Chapter 83

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"Shelby?" Rachel asked, a surprised look on her face. She looked at her dads, who were just as shocked as her.

"Hi, Rachel." Shelby smiled at her. The two had had a very rocky relationship in the past up until a couple of months ago. They'd begun messaging each other on Twitter and then eventually texting. Rachel didn't know whether to go and hug her or to ask why shes here first. She decided to hug her and the two hugged tightly. Everyone except Sam, Hiram, and Le'Roy were confused until Rachel introduced them.

"Everyone, this is my mom, Shelby." She introduced Shelby to everyone else.

"Hm, well, I didn't expect that." Brandi said, causing everyone to laugh. They all sat down and Rachel asked,

"How do you two know each other?"

"We work together. There's a little restaurant, bar type of place where there's live music as well as karaoke, and I'm a waitress and Shelby is one of the main singers. She's very loved among visitors and the people who live here all year long." Brandi explained

"Really? Wow, that's cool." Rachel said.

"It's really fun, but I plan to move to Ohio after Christmas."

"Why?" Hiram asked.

"Well, I know that Quinn and Puck visit Ohio fairly often and I want Beth to get to know them, and vice versa. I've made sure over the years that she knows who they are."

"Awe. Wait, where is Beth anyway?" Rachel asked.

"She's having a play date at one of her friends houses. I wanted her to come with me but she insisted that she stay. Spunky little thing I know that. Reminds me of her dad."

"No kidding." Sam said. "Just hope and pray that she doesn't have an insane dare devil face like that idiot did in high school."

"Oh Lord, yes. I hope not. She's already tested my patience by hanging upside down on monkey bars."

"Better keep a good eye on her then." Sam said. They spent the next hour or so talking and getting to know each other. Rachel walked her out to her car.

"So, I know it was kind of awkward to begin with, but I had fun talking to you, in person." Rachel said, biting her lip.

"I did too, and I really want to do it again."

"We'll be here until after New Years." Rachel said, smiling.

"Really? Well then, I guess I'm just gonna have to get Beth and get on scooting back over here one day then, huh?" Rachel giggled when she said that.

"You've only been around Sam and his family for an hour and you already sound like them." Shelby smiled at that.

"I hope I'll get to know them too. And you two are getting married soon, right?"

"Yeah, May 16 to be exact." Rachel said happily.

"Oh really?" Rachel nodded. "I'm so happy for you, Rachel. I'm proud of everything you've already accomplished in your life, and I hope that you'll accept me into it, as your mom." Rachel got teary when she said that, and nodded.

"Thank you. And of course. I want a mother daughter relationship, but it's gonna be hard calling you mom, to be completely honest."

"You don't have too, not unless you want to." She said, giving her a small smile.

"Oh, I want too." Rachel said. "And I'm going too." Shelby smiled.

"Well, I guess I better get going before Beth calls me and screams until I come and get her."

"Oh my." Rachel giggled. They hugged for about a minute and waved as Shelby left. Rachel went back inside, happy to see Sam waiting for her at the door. She grinned at him, then made a face.

"What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For some odd reason, I honestly thought that you wouldn't like Shelby at all." She said.


"I don't know." She shrugged. "It's weird, but I'm happy you get along."

"Hey, as long as she's in your life and is making you happy, then I'm happy to get along with her, or anyone really." He said. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. She yawned loudly. "Tired?" He asked. She shook her head no. He chuckled and they went to sit in the living room. A few minutes later, Rachel was curled in a ball on the end of the couch, fast asleep.

"Well, you tired her out, huh?" Rudy asked Sam. Everyone looked at him weird. "Yeah, that sounds kinda weird. Forget I said that." Sam laughed and shook his head at his childish uncle. He stood up and gently picked Rachel up bridal style and took her to their room. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead and joined the others again.

"Not tired?" Mary asked. He shook his head.

"Not really. I still kind of have my days and nights mixed up." He said. She raised an eyebrow. "With all the late night writing and stuff, it's kinda hard to really get any sleep because I have to be up early in the studio sometimes."

"Well, if it gets too bad and you never sleep, you need to tell them to give you a break." Sam chuckled.

"I will mom." An hour later, he went to bed, and with Rachel cuddled into his side, he actually went to sleep without tossing and turning.

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