Chapter 54

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sam slept for the rest of that day, only waking up to go to the bathroom or when Rachel or his mom woke him up to drink something. He didn't officially get up until around 11 o'clock the next morning.

"Well hello Sleeping Beauty." Dwight said as Sam walked in the living room. He gave his dad the stink eye and sat on the couch. He grabbed a blanket and laid across the couch, his head next to Stacy's leg. She played with his hair.

"Where's Rachel?" He mumbled.

"She went with your mom and Liz to get lunch." Dwight said. He nodded and started scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. He replied back, retweeted and liked a bunch of people's post that say something along the lines of 'I hope you feel better soon!' or 'Get better soon!'. There was a knock on the door so Stacy got up to answer it and Sam whined playfully since she had to stop playing with his hair. She rolled her eyes but laughed as she answered the door. She smiled at the three.

"Sam! You have visitors!" He just yelled back gibberish and they laughed. Sam turned his head slightly to see Nick, Demi, Joe, and Phil walk into the living room. Demi kissed his cheek and hugged him and he fist bumped the other three.

"How you feeling bro?" Nick asked.

"A helluva lot better than I did."

"All he's done is sleep since he got home yesterday." Stevie said.

"The doctor told him to get plenty of rest, Stevie." Stacy scowled at him.

"And I'ma bleed it til I can't no more." He said.

"You're gonna what?" Joe asked.

"He means he's gonna use that as an excuse to be lazy until he can't anymore." Dwight translated and Sam snorted. He sat up, his hair a mess.

"You need to get your hair cut again, Sam." Stacy said, playing with it again. He shook his head.

"Nope. I'm growing it out again." He said.


"Because I can, duh." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sassy now, are we?"

"Sam is the definition of Sassy." Joe said.

"Y'all sit down somewhere." Dwight said and Phil sat on the couch and the others sat on the floor. The door opened and Liz yelled,

"We have food!" They came in with a couple pizzas and Rachel had a bag with a salad bowl in it. Sam didn't budge as everyone got up to get pizza. Rachel went to the living room and stood in front of him, and he was furiously typing on his phone. She raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you texting?" She asked.

"Satan herself." He said."The other day she sent me this incredibly long text and I just read it." He rolled his eyes."She's so full of crap, it ain't even funny."

"What'd she say?" He gave her his phone and let her read it.

I know you're probably mad at me about what went down two weeks ago, but i hope you can forgive me. I'm not the type of person who apologizes, you know that. It literally hurts me to say 'I'm sorry' to anyone except for Britt. I was just in a bad mood that night and I didn't mean to upset Rachel, or cause her to break up with you. I heard about you being in the hospital and I hope you're doing okay. I wanted to come and see you but Britt told me that it would probably be a bad idea. I'm really sorry for disrespecting you and your family.~ Satan

Rachel rolled her eyes.

"You can tell her whatever you want, but she can forget we were ever friends." Rachel said. Sam scoffed.

"Anything I have to say to her isn't nice, trust me." He said, sending his text.

"Let's not worry about her. Come on so you can eat. You've hardly eaten since Saturday." He nodded and held his arms out to her. She laughed and pulled him up. He ate a couple of pieces and sat back, getting sleepy again.

"You know what Sam reminds me of?" Joe asked, nudging Nick. Everyone looked at them.


"Alena when she was a baby. All she did was eat and sleep." Sam scowled at him and flipped him off while everyone laughed. After a couple minutes, Liz asked,

"Has either of you two heard from Santana?"

"She texted me Saturday." Sam said, shrugging.

"Did you respond?" He nodded but didn't tell them what else she said. There was a knock on the door and Liz went to go get it. She squealed when she saw that it was Caden and Lily. She hugged him and he chuckled, hugging her back.

"Hey! What about me?" Lily said, putting her hands on her hips. Liz laughed and hugged her.

"Hey, munchkin." Liz shut the door and they went in the kitchen. Sam glanced back and saw Caden and smirked.

"Hey Skipper."

"You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?" Caden asked, fist bumping him.

"Never." Sam got up and went to the bathroom so Rachel sat where he had been sitting.

"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Caden." Liz introduced them. Dwight looked him up and down, shook his hand and squeezed the hell out of it.

"Nice to meet you." He said, grinning at him."Whose this?"

"I'm Lily." She said cutely.

"How old are you?"

"Eleven." She said. He smiled at her and held a hand out and she high fived him. Sam walked down the hall and dropped his phone.

"Son of a bitch." He mumbled and picked it up.

"You sound like mom." Stevie said. Sam scowled at him. Sam ruffled Lilly's hair and looked at Rachel like 'really?'. To be funny, he sat down on her lap, causing them to laugh.

"You're not even heavy." She said. He snorted. She wrapped her arms around him like he does to her.

"You two are insane." Nick said.

"Thank you." They said at the same time and laughed. Sam got up so that Rachel could. He sat back down and pulled her into his lap this time, hugging her. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

"So why does Sam call you Skipper?" Stacy asked.


"I was outside the bathroom waiting on Sam and Kurt. Kurt was basically yelling at Sam for whatever reason and Caden went in the bathroom. He came back out a couple of seconds later skipping and said, 'Sorry, I got excited' and then we met up outside and there you go." 

"Hence the name Skipper. Or Skippy, which ever I feel like saying."

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