Chapter 66

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Friday, September 11, 2015

"So, how are you and your new girlfriend doing?" Rachel asked jokingly. Sam groaned and covered his face. They were facetiming and she was teasing him about what happened a couple of weeks ago when people thought he cheated on Rachel with Liz.

"You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"

"Nope." She grinned cutely.

"Oh, lookie here." Another voice said in the background. Sam raised an eyebrow as Rachel rolled her eyes."Having a facetime date with your boyfriend? How sweet."

"Yeah, and I would just love it if you left me alone to talk to him." Rachel said to Emma. Emma giggled sweetly and waved at Sam. Before she left, she blew him a kissy face. Sam rolled his eyes. "Hold on Sam." She went into her trailer and shut the door, locking it."Ugh, I hate her." She said, rolling her eyes for the millionth time.

"Yeah, I don't even know her and I don't like her."

"She's always going on and on about how good looking you are and it's annoying me." She said."And she's a major 'you know what' to everyone. She's just as bad as the character she's playing."

"Seems like it."

"And she has a boyfriend, and every time I see them together she's either hitting him or yelling at him."

"She's crazy then." He said, shaking his head.

"Tell me about it." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair."Ouch." She patted the top of her head, making sure it didn't mess her hair up. She's accidentally pulled at one of the hair ties in her hair.

"I see you don't have your back brace thingy on." He said. She chuckled.

"At first it was alright but then it got annoying. You'll think it's hilarious when you see the show." She said.

"I bet. I can't wait to see it!" He said. She smiled

"So, how's the last two weeks been going for you? I haven't really asked you about it, i've just been talking about myself."

"It's okay, babe. I love hearing about your day, or in this case, weeks." She giggled."But it's been alright, I guess. Boring as heck, even though Liz is here."

"I'm sorry. We have a week break in a couple weeks, but I'm not sure when. I'm gonna come home." She said.

"Home as in Ohio?"

"Home as in you." She said. He grinned widely at that."Are you excited about your album?" She asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous too. I just want you to know something though." He said.


"There's one song that I wrote about you, but I wrote it when we weren't together for those two weeks. And a lot of the songs are about my past relationships, and some are just songs that I wrote without a reason, if that makes any sense." She chuckled at the end.

"I understand that. And it makes sense, Sammy. Are there any love songs about me?" She joked.

"Not on the album, but I have them. I'm not sure if I'll ever release them. I'll probably just sing the to you and that's it." She smiled, blushing slightly.

"Can I hear one then?"

"Not yet." He said, winking at her."I have a surprise for you so you'll have to wait until then to hear one of them."

"Sam!" She whined playfully.

"How about this, I'll let you hear some of them after I record them."

"Ugh, okay. I know they're good either way." She said. He smiled at her.

"Thanks baby."

"Guess what!" She said.


"I'm gonna be on the Ellen Show soon!" She exclaimed.

"Really? That's awesome babe! Do you know when?"

"It'll be after the premiere of the show. I don't know when yet." She said.

"I have an interview on 'The Tonight Show' some time next month." He told her.

"Really? That's awesome!" She copied him and he laughed."I can't believe that you're about to release an album, and I'm going to be in a TV show."

"This year's been pretty crazy, huh?"

"Yeah, but a good crazy." He smiled at her. "She sighed and frowned as she looked at the time on her phone."My break's over, so I have to get back to set. We'll facetime some more later, okay?"

"Okay. Have fun!" He grinned at her and she grinned back."I love you." She blew him a kiss and said,

"I love you too." 

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