Chapter 10

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When Sam got back home, Kurt was eagerly waiting for him at the door.

“How’d it go? Is there going to be another date?” He asked. Sam just laughed and took his shoes and jacket off.

“It went really good.” He said. He patted Kurt’s back.

“So there is going to be another date?”

“Multiple, actually.”

“So, what, you two are a couple now or something?” Burt asked. Sam grinned.

“Maybe…” He said and whistled. He started walking upstairs.”Watch out for a phone call from her-” Kurt’s phone started ringing.”That’s her isn’t it?”

“Yes!” He answered it and went and sat down as Sam laughed and went to take a shower.”Hey girly! How was your date?” He sat in one of the chairs in the living room.

“Oh my gosh, it was so good! For a minute or two it was kind of sad but other than that it was amazing!”

“Well good-Wait, sad, why?”

“We were talking about Finn.”

“Oh, okay. I get that. But I NEED details!!”

“Well, he took me to Breadstix and it was kinda of quiet, but that good quiet, you know? We talked a little and then after we finished eating, we went to the park and walked around. That’s when we talked about Finn the most. Then we sat in his truck for a little while in front of my house and talked. I told him that it still feels a little too early to be dating again. He’s so understanding and sweet.”

“He really is. What else?”

“I told him that I know Finn would want us to be happy. I told him that I had fun and he seemed shocked and I told him he was hilarious. After that, I asked him ‘So, where does this leave us?’”

“And… What’d he say?”

“He asked me where I want it to be.”

“And what did you say?”

“I told him that I’d love to have a second date with him. And that maybe we could try us.”

“Us as in?” Kurt asked.

“He said the same thing! I said ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’”

“What? Oh my god!” Rachel giggled.

“And then I started saying that it was too soon. He said that it wasn’t too soon for him and then asked me if that was what I wanted. He asked me if I was sure and he got out of the truck and opened the door for me and took my hand and asked me to be his girlfriend!”

“And did you say yes?”

“Of course I did!”

“Ooh, did you two kiss?”

“Say what now?” Mary asked, an eyebrow raised.

“No, no, we didn’t kiss. I kissed his cheek but that’s it. I told him I wanted to go slow and he said that we can go as slow as I wanted. Then he walked me to the door and we said goodnight and now we’re here. Is he home? I just want to make sure he’s okay.”

“Girl, I’m so happy for you! He’s home, he’s taking a shower. I swear, he’ll take a million a day if he could.”

“At least he isn’t smelly.”

“Trust me, he is after he works out.” She giggled.”Rachel’s got a boyfriend, Rachel’s got a boyfriend!” He started singing and Santana said,

“It’s about time!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sam woke up to his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Rachel calling him.

“Hello?” He asked sleepily, sitting up on his bed.

“Hey, did I wake you?” She asked.


“I can tell you’re lying.” She giggled.”I’ll call you back later, okay?”

“Nah, it’s fine. I’m up now.” He rubbed his eyes. He was so going back to bed when he gets off the phone.

“Oh, okay well, weren’t you supposed to have baseball tryouts yesterday?” She asked.

“Oh, yeah. I meant to tell you. Coach rescheduled it for today at three.”

“Oh, great! Can I come and watch?”

“Uh, if you want to. It’s kinda boring really.”

“I don’t care. I actually like baseball. I never understood football.” Sam chuckled at that.

“Yeah, baseball is a little easier to understand.”

“Okay well, I’ll be over at 2!” She said.

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”


“Bye Rach.” They hung up and he looked at the clock beside his bed. It was 7:30. ‘Oh yeah, I’m going my butt right back to bed’, he thought and laid back down, almost immediately going back to sleep.

2 PM

Just like she said, she was at the door at 2 o’clock exactly.

“You’re never late, are you?” He asked.

“I try my best not to be.” She smiled at him and looked at his outfit. She giggled.”I love your outfit.” He basically looked like a baseball player. He had on white pants and a red shirt tucked in with a baseball cap, his hair in a ponytail.

“I try.” She grinned and kissed his cheek. He shut the door and they went in the living room. Santana, Puck, Quinn, Kurt, Blaine, Tina, Carole, Burt and the Evans were in the living room.

“Is everyone going?” She asked.

“I have nothing better to do.” Santana said, shrugging and filing her nails.

“I just want to see if Evans is as good as his parents say he is.” Sam rolled his eyes at that.

“And of course I’m going, I’m his best friend. Even though he threatens me.” Blaine said. Sam rolled his eyes again.

“Why? Are you trying to hog him now?” Kurt joked. Rachel rolled her eyes and looked at Sam.

“See what I live with?” She asked. Sam chuckled.

“Trust me, I know how it feels to live with annoying people.” He said.

“Hey!” Stevie said.

“What? You’re my lil bro. You’re supposed to be annoying.”

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