Chapter 40

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"Can you two come here for a minute? Squirt is kind of going crazy in here." Liz said. They were at the middle school, about to go to the auditorium to see Stacy's play. There were already a bunch of people.

"Hey, save us a seat." Sam said to his parents, who nodded. He and Rachel then followed Liz to where Stacy was pacing back and forth in front of a mirror."Are you alright, Sweets?" He asked.

"No!" She exclaimed, shocking him. She turned around."Sorry, I'm just nervous." He put a hand on her shoulder and made her look at him.

"Hey, don't be. You're an awesome singer, Stace. You and I both know that. You're going to do awesome." He said. She smiled and hugged him. She looked at Rachel.

"Do you have any tips?" She asked her. Rachel was surprised at first but grinned.

"Well, make sure that you make eye contact with the other members in the play or the audience when you're performing. Always stand up straight and just act like you own that stage. That's what I do."

"But you were practically born on stage."

"And so are you. Now, go out there and be the greatest Wendy ever known." She said. Stacy giggled and nodded, hugging her big brothers girlfriend and running off to her friend who was playing Peter. Rachel turned around and looked at Sam, who had a big grin on his face."What?"

"I just love how close you and her are." He said, shrugging. She smiled and grabbed his hand. They went to their seats and enjoyed the rest of the play.


"I told you you'd do awesome!" Sam said as Stacy hopped on his back.

"Thanks Sammy." She kissed his cheek. Sam looked over at his parents and noticed Dwight was giving Rachel a piggy back ride. He snorted so hard it probably hurt.

"What?" Dwight asked.

"Jealous?" Rachel asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Sam chuckled.

"Nah, you two have your fun." He said and they laughed. When they got to their cars, Sam and Dwight put Stacy and Rachel on the ground.

"Where do you want to go?" Sam asked Stacy.

"Where do I want to go as in...?"

"To eat, Stace." Sam chuckled.

"I guess Breadstix-"

"No, no. Where do you want to go? Anywhere you want, that's where we'll go." 

"Um..."She thought about it."That new place, Jumpin' Jays?"

"Honey, that's expensive-"

"It's fine mom." Sam interrupted her."Is that where you really want to go?"

"That's my favorite place, even though I've only been a couple of times."

"Then that's where we're going. My treat."


Friday, May 1, 2015

The day had finally come; it was Stevie's last baseball game of the season. He was so excited because Sam was finally going to get to see him play. Stevie took after his older brother and was the pitcher for his team. He was good, not as good as Sam though but with a little bit of work he could get up to his level.

"Bro, are you stoked for this game or what?" Sam said as he walked over to Stevie, who was warming up for his game.

"Heck yes! I'm embarrassed to admit it but I'm a little nervous that you'll be watching me." He replied while through the ball to Sam.

"Dude don't worry about it, the whole family has told me that you are just like me so you have nothing to sweat about." Sam joked.

"Sounds about right." Stevie said, "Now, will you please go sit down with everyone so I can focus on warming up?" They both laughed and fist bumped. Sam walked back to family while thinking about how once summer comes, he wants to come home and help his brother get better at pitching. As the game ended, Sam couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Stevie had pitched 3 innings where no one got a hit. He was so proud of his little brother and he sure missed being out on the field. As soon as Stevie got his gear off and was walking out of the dugout, Sam practically ran over to him and embraced his brother in a hug.

"Stevie, I'm so proud of you! You did awesome, I feel bad that I was only able to make it to one game though." Sam said with the biggest grin on his face.

"It's a good Sam, I know how busy you are. I'm just glad you were able to make it to this one. Just promise that next season you'll come to more." He replied, looking up at his brother.

"Duh! I was also thinking that during the summer, I could come home and give you some pointers so that you can try and get as good as me." They both laughed at that and walked over to their family, where everyone congratulated Stevie and gave him high fives and hugs.

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