Chapter 17

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Friday, January 3, 2014

"How'd your first game go?" Rachel asked as she walked around, wiping off tables. She didn't care if she was on the phone while working, she was still doing her job.

"We won 8 to 3. I batted a couple times and I was the pitcher about the whole time."

"I knew you'd win it because you're like, really amazing at baseball." Sam laughed.

"Thanks, Rach. I was just happy to get home and take a shower. I hate being stinking."

"And I'm thankful for that." He snorted and she grinned.

"Have you heard anything about the part?" He asked. She sighed.

"No, I haven't. If I had the part, I'd probably would have gotten a call or something by now."

"I'm sure you did, Rachel. You're perfect for the part!"

"Well thank you, Sam. But not everyone thinks that."

"That guy is crazy if he doesn't." Rachel smiled as she walked over to Kurt and Santana, who were at the counter.

"Are you talking to your boo thang?" Kurt asked. Rachel rolled her eyes but smiled and nodded. Gunther walked up to them and said,

"Someone in booth 14 is looking for the short one." Rachel huffed and Sam laughed.

"One of you guys talk to him please, I'll be right back Sam." He said okay and she handed the phone to Kurt, who started talking about glee club and baby names for the twins. She went to booth 14 and when she realized who it was, she put a smile on her face.

"Mr. Campion." It was awkward for a few seconds and he asked,

"Do you have any whole cakes, Rachel?"

"Just a whole cake?"

"Mm-hmm. I'd like one."

"Okay." She nodded and started to walk away.

"But I need you to write something on it for me. Can you do that?"


"Good. I want you to write, mm..." He thought about it and said,"Congratulations Rachel Berry. You are Fanny Brice." She looked at him and covered her mouth.

"Are you serious?" She asked, her voice breaking slightly."Are you serious? Really?" He nodded."Thank you so much, thank you! I got Fanny!" She exclaimed. She ran over to Kurt and Santana, almost screaming, I got it!"

"What? You got the part?" Rachel hugged them, squealing. 

"Ah, give me the phone!" She said excitedly. Kurt gave her her phone back."I got the part!" She exclaimed to Sam.


"Yes! Mr. Campion just told me!"

"See! I told you you'd get it!"

Monday, February 10, 2014

It was a normal afternoon, Brittany was talking about the world ending and her cat being a drug addict, Artie and Tina were talking, Kitty and Unique were gossiping, Jake and Ryder were staring at Marley, Blaine was complaining about his bow tie not looking right, and Sam and Liz were arguing, as usual.

"Alright everyone, Coach Beiste is joining us today!" Mr. Schue said and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. As soon as his hands clapped together, there was an even louder sound, that sounded just like a gun shot. Everyone froze. Then it happened again."Everyone hide!" He exclaimed and he and Coach Beiste shut the doors and locked them. Brittany, Kitty, Blaine, Liz, and Artie were behind the piano with Mr. Schue, Jake, Ryder, and Marley were behind the drums with Coach Beiste, and Sam, Tina and Unique were in one of the corners. It was silent, the footsteps and screams from the hall way slowly fading as everyone scrambled to hide. They heard banging on the doors, someone trying to get in, and then the footsteps faded again. Kitty stood managed to get over to where Ryder, Jake and Marley were. She sat beside Marley and hugged her, crying.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Marley whispered.

"I brought in all of your costumes during Grease to make you think you were getting fat. I'm so sorry." She repeated and the two girls hugged.

"Guys, start texting, tweeting, anything to alert the authorities." Mr. Schue whispered loudly. Liz looked like she was about to spazz out.

"Liz!" Sam whispered/yelled. She couldn't move, she just stared at him. Kitty ran to the other side of the room to sit with Tina and Unique and Sam crawled across the room to Liz.

Meanwhile, in New York

"Rachel!" Kurt yelled, waking the diva up from her afternoon nap. She groaned and got up, going into the living room.

"What, Kurt?" She grumbled. He and Santana were both wide eyed, watching something on the TV.

"There's a shooting. At McKinley." He said, pointing at the TV.


"It's all over Twitter and Facebook and now the news."

"How long has it been going on?"

"At least 30 minutes. We just heard about it. Brittany and Blaine texted us. Sam probably texted you too." Rachel went back to her room quickly and grabbed her phone and saw that there was a text from him, from 20 minutes ago.

There's a shooting going on, I know that by the time you see this you'll probably have already heard about it but I'm fine and so is everyone else.~Sam

She texted him back faster than she'd ever texted anyone before.

Omg I just saw this Sam. Are you okay still? Please tell me you are, and everyone else.~ Rachel

Ten minutes later he finally replied back.

I think the swat team is going through the school to see if they can find whoever it is. There's only been two shots and thats it. Everyone is alright but upset. Liz is terrified but I'm trying to keep her calm.~Sam

Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

God I hope they find out who it was. Do you know if anyone's been hurt?~Rachel

I don't think so. I hope so to. My phone is about to die but as soon as I get home I'll call you.~ Sam

That was the last she'd heard from him for at least an hour and a half.

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