Chapter 75

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Hey! Long time no see, huh? Sorry about that, I haven't really had much inspiration for this story, until now at least. I'm gonna try and post at least once a week, possible more! I hope you enjoy!

p.s. sorry it's so short, they'll be longer soon :D

"Hey Stace, Stevie!" Sam called. They had just gotten home from school. They're both Sophomores and are in Glee Club.

"What?" Stevie asked, flopping down on the couch face first. Sam rolled his eyes.

"When does your Christmas break start?"

"The 18th is the last day." Stacy said.

"Okay, well, you two have a little over two weeks to figure out what you're going to take with you on your vacation."

"What vacation?" She asked.

"We're not going on vacation. I'm gonna just lay face first in my bed for two weeks and sleep." Stevie said into the couch, but Sam could barely make out what he was saying.

"No, you're not, because we're going to the Cayman Islands." Stevie's head popped up and looked at Sam accusingly.

"No way."

"Yes way. We're leaving Saturday morning on the 19th."

"Really?" Sam laughed and nodded and Stacy squealed happily, and hugged him tightly. "Is Rachel coming?"

"She wants to. She's gonna ask her dad's to come before she makes her mind up." He said.

"So that's why she left?"

"Yeah. She said they've wanted to go there for a while now, and now's the perfect time." He said.

"Y'all aren't planning on eloping are you?" Stevie asked.

"Eloping is when they get married with no one knowing, at like a chapel in Las Vegas or something, idiot." Stacy said. Sam snorted when Stevie stuck his tongue out at her

"To answer your question, no, we're not eloping, and we're not getting married there either. We haven't talked about all that yet." He said.

"But whyyyy?" Stacy whined. Sam laughed.

"We've just been busy. I've been working on songs, she's been having auditions, and she's trying to convince me to do some auditions, which I'm probably not gonna do since I'm not an actor-"

"Yeah, you're a horrible liar." Liz said, walking in the room. He gave her the side eye.

"Anyways, Phil's been talking to me about a possible tour so I'm not exactly sure a wedding in the middle of all that is the best idea."

"True. But you better hurry up, you know how mom wants grandkids." Stacy said, wiggling her eyebrows. He rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm not the only one who can have kids." He said. "And I don't mean go and get some girl pregnant or you get pregnant, you two." He gave them an 'I'm watching you' face. "Liz will probably have kids before me and Rachel do." Liz snorted.

"Not even. I'm not about to push a 8 pound baby out of me." She shook her head. He rolled his eyes.

"You definitely don't have to worry about me having kids anytime soon." Stacy said, biting her lip. He chuckled.

"Same. I don't even have a girlfriend."

"Don't be a man whore like your brother." Liz said.

"Shut uuuupppp." Sam dragged 'up' out. She laughed.

"It's true. You were a man whore. I mean, you dated Quinn, Santana, Mercedes, and Brittany, and didn't you make out with Tina at some point?" Liz asked. Sam glared at her and she laughed again.

"Blame Becky for that. She made us drink energy drinks and stuff and... never mind." His phone started ringing, which was just a recording of Rachel screaming, "Answer the freaking phone Sammy!" Liz laughed at that as he answered.

"So?" He asked.

"We're all going on a field trip tog- Wait, that's not right." Sam burst out laughing. Stevie looked at Sam weirdly as Liz and Stacy laughed at him.

"Sam! Oh my god." Rachel was giggling too. Sam literally couldn't stop laughing, and Liz's Snapchat story was proof.

"I don't know why he's laughing y'all. What the hell is so funny?" Liz asked him. He stopped for a couple of seconds and managed say Rachel's name and started laughing again. Stacy took his phone and put it on speaker.

"What did you do to make him laugh so much?" She asked.

"I accidentally said that we were all going on a field trip together and I meant vacation." Sam burst out laughing again. Stacy laughed. Sam pulled his shirt up to wipe his eyes and then put his face in his hands as he started sob laughing.

"Oh my god, this is gold." Stevie said, joining Liz by snapchatting it all.

"Oh my gah-I'll be back." He managed to say and went in the kitchen. He was still a giggly mess when he came back but it wasn't as bad.

"Oh gosh, I was crying." He said, shaking his head. "It wasn't even that funny, it was just what you said when you realized you said it wrong." She giggled along with him. After it all calmed down, she said,

"Back to what I was attempting to say. We're all going on vacation together!"

"So they're going?" Stevie asked stupidly and Sam face palmed.

"Duh." Liz said and Stevie glared at her.

"I'll be back over there in a little while guys, please don't kill my fiance while I'm gone." Rachel said a couple minutes later. They laughed.

"Okay babe, I love you."

"I love you too." She made a kissy noise and they hung up as Sam snorted.

"Ahh, my stomach hurts still."

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