Chapter 16

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Over the last week or so, the Glee alumni came back home for Christmas break, presents have been bought, wrapped, and decorating has been finished. Sam watched Liz carefully, not in a creepy way, but in a watchful eye, like a brother should. He didn’t like her, at all, but she was his sister after all, and his parents asked him to try and get along with her. He knew she loved makeup, because she had tons of it in her bag and in her locker, so he got her a makeup set with eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, all that good stuff that girls like. He wrapped it himself. Today, the Glee alum and the seniors were going to Carole and Burts house to open presents and eat dinner that the women cooked, all for Carole, because Christmas was Finn’s favorite time of the year and they knew she’d be sad. She’s 5 and a half months pregnant.

“Do you know what you’re having, Carole?” Mary asked. She nodded, smiling.

“Tell us!” Everyone exclaimed.

“You know they’re in a choir when they all say it at the same time.”

“I already know.” Sam said proudly. Carole rolled her eyes and smiled.

“How come you told him but not me?” Kurt whined.

“He guessed and he was right and you weren’t. You said it was both girls.”

“What’d he say?” Santana asked.

“Boy and girl!” Those who guessed it cheered.

“At least it’s one girl.” Kurt said but hugged his parents. There was a knock on the door and Sam went to open it. It was his parents, Rudy, and all three of his siblings. He tickled the twins and then greeted his parents.

“Samuel.” Liz said, giving him a glare. He rolled his eyes.

“Elizabeth.”He glared right back at her.

“Be nice. Shake hands or something and smile.” Mary nudged them. Sam groaned quietly and they shook hands and smiled the fakest smile he’d ever done.

“I don’t like you.” He said.

“I don’t like you either.” She said, grinning just as wide. They let go and wiped their hands on their pants. They opened presents and there was a mess. Liz and Sam threw balls of wrapping paper at each other the entire time.

“You have the most childish boyfriend I’ve ever seen, Berry.” Santana said. Rachel rolled her eyes but grinned.

“I know.” She got up from her spot and sat behind him. She hugged him from behind and he kissed her cheek.

“Ew.” Liz said.

“Shut up.” Sam rolled his eyes. He tossed her the present he got her and she glared at him.”You’re welcome.” he said. She opened it and mumbled thanks when she saw that it was makeup. She’d had her eye on this exact set, and she had no idea how he knew. She got up and went in the kitchen. After a minute or two, Sam got up to go get a drink, not knowing she was in there. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw her. He went on with getting his drink and ignored her until he heard her sniff. He looked at her and saw that she was crying. He didn’t see her face but he knew when someone was upset. He finished making his drink and grabbed a few tissues. He tapped her shoulder and gave them to her.

“Thanks.” She mumbled. He started to leave but stopped and asked,

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m fine. Go be with your all your friends and family.”

“No, you’re going to tell me what’s wrong.” He said, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter.”And I’m not leaving until you do.”

“I’m fine, Sam.”

“Ooh, not my full name huh?” She sighed.

“It’s my first Christmas without my mom.” She said, shrugging.

“Why? What happened?”

“She uh, my stepdad beat us and he ended up shooting her and then himself. In front of me.” She said. Sam’s mouth dropped open.”Yeah, yeah, you’re sorry that it happened to me. I’ve heard it before, I don’t need to hear it from you too.” She wiped her eyes again and went in the bathroom to fix her makeup. He stood there for a minute or two and then went back in the living room. He didn’t talk to anyone, he just sat there and bit his lip. Rachel sat beside him.

“Are you okay?” She asked him. He nodded but by the way he bit his lip, she could tell something was up.”No you’re not, what’s wrong?”

“I went in the kitchen to get me something to drink and Liz was in there crying. I asked her what was wrong, you know, actually trying like my parents want me to do, so I stayed in there until she told me why she was crying. She said that it was her first Christmas without her mom.”

“I think it’s sweet that you did that. What happened to her mom?”

“She said that her stepdad shot her, and then shot himself. In front of her.”

“Are you serious?” She asked. He nodded.”Wow.”


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