Chapter 46

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

The next morning, Rachel woke up when Sam picked her up to move her on the bed so that she was laying down, instead of partially sitting up like she was last night. She stretched and looked at him. He was sitting Indian style, looking at his phone. She sat up and sat the same way.

"Hey..."She said gently."Are you okay?" He bit his lip and nodded.

"I'm okay. I'm...I was just..."

"Scared?" She asked and he nodded. She wrapped one of her arms around him and he hugged her back. He fell back on the bed, bringing her with him, causing her to let out a shocked squeal which made him chuckle. He wrapped both of his arms around her, pulling the covers back over them. She smiled a small smile and snuggled into his chest.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Hey! I heard about your dad. How is he doing?" Caden asked. He called Liz as soon as he heard.

"He's doing okay. He gets to come home today. It wasn't as bad as they thought, thank god."

"I'm glad he's okay. Is he happy to be coming home?"

"He's over the moon. Especially since Sam's home."

"I bet. Sam is staying for the summer, right?"

"Him and Rachel are."

"Lily is going to be sad." He said and chuckled. Liz giggled."Oh my god, that child cried so much when she found out that Rachel wasn't going to be Fanny any more."

"She did?"

"Yeah, I don't think she's ever cried so hard."

"Wow. I was so pissed when she told us what happened."

"What did happen, anyway?"

"Um, hang on, let me see if it's okay with her before I tell you." She said.


"Rachel!" She yelled.

"Yes?" Rachel called back.

"Can I tell Caden the whole deal with Funny Girl?"

"I don't care as long as he doesn't tell anyone."

"Okay." For the next few minutes, she explained what happened.

"That's seriously effed up."

"I know. I'm pretty sure that if Rachel hadn't begged him not to, Sam would have punched the guys face in."

"I know I would have. Where is Sam anyway? I haven't heard him in the back ground." Liz laughed.

"He went with my mom to get my dad from the hospital."

"Oh okay. I have to go, but I'll call you back in a little while, alright?"

"Okay. Bye!" He said goodbye to her and they hung up. Liz heard a scream and turned as Rachel slipped on the bottom step and fell on her butt. Liz laughed and Sam came in a second later.

"What happened? I heard a scream." He asked and then saw Rachel sitting on the bottom step, her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"She fell." Liz said, laughing.

"Oh." Sam held his hands out to Rachel and he pulled her out.

"That hurt." She said."I'm gonna have a bruise on my booty." Sam snorted. He opened the door for his dad, who came in grinning. Rachel smiled and hugged him."How are you feeling, Mr. Evans?" He hugged her back.

"I'm feeling a lot better. And what have I told you about calling me that?"

"Sorry Mr.-I mean, Dwight." She giggled after that.

"Alright, go sit on the couch. You remember what the doctor said. You have to have lots of rest for the next week or so." Mary said, walking past Dwight. Dwight mocked her and waved a hand at her, causing them to laugh. He went and plopped on the couch, putting his feet up on the table.

"How much longer do you have to wear that stupid thing?" Liz asked Sam, gesturing to his cast.

"Like, three more weeks." He said, rolling his eyes."Stupid baseball." He mumbled and she snorted.

"I told you two to be careful, but of course you didn't listen." Sam rolled his eyes and made a face at her. She glared at him and he laughed.

"It just sucks that I can't play guitar until I get the cast off."

He said, pouting. Rachel patted his head and he made a face at her.

“Where’s mom?” Liz asked.

“She went to get the heathens.” Dwight said and Sam snorted.”You used to be one too, so you shouldn’t be laughing.” Sam scowled and he laughed. Dwight looked at Rachel.”He was a bad child.”

“No I wasn’t.” Sam said.

“Yes you were. You were the sweetest out of all of you when you were little, but you were a little daredevil too. You used to always break something or get kicked where the sun don’t shine.” Sam scowled again and blushed.

“How was he a daredevil?” Rachel asked. Sam groaned and went in the kitchen.
“He would slide down railings of stairs, run around the pool when he was 2, hang upside down from the monkey bars or swing sets. He would play with fire all the time. Mary’s brother Thomas used to smoke when Sam was 7 and he would always take his lighter and play with it.” Rachel giggled.”He used to scare us half to death every time.” Sam rolled his eyes as he came in the living room, and gave his dad a water bottle.

“I get it from you.” He said. Dwight chuckled.

“Sure you do.”

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