Chapter 69

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Y'all, I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry for not updating!!! I haven't really had time to write, or the inspiration to write. School has been a pain in the butt, which is the main reason I haven't updated in a while. I probably won't be able to write much this weekend or next week, but spring break starts on the 17th!!!! So, I will be able to write more. Again, I'm sorry!

"Well? What did you think?" Rachel asked Sam, Liz, and Caden, turning the TV off. The three looked at each other and then back at her. They grinned.

"It was freaking amazing, baby." Sam said, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into his lap. "See, I knew you'd be an awesome actress." She smiled as Caden and Liz agreed. She grinned happily.

"Thanks you guys. I'm happy I got to watch it with you."

"You'll be here to watch next weeks episode, right?" Liz asked. Rachel nodded.

"And Wednesday I'm leaving for another month and a half and filming will be done." Sam sighed at that and she patted his head. "It'll go by fast, Sam, just like the last month has."

"Maybe for you." He mumbled.


"Nothing. I know." He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Are you excited about tomorrow, bro?" Liz asked. Sam bit his lip.

"Yeah. Mostly nervous." He answered.

"There's no reason to be. You're album is going to be amazing, and I'm going to be the first person to buy it at midnight tonight." Rachel said. Sam chuckled.

"On iTunes or at the mall?"

"On iTunes, and then tomorrow I'm going to the mall to get it." She said.

"I'm going too, since I have a signing thing that Phil wants me to do." He said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That'll be fun."

"I guess so. I just hope a bunch of women don't ask me to sign their boobs again."

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't! I swear I didn't!" He exclaimed."I wouldn't do that." Rachel laughed.

"I know you wouldn't, Sammy." She said. He chuckled.

"Hey guys, my grandma, Lily and my niece are on the way over." Caden said. They were coming to stay a couple days because his grandma's house had a bug infestation and was currently getting the problem fixed, so Sam and Rachel offered to let them stay at their house for a couple of days.

"What's your grandma and niece's name?" Rachel asked.

"Lisa and Kayla." He answered. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Does your grandma work at the jewelry store at the mall by any chance?" He asked. Caden laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I thought I told you about that. And I tweeted you about the video of Kayla."

"Oh, okay. I must not have saw it then, my notifications are constantly coming so I don't see everything."

"It's all good bro."

"I swear, I want to throw his phone out of the window so much, it's not even funny." Rachel said. Sam laughed. Then, all of a sudden, her phone started going off. She raised an eyebrow and looked at her phone, and people were tweeting her left and right. Sam looked at her and crossed his arms.

"How 'bout them apples?"


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"Wow." Sam said as he and Rachel walked into the part of the mall where he'd be signing. She laughed.

"See, I told you there would be a bunch of people." Rachel said. He grinned at her. "Well, I'm gonna go and find everyone else, have fun!" She kissed his cheek and ran off. He sighed and smiled to himself, then jogged over to where Phil was waiting on him.

"It's about time!" Phil said. "Your fans are kind of freaking out about getting to meet you." Sam chuckled. "Get prepared for screaming. And do you want to take pictures if they ask or no?"

"A few pictures wouldn't hurt, would it?"


3 hours later

"So. Many. Pictures." Sam said, looking at Phil. Phil chuckled and nodded.

"You still have about...half of the mall to go." Sam groaned slightly.

"I love my fans but I'm tired."

"I can let them know that you're taking a break if you want."

"Nah, it's fine." Phil nodded and motioned for the next couple of people. About ten minutes later, Rachel, Liz, and Caden walked up to the table he was sitting at. Liz and Rachel started acting like crazy fans, which scared Sam, but then made him laugh. They giggled as Caden rolled his eyes. The two girls handed Sam their CD's and he grinned as he signed them.

To my gorgeous, talented, girlfriend. Love Sam <3

To my annoyingly hilarious sister. Love Sam :P

They laughed when they read it.

"Are you having fun?" Rachel asked. Sam nodded.

"I'm tired though."

"You? We've been standing in live for like, 3 years." Caden said dramatically. Sam rolled his eyes.

"We really have stood in line for a while."


"Because we wanted to be funny and make you laugh, duh?" Rachel said. Sam chuckled and motioned for her to lean over the table, and he pecked her on the lips, which turned into hundreds of 'Awe's' from his fans. He blushed and grinned.

"You three can sit back here with him if you want." Phil said, motioning to three other chairs. They nodded and joined him. Rachel sat between Sam and Liz, and Caden sat on the other end next to Liz. By the time the signing was over, even Rachel was signing stuff for some of her Scream Queens fans, and it made her happy, which made Sam incredibly happy for her, and that she was happy.

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