taking a huge bite out of her spaghetti. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Satan. I think."


Saturday, June 28, 2014

A week later, Rachel still had everyone convinced that she got her hair cut. Minus Sam and the people from Fanny anyway.

"Rachel!" Sam called.


"Do you want to go with me to the studio?" He asked, walking into her room which was basically his too, now.

"I can go?" She called, not realizing he was behind her. She turned around and jumped, putting a hand over her heart."Don't do that!" He laughed loudly and hugged her. She laughed and hugged him back.

"This is why I love you." He said without realizing him. She froze for a second and then he realized what he said."Um."

"You love me?" She asked, pulling back to look at him. He blushed deeply.

"Yes. I understand if you don't-" She interrupted him by kissing him. He was surprised at first but kissed her back. She pulled away.

"I love you too."

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