Chapter 61

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"Kurt! Guess what?" Rachel said excitedly.

"What?" He asked.

"Sam and I just got our keys to our first house!"

"Wait, really?"


"Girl, that's awesome!" He exclaimed."So you two can move in whenever?"


"I'll be there tomorrow!" He said. She laughed."I'm serious! I'm coming my butt to LA, and I'm bringing Blaine with me so Sam can have his bestie," Rachel snorted at that,"And we're gonna decorate your house."

"You don't have to do that, Kurt."

"I know, but I want to." He said. She smiled at that."And there's a company out there that is amazing."

"Really? Awesome."

"Yeah! I have to go pack, but I'll text you and let you know when we're about to get on the plane."

"Alright." They said goodbye and hung up. Rachel went back in the kitchen where Sam had just got off the phone with his mom. He grinned at her. She walked over to him and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Kurt and Blaine are coming tomorrow." She said. He snorted.

"I knew he was going to want to come as soon as he heard about it." Rachel laughed and nodded."My family is coming on the eighteenth." He said. She smiled.

"Did your mom really ask if I was pregnant?" Sam chuckled and nodded.

"Every time I talk to her, she asks me that. She was asking me that before summer started." Rachel laughed."She wants grandkids so bad."

"Well, maybe that'll happen in the next couple years." She said. He grinned at her. He'd been thinking about proposing to her for a while now, he just doesn't have the ring. She got up."Do you want to get something to eat?" She asked.

"Oh yeah." He said."I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, Sam."

"Very true."

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Three weeks later

"You're about to not be a teenager." Liz said, messing with Rachel. Rachel gave her the stink eye. Sam snorted.

"You only have, what? 7 months until you're 20 too." She said and Liz laughed.

"I'll be s happy too. One year away from being able to drink legally." She sighed happily and the couple laughed. They had just picked up their family from the airport. Liz was riding with them, but everyone else was in the rental car, following them. Over the last three weeks, Kurt decorated their house according to their wishes. One of the rooms was used for an at home studio/mancave for Sam, and another as a home gym. The other rooms, other than the master bedroom, were used as guest rooms. Once they got there, they showed their family around.

"This is nice." Dwight said.

"I love it. Kurt and Rachel did an awesome job."

"We helped too!" Blaine and Sam said from the kitchen. Mary laughed.

"They did do a lot of the painting and moving furniture." Rachel said. The two boys walked into the living room.

"Because they were too scared to get paint on their hair and skin." Blaine said. Rachel and Kurt glared at them playfully.

"Anyway, back to what I was talking about before, dad." Sam said."Eventually, I want to maybe have a garage built with like, a floor above it for the studio, so we'll have another room."

"For babies?" Mary asked. The way Sam looked at her had everyone laughing.

"You better be looking at Liz too, 'cause I'm not the only one in a relationship." Sam said."She'll probably have kids before I do."

"Are you calling me a hoe?" Liz joked. Sam rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm not calling you a hoe. I'm just saying, because you and Caden are pretty serious. Besides, Rachel's got the show, and I'm releasing an album and then going on tour next year. That's not the best time to have a baby." He said and Rachel nodded in agreement."Not to mention that we're not even engaged yet."

"So there's a possibility of that?" Stacy asked. Sam sighed and covered his face.

"Y'all are some nosy people, you know that?" Everyone laughed."There's a definite possibility of that, I hope, anyway." He looked at Rachel."I mean, she has to say yes for that to happen, right?" She blushed.

"You know the answer already, Sam." She said. He grinned.

"Awe!" Mary gushed.

"Happy now, mom?" Sam joked and she glared at him."I love you."

"I love you too, you lil stink."

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