Chapter 14

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday afternoon, Sam was on a rampage. He was furious. Jacob Ben Israel was at the mall on Saturday and got pictures of them together, but that's not why he was mad. He was mad because of what he said about Rachel on his blog, which he just saw. He stormed his way to the choir room, where the current members and Rachel, Puck, Kurt, and Quinn were.

"Has anyone seen that little curly haired, gap toothed elf?" He demanded.

"I saw him near the vending machines." Brittany said. He immediately went that way. Jacob had his stupid, fake microphone and 'cameraman' with him. He saw Sam walking towards him and grinned, but then when he saw how mad he looked, he instantly knew he screwed up. He slowly backed away from Sam as he got closer.

"Nice weather we're having, right?" He squeaked. Sam glared at him. He grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him down the hall."Let me go you big oaf!" Sam slammed him against the lockers and held him up by his collar.

"Sam!" Rachel exclaimed."What are you doing?"

"You're gonna apologize. You're gonna take down that post, or I'll have Puckerman help me beat ya tail. And you know he'll gladly help." Jacob gulped and looked at Rachel.

"I'm sorry for calling you the biggest Lima Loser there is. I'll take down the photoshopped pictures of you with a troll head instead of your real head." Rachel looked shocked. She didn't see the post. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed his nose and twisted it as hard as she could.

"Let him go." She said. Sam finally let him go and he ran back off down the hall. They looked at each other with serious faces, and then burst out laughing.

"I'm just happy you didn't hurt him." She said."Even though he deserves it."

"If it wasn't for the fact that we were in school, I probably would have knocked him around a few times. And if you hadn't come up I probably would have punched him at least once." She patted his shoulder. He high fived her before going back into the choir room.

"What just happened?"

"Sam had Jacob pinned up against the wall because of what he posted on his blog about me." Sam just grinned and sat down. He was still annoyed at the entire thing. And when Mr. Schue walked in with the new girl, the day got even worse. He rolled his eyes. She annoyed the hell out of him. They were assigned lab partners in Biology and she was a major bitch. He didn't even know her name.

"Guys, this is the new girl. She wants to join Glee club."

"Can you even sing?" He asked."You snarky bitch." He mumbled to himself. He heard KItty snort.

"As a matter of fact, I can, Samuel."

"Why does every girl call me that-wait, how do you even know my name?"

"I have my ways. Now, can I get to my song please?" She asked.

"First, tell them your name and what song you're singing."

"My name is Elizabeth Evans. I only go by Liz."

"Okay Elizabeth." Sam hardly registered the last name. She glared at him.

"And I'm singing Payphone by Maroon 5." She sang the song and everyone loved it.

"Okay, I have a quick question." Quinn said.


"Are you two related somehow? Because you two seriously look alike. It's kind of scary." The two looked at each other with disgusted faces.

"Not even."


"Excuse me?" The two almost 18 year olds asked at the same time.

"Did you just say that she is my half sister?" Sam asked his parents, pointing a thumb at her.

"She is."

"So, what? You cheated on mom?"

"No, son. You're mother and I had broken up and that was before we knew you were on the way and there was this one night stand with her mom and poof, here you both are." Sam looked at his dad.

"And you've kept this from me for 17 years? What kind of parent would do something like that?"

"Samuel, don't you-"

"Don't what? Don't talk to you like that? I have a right to be pissed at you." Sam stood up and stormed out of the house. Before his dad could stop him, he'd already drove off down the road.

"Does anyone know where he might have gone?" Mary asked Carole, Burt, and Kurt.

"He might have gone to Rachel's house." Kurt said, shrugging.

"Just give him some time to cool off." Burt said.

"Yeah, today hasn't been the best day for him." Kurt told them.

"Oh boo-hoo, you find out you have a half sibling and you have a hissy fit." Liz rolled her eyes.

"Liz." Dwight scolded her and she rolled her eyes once again.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, so please let me know when the big oaf gets back, kay?"

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