Chapter 39

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Later that night, Sam, his family and Rachel had just finished dinner.  All of his siblings, his dad and himself were sitting in the living room. Mary was finishing up the dishes with the help of Rachel.

"Oh, now isn't that a pleasant sight?" Mary said, standing in the doorway, looking at all of her kids messing around with each other. Even though Liz wasn't her 'own' she felt like she was.

"Awe, I can't imagine what it feels like to have your kids all together again after almost a year." Rachel replied as she finished drying the last of the dishes.

"You'll know the feeling as soon as you start your own family, which better not be for at least a couple of years." The two giggled and Mary added, "It's a wonderful feeling by the way."
The two dried their hands and walked into the living room. Dwight had the same expression on his face that Mary had when they looked at each other and it melted Rachel's heart. Sam and Stevie were play wrestling on the floor while Liz and Stacy were being their cheerleaders. As soon as Sam pinned Stevie to the ground. They stood up and bro hugged and Sam joined Rachel on the couch.

"Sorry rascal, but I knew Sam was get ya." Liz said, playfully punching Stevie's arm." Even though he has a broken hand." Sam scowled at her and she laughed.

"Yeah, yeah,  yeah, whatever. I let him win that time." Stevie replied, rolling his eyes

"Oh, you did? Well then, I demand a rematch!" Sam said, flexing his muscles.

"Okay, but not right now, I've gotta get my strength back." Everyone laughed. Stacy just about jumped out of her seat saying,

"I have an idea!"

"Whoa, slow down squirt." Liz replied, giggling. "Now what's your great idea?"

"We should play cards! We can teach Rachel how to play Held or we can play reverse charades." Stacy said, walking over to where they keep their playing cards and games.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Rachel answered, a big grin on her face.

"Okay, but if we play Held then dad won't play 'cause he thinks it's too fast, so I think we should play reverse charades." Stevie said.

"He speaks the truth". Dwight laughed.

"Alight, alright, alright! We've gotta get into teams with this game." Sam said. 

"Dude, that Matthew McConaughey impression gets me every time! Never gets old." Liz said, trying to not choke on her candy bar that she had just put in her mouth.

"I know," He snickered."That's why I waited until you put that snickers in your mouth to say it." Sam replied, winking at Rachel. causing her to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

"I say we do boys against girls." Stacy said.

"We could do that." Mary agreed.

"Sorry lovebirds, but you've gotta split up." Liz pulled Rachel away to the other side of the room.

"You are so going down girls" Stevie said. 

"Babe, you've played this before haven't you?" Sam asked, looking at Rachel.

"Yeah, we played it when Liz came down for my opening night but what are the rules again?"

"It's just like regular charades but instead of the whole team guessing the word, just one person guesses and then everyone else is acting it out."

"That's right! I remember now. You, Liz, Blaine and Santana pretty much wiped the floor when we played at the loft." Sam grinned at her.

"That's right. Okay sweet, if you remember how to play then I won't feel bad about agreeing with Stevie when he says you ladies are going down." He said, high fiving Stevie and his dad while all the girls laughed and disagreed.

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