Chapter 63

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While at the jewelry store, Sam bought Rachel a necklace for her birthday so that he’d have a reason to take so long. Stevie whined the entire way back to the house. Sam was aggravated to hell and back by that, but cheered up when he saw how happy Rachel was, laughing and talking with his mom and sisters, Kurt, Blaine, and her dads, who just arrived. Sam let Sadie in the house and she immediately went to her food bowl. They had a fence built for her, and when they officially moved into the house, they brought her with them. He laughed.

“Why are you in such a foul mood today?” Mary asked Stevie. He started mumbling. Sam thumped him on the back of the head.

“Got something to say, say it.” Sam said. Stevie rolled his eyes and sat on the floor to play with Sadie.”Brat.” Sam mumbled. “He’s mad cus he had to wait on me and dad.” He answered.

“It doesn’t take that long to take a piss.”

“Says the one who takes two hours in the shower.” Liz said. Stevie huffed again and Rachel snorted.

“And it didn’t take me that long to go to the bathroom either, I had to go get something and I got caught up talking to someone.” Sam said.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“You need to calm down, bro.” Sam said.”Because getting mad at everything is just gonna make life harder and less fun.” Stevie shrugged, but nodded.

“Who were you talking to?” Rachel asked, sitting in his lap.

“You’ll have to wait and see.” He said.”Because if I told you, you’d know what I got your for your birthday.”

“Engagement ring?” Mary joked, causing everyone to laugh.



After dinner that night, having ordered in, Rachel got to open presents.

“You guys didn’t have to get me anything.” She said, sitting on the floor.

“We wanted to.” Kurt and Blaine gave her tickets to a Broadway show she wanted to see. Stacy and Stevie chipped in and bought her a shirt that had a picture of them on it that said, ‘Stacy & Stevie 4ever’.

“It makes no sense but we thought it’d be funny.” Stevie said. She smiled.

“I love it.” She said. Liz got her an ‘I love Sam Evans’ shirt, with a picture of him shirtless on it. Dwight and Mary gave her a picture. It was a picture of Mary, Dwight, and Rachel, that Sam took a couple months ago. Rachel teared up at the words going around the frame, ‘You may not be ours biologically, but you’re still our daughter’. She got up and hugged them. Sam read it and grinned widely. He was happy that his parents loved her, and vice versa. She let them go and wiped her eyes, fanning her face.

“Okay, last one.” Sam said, and handed her the box. She unwrapped it, and instead of opening it right away, she held it up to her ear and shook it to see if she heard anything, causing Sam to laugh. She took the top off, and gasped. It was the necklace she actually looked at earlier that day at the mall.

“I love it!” She said, and kissed him.”How did you know?”

“I saw you looking at it earlier.”

“So you got it today?”

“Yep!” He said. She hugged him.

“Thank you.” He kissed her head.”Now, who were you talking to earlier?” She asked, and he laughed.

“Her name was Lisa, and she worked at the jewelry store, where I bought the r- necklace.” He almost said ring at first but no one except Kurt caught it. Kurt decided to ask him about it later.”She’s an older lady. When I got the necklace, she asked me if I was me, basically, and then she told me that her four year old granddaughter loved me, and showed me a video.” He said, and then showed them the video.”Which will also explain why y’all will probably see this video, and another all over Twitter.” He said.

“She’s adorable.” Blaine said.

“That’s what I said.” Sam said, chuckling.”And she asked for a picture, but I did a video instead.” He showed it to them.

“Hey, Kayla! I saw the video of you dancing to me singing, and I have to say, you have awesome dance moves! Make sure your grandma sends me more videos, because I want the world to see how awesome you are!”

“So sweet.” LeRoy said.

“You will seriously be an amazing dad, Sam. I’m not trying to mess with you about grandbabies right now, I’m telling the truth.” Mary said. Sam smiled.”Even though I want grandbabies.” He rolled his eyes.

“Couple of years mom. Just a couple more years.”


“Hey, Sam, can I talk to you for a minute? Privately?”

“Uh, yeah. Come on.” Sam led him to the studio and shut the door.”What’s up.”

“I might be wrong on this, but earlier, when you were talking about when you bought the necklace, you almost said ring.” Kurt said.”Did I hear that right? Or was I just hearing things.”

“I was hoping no one caught it.” Sam said. Kurt nodded.

“Wait. So you did almost say ring?”

“I did.”

“Were you looking at rings or buying one?”

“Buying one.”

“Rings as in promise rings, or engagement rings?” He asked. Sam chuckled and crossed his arms.

“What do you think?”

“Engagement?” Kurt asked, hopefully. Sam nodded. Kurt jumped up and down excitedly. He hugged Sam, who laughed but hugged him back.

“Do you want to see it?”

“Of course!” Sam took it out of his pocket and opened the box. Kurt gasped.” It’s beautiful. You got it today?” Sam nodded.

“Yep. When the girls were looking in the windows, it caught my eye and when I had to ‘go to the bathroom’ I came and got the ring, and bought a necklace for her birthday, because I knew I couldn’t make up a better reason. I mean, I was going to get her a necklace for her birthday too, but you know.” Kurt laughed.

“So you basically needed and alibi?” Sam nodded, grinning.”Well, it worked out pretty well, huh?”

“Thankfully. Only you, my dad, and Lisa know about it.”

“You and Lisa are pretty good friends already.” Kurt laughed and Sam nodded.

“I gave her my number so that she can send me videos of Kayla. I know that sounds weird, but I think she’s hilariously adorable.”

“It’s not weird, and she is adorable.”

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