Chapter 28

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Monday, June 16, 2014

"Hey sweetie, do you need help?" Mary asked, walking into his bedroom. He was packing, well, attempting to pack anyway. Now he was just laying on his back, looking on his phone. He had a suitcase open on his bed with a pair of pants and a shirt in it and all of his clothes out of the closet in a pile on the floor. He looked at her and sighed.

"You were just waiting for me to come up here, weren't you?" She asked. He grinned at her and sat up. Rachel walked in holding a water bottle and gasped,

"Sam, really?"


"Your room is a mess." She said, smacking his arm with the water bottle and then handing it to him.

"Ow!" He grinned at her."Thanks though." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Alright, up you go. I'm not packing for you by myself." Mary said.

"I'm gonna help, mom. I have to many clothes to not help."

"That doesn't make any sense." Rachel pointed out.

"I never do." He said.

"True." The three then got to work folding his clothes and putting them in his suitcases. When they finished, Sam plopped on his bed again and watched them mess around with his things.

"Why do you have a shot glass, Sam?" Mary asked. He looked at the shot glass with the string on it and laughed.

"Puck got all of us ones from the different houses where he would clean the pools."He said."I don't drink, mom. I promise." She did the gesture for 'I'm watching you' and continued looking at stuff on his dresser. She left a few minutes later.

"Ah!" Rachel made a weird sound and then laughed.

"What?" She turned around holding up a pair of small, red, shorts and an almost exact pair of gold ones. Sam covered his face with a pillow and groaned.

"I'm so keeping these." She said, throwing them in a bag. He blushed majorly and sat up.

"I'm never wearing them again, just to let you know." She grinned at him. She sat on the bed across from him.

"So, are you happy that your parents have moved back to Ohio?" She asked. They told him the news the day after he graduated. He nodded.

"I'm happy but I mean, I'm going to New York so I'll still be far from them." She nodded.

"I understand." She said, giving him a small smile."I know it's got to be hard to be away from them so much. It's hard for me to be away from my dads." Sam nodded.

"It has to happen eventually though, right?" He asked. She patted his shoulder and nodded.

"Yes, sadly." After a few minutes of quiet, Sam said,

"I'm tired." She laughed.

"You didn't do anything! You basically just watched us pack your bag for you."

"Hey, I did something. And if I had done it myself my mom would just go back and redo it 'cause she wouldn't have liked the way it looked." Rachel laughed. Sam laid on his back and got comfortable."I'm gonna take a nap." He said. She rolled her eyes. She crawled up beside him and turned his TV on. He scooted closer to her and put an arm around her."I'm a cuddler." He said. She giggled and played with his hair. He fell asleep and she fell asleep as well, watching TV. An hour later, Sam woke up because of a flash of light. He made a whining sound and opened one eye, seeing Liz standing there with a camera. He gave her the stink eye and she giggled. She waved.

"Go back to sleep. You have a text from Nick by the way." She said, leaving the room. He sighed and looked at Rachel, who was practically laying on him now. He reached over and picked his phone up and read the text.

Hey dude, when will you be in New York? Phil and Demi are incredibly excited that you're signing with us, and so am I. I want to take you and your friends to dinner to celebrate. ~Nick

Sam typed a quick text back.

Sorry, just got your text. I'll be there on Wednesday. And you don't have to do that man.~Sam

Not even a minute later, Nick texted back.

It's all good. How is 5 o'clock? Phil wants to talk to you about recording and such already. And I don't mind a bit!~Nick

Hahaha okay, and that's fine.~Sam

Okay, I'll see you then!~Nick

Sam put his phone back on the table and went back to sleep.

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