Chapter 4

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"I thought I told you to get that mop cut!" Mary said as she hugged Sam. The Evans family just arrived. Sam chuckled and hugged her back. His hair was still damp from Santana pouring water on him.

"I don't plan on cutting it any time soon, mom." He said and hugged his dad, then his little brother and sister. Stacy wouldn't let him go so she clung to his arm. They're 12 now. He chuckled and ruffled her hair. There was a knock on the door.

"Sam, can you answer that?" Kurt asked.

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because it's the gentlemanly thing to do." He said. Sam glared at him and went to open the door. It was Rachel. 

"Oh! Uh, hi. I didn't think you'd be here." She said, a small blush forming on her cheeks. He grinned slightly.

"I live here."

"Right, I forgot about that. I thought you were going to Kentucky to visit your family?" She asked confused.

"Nah, they came down here. Burt and Carole did, actually."

"Really? That was nice of them." Sam realized they were basically standing in the cold with the door wide open.

"Sorry, come in." He chuckled nervously and shut the door behind her. Carole gasped a little when she saw her and hugged her tightly.

"How are you doing Sweetie?" She asked, taking her in the kitchen.

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking, Mrs. Hummel." Carole looked at her."Sorry." She said sheepishly. Carole chuckled.

"Sam, why are you wet?" Dwight asked.

"Why don't you ask Satan her self?" He said, glaring at Santana who cackled. Sam rolled his eyes.

"You should go change, Sam." Kurt said, sipping his drink."Because your pants are places." The face Sam made was priceless and he was up stairs in seconds. Everyone looked at Kurt, who started laughing.

"Okay then." 


"Why are you here, Rachel?" Stacy asked."I thought you would be at your house with your parents."

"Well, they had to go on a business trip and won't be home until Saturday. So, Mrs. Hum-I mean, Carole, invited me to stay here until they get home."

"That's sad! But nice at the same time." Stacy said, grinning cutely. Rachel smiled at her.

"So, I heard about you getting a call back for Fanny." Mary said to Rachel. Rachel's face lit up and Sam smiled slightly at it. Kurt nudged him.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I saw that." Kurt said.

"Saw what?"

"The way you smiled." He said. Sam rolled his eyes.

"You're trippin' then."

"What?" Kurt asked. Sam just shook his head.

"Spend a week with Sam, honey, and you'll understand that country slang of his." Carole said. Everyone laughed and Sam just grinned. His phone rang and he answered it.


"Hey Sam, can you come to the grocery store with me?" Blaine asked.

"Why the hell are you going to the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving?"

"Because my mom forgot to get some stuff the other day and she's freaking out. And I don't want to go by myself."

"Why don't you ask-"

"I have a reason not to and I'll tell you later if you come with me." Sam groaned.

"Fine, I'll go with you. When are you coming?"

"I'm five minutes away."

"Dude!" Sam got up and went upstairs to change into actual clothes."Why didn't you call me before now?"

"Because I knew that if you said no you'd feel bad that I was on the way there already." 

"You owe me big time, Anderson."

"Will do, Evans. Now hurry up, I'm almost there." He hung up. Sam groaned and threw his phone on the bed. He changed into a long sleeved shirt and put his boots on. He grabbed his jacket and his phone and went downstairs, Blaine honking the horn. Sam loved the boy lie a brother, but he was mentally cussing him out right now.

"Now where are you going?" Santana asked. He looked at her like she was crazy.

"Blaine wants me to go to the store with him and he's trying to make me feel bad about not going." Sam rolled his eyes." I'll be back in a little while. Do you want me to pick anything up Mama C?" He asked. She nodded and motioned for him to come closer to her. She whispered in his ear. He almost gagged at what she said.

"What's up with you and this nasty crap?" He asked, making a face. She laughed and shrugged.

"It's just really good together." Pickles, ice cream and ranch dressing does not sound, or taste good.

"Okay? I'll be back in a little whil- you know what, scratch that. I'll be back eventually." He said and they laughed. He walked out the door and yelled,

"Stop honking the damn horn Blaine! I'm coming!" 

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