Chapter 8

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"Alright everyone! Burt and I have an announcement to make!" Carole called and everyone gathered in the small living room. Sam stood near on the other side of Kurt as the two boys grinned at each other. Burt and Carole told Kurt the night Sam found out. He was so happy for them he started naming off names for the babies. Sam crossed his arms casually as Carole begin talking.

"As you know, this is our first Thanksgiving without Finn." She started, and she was already getting emotional."I can just see him now, sitting in his dad's old chair on his phone laughing and playing games or hanging out with the guys and acting insane." She wiped her eyes."I'm sorry, this is hard for me." Sam took a few steps towards her and hugged her, his eyes watering too. Finn was his best friend, practically his brother. He sniffed and she rubbed his back."I'm okay." She whispered in his ear. He nodded and let her go, giving her a smile."I know for a fact that Finn would be on cloud 9 right now if he were here, because he's a big brother." Everyone was confused because Finn and Kurt are the same age so that wouldn't make sense. Blaine thought about it and looked at the way Sam and his boyfriend were grinning along with Carole and Burt.

"So you really are pregnant?" He asked, shocked. Carole smiled and nodded."Congratulations!" He hugged the two and punched Sam in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You didn't tell me I was right man!" Sam stuck his tongue out at him. Once everyone registered what was being said, they started congratulating them and hugging them.

"How far along are you?" Tina asked.

"4 and a half months." Carole answered.

"And it's twins!" Sam called. Carole smacked his arm.

"You're stealing the thunder!" She exclaimed. He laughed and shrugged.

"I'm just excited Mama C!"

"So Hair Gel and Trouty Mouth figured it out before any of us? Damn."

"Well, I figured it out yesterday." Sam said and stuck his tongue out at her.

"Because of me." Blaine said. Sam rolled his eyes.

"I kinda had an idea because she was puking every morning. I mean, I was 9 when my mom had those two so I remembered her puking everywhere and eating weird shit."

"Sam!" Mary smacked him.

"Y'all are so abusive." Sam pouted. He felt a tiny hand on his arm and he looked down to see Rachel standing there.

"Do you want me to report them for child abuse?" She asked seriously. The face he made, made her burst out laughing. She patted him on the shoulder and walked away from him. He turned back around to everyone else and jumped when they were all staring at him.


"I'm going to wash dishes, Samuel, and you're going to help me." Rachel had come back in and she grabbed his arm and pulled him with her.

"Damn you're strong."

"Thank you!" She grinned at him widely. The two stood side by side at the sink. Rachel washed the dishes and Sam towel dried them. Every once in a while, Sam would bump her thighs with his own and she'd do it back.

"Sam, come here!" Kurt said.

"What for?"

"Just come here!"

"I'll be back." He did an impression of the Terminator and she giggled. He walked over to Kurt, who dragged him to a quiet corner in the living room."What?"

"Ask her out to dinner on Saturday."

"Wait, what? No? Why?"

"Because I know you two like each other, you're both just denying it."

"I don't like Rachel, Kurt." Sam said.

"You're a horrible liar, Sam. Your voice gets higher as you talk." Sam sighed.

"Fine, I guess I have a little tiny crush on her but that's it."

And I know she likes you back."

"How do you know?" Sam asked.

"I just have a 6th sense that tells me." He shrugged and Sam looked at him weird."It doesn't have to be a date. It can just be a dinner between two friends." Sam sighed.

"Fine, if that'll make you and Blaine quit pestering me about it." He walked back into the kitchen and started drying the dishes again.

"What did Kurt want?"

"Oh, nothing. He just wanted to run a baby name by me." Sam lied and shrugged. She knew he was lying but she let it slide."So um, do you want to maybe go out to dinner Saturday?" She stopped washing the plate in her hand and looked up at him. He bit his lip as she looked at him.

"You mean go on a date?" She asked.


"Just pick me up at 7 at my dads house." She said, smiling at him and continuing to wash the dishes. Sam didn't know what to say, so he just smiled back at her and dried the dishes.

Holy shit. He was going on a date with Rachel Berry.

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