Chapter 85

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Monday, January 4, 2016 
1 PM: LA

"Ah, it's so good to be back home." Sam said, plopping down on their couch and scratching Sadie's head and back t her hearts content. Rachel laughed and sat next to him. The last week and a half of their vacation, they did multiple things like an escape room, went to the aquarium, which Rachel loved, they went hiking, swam with dolphins, went to a petting zoo whereas a llama was having a bad day and spit on Rudy.

"Sam?" She asked. He looked at her.


"We need to start wedding planning." She said. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, we do. Kurt kept texting me the other day and kept asking if we had a date set yet. I haven't told him anything yet." She giggled.

"Same. I haven't said anything either. He emailed me a huge list of stuff we should do, depending on how extravagant we want it to be, and then start."

"I don't care how big and fancy it is, as long as I got you, our family, and our friends." He said. She smiled and kissed his cheek. She got her lap top and pulled up the list to show Sam. "How long is it?" He asked. She looked at him and said,

"There are 71 different things to do in this list." She said. The face he made made her burst out laughing again.

"Say what now?" He asked, laughing with her. She nodded and scrolled down to the last one, which was pack for your honeymoon. "Well then, we better get to work." She smiled and nodded.

"We've actually got three out of the 71 things done so far. Well, I do, at least. The folder, which is actually a binder, and looking through magazines. I've been doing that for over a month." Sam chuckled. "And I already know who I want for bridesmaids and maid of honor." She said.


"Liz, Stacy, Quinn, Brittany, Tina, and Mercedes."

"No Santana?" He asked, curious.

"I actually want her to be my maid of honor." She said, biting her lip and looking at him. He grinned.

"That's awesome babe. I wonder if she'll cry when you ask her." They looked at each other seriously for a second and started laughing. "Well, I've been thinking abut the groomsman and all a little two." Sam said. She looked at him and nodded for him to go on. "Puck, Blaine, Kurt, Stevie, Mike, and Caden. And my dad as best man."

"Awe, that's sweet!" She said. He smiled. "I'm going to print this so we can check everything off." He nodded as she went to their little office next to the kitchen and printed out the five paged list. She came back with the holes in the papers and stuck them at the front of the binder She checked off the three already done. "Next is budget."

"Hm, since I don't know everything that's needed for a wedding, I'd say we let Kurt help us figure that out."

"I was gonna say the same thing." She giggled. "Next is to start the guest list."

"Well hell, just about everyone on my side is gonna wanna come." He said. She snorted.

"I don't have that many family members. Two aunts and an uncle that I know of and a couple of cousins. My grandparents passed away, which you knew that." He nodded. Rachel grabbed a pen and paper and handed it to Sam and then got her self a pen and paper. They spent the next few minutes writing down people they want to invite to the wedding. When they finished, Rachel got a text from Kurt. She laughed and showed Sam. He laughed along with her.

Have you and Sam started your homework yet???? ~Kurt

Yes, we have 4 done so far. ~Rachel

WHAT?!?!?! You should have more than that girl!!! Like half! ~Kurt

Well, we are two very busy people, Kurt. And majority of this we need your help with anyways. ~Rachel

Hm, true. Sorry for my little text outburst just now XD. How about tomorrow if you're not busy, we all Skype and I help you out? ~Kurt

"He said we can Skype tomorrow if we're not busy and help us out." She told Sam. He bit his lip.

"I have to go to the studio tomorrow and record a bunch. I'm going pretty early in the morning."

"Oh right, yeah, I forgot. Hmm, well maybe when you get home?" Sam nodded.

"Oh definitely, hopefully it won't be an all day thing. I hate that." He said.

"Me too." She kissed his cheek and texted Kurt back.

That's fine! What time? Sam has to go to work in the morning and he doesn't know when he'll get home. ~Rachel

Anytime is good for me! ~Kurt

Awesome! ~Rachel

"He said anytime tomorrow is good for him." Rachel said, smiling. Sam grinned and held out a fist. She giggled and fist bumped him.

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