Chapter 15

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“Hey, you okay?” Rachel asked, letting Sam into the house.

“Not really, no.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You know that aggravating new girl that joined glee club?”

“Yeah, what about her?”

“Well, apparently she’s my half sister.”

“Half what?” She didn’t think she heard him right.

“Half sister. All these years and they didn’t tell me? And I’m pretty sure she knew, which is why she’s so annoying.”

“You’re dad cheated on your mom? How old is she?”

“Yeah, he did. He had to have, if he hadn’t, she wouldn’t be here right now. And she’s my age. A little younger than me.”

“That’s so…”

“Screwed up?”

“Yeah…”It was quiet for a few minutes.”Are you okay?”

“I guess. I just don’t see why they didn’t tell me until now, out of the blue.”

“Maybe there’s a good reason they didn’t tell you.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you were too young to understand? I have no clue why they didn’t tell you, but I wish I did. Did they try to explain it to you?”

“I wouldn’t let them. I just got up and left the house and came over here. I let my temper fly and her insulting me didn’t help anything. I left so I wouldn’t end up hurting someone's feelings.”

“Well good. You remember how Finn used to kick things when he was mad?” She asked, giggling slightly. Sam nodded, a grin forming on his face.

“I should just get a punching bag and punch it when I get mad.”

“It would probably help get all the anger out. Or going to the batting cages and whacking a ball helps. That’s what my dads say, but they go golfing all the time and that’s completely different and I’m not making any sense at all.” Sam laughed and nodded.

“Yeah you are Rachel. I know what you mean.” She grinned at him.

“I think you should talk to them.” She said.

“I don’t want to go no where around her. I get insulted enough as it is.”

“Santana, Kitty, a bunch of people. There’s this one dude on the team that I can’t stand and I’m gonna end up knocking him on his ass before the end of the season.”

“You know for a fact that what they say about you isn’t true. And Santana does it because she loves you, just like she loves everyone else.”

“I know.”

“And if you do knock him on his ass, please make sure I’m there because I can’t stand him either. He used to be one of the football players who threw slushies at me.”

“Well, he will definitely get knocked out some way or another.”


For the next couple of hours, the two watched movies and ate snacks in her living room. Rachel’s phone rang and saw that it was Carole so she answered it.

“Hi Carole!” She said brightly.

“Hey Sweetie, have you seen Sam? He left earlier and forgot his phone.”

“Oh, yeah, he’s here with me and he’s fine. He just needed to cool off. We’ve been watching movies all day.”

“Well good, I was worried. Can you tell him that Liz left to go to the mall a little while ago so she won’t be here when he gets back. His parents want to talk to him and explain some things to him.”

“Yes ma’am, I’ll tell him.” They hung up and Rachel looked at Sam and sighed.


“She said that she was worried because you didn’t take your phone with you when you left. And she said that Liz is gone so she won’t be there when you get back and your parents want to explain some things to you.” He sighed and nodded.

“Do you want to go with me? And I’ll bring you back later?”

“Yeah! Let me get my shoes.” She went upstairs and got her shoes and came back down.

“No offense, but you look really weird in pants.” He told her. She raised an eyebrow.”And that sounded really dirty.”He blushed.”I’m just used to you wearing those skirts all the time.” She nodded.

“Yeah. I still do, trust me. My closet in New York is filled with them.” He laughed.”It’s freezing here so I’m definitely wearing long pants.” He grinned. They left and when they got back, they went in the kitchen, where Sam’s parents were sitting, waiting on him.

“I’ll just go and sit in the living room.” Rachel said and kissed Sam’s cheek. She shut the door behind her as he sat in front of his parents. He sat back and crossed his arms.


“We were 18 Sam, and we’d both just graduated. We ended up breaking up, but I don’t remember the reason why. I found out two months after we broke up that I was pregnant with you, and we got back together. Then a month or so later, the girl he’d been messing around with told him that she was pregnant.”

“I felt horrible son. I really did. I married your mom because I loved her. Liz’s mom was just a fling. I paid child support for her and saw her as often as I could. You two met when you were younger and you couldn’t stand each other then, even though you didn’t know you were related. Five years old and at each others throats.” Dwight chuckled.

“When did you tell mom about her?” Sam asked.

“A few years ago.” He said. Sam sighed and rubbed his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me? That’s all I want to know.”

“Like I said, you two couldn’t stand each other back then, so I knew you wouldn’t when you were older, and I was right.”

“That’s not a good reason. I deserved to know.”

“I know you did, Sam, and I’m sorry. I really am. I thought that hiding it would keep you from hating me.”

“I don’t hate you, and I never will. I don’t like being lied to. I tell you guys everything, including what I did back when i was in Kentucky.”

“The stripper thing?” Mary asked. Sam nodded.

“Why do you think we weren’t mad at you, Sam?”

“I figured you didn’t care.” He shrugged.

“We do care, son. We do. And we knew you were trying your best to help us with the bills. Plus, we’d been hiding the fact that Liz was your half sister all these years.” Sam gave them a small smile.

“Are we okay now? Are you still mad at us?”

“We’re okay. I’m still aggravated that she, of all people, is my half sister, but other than that, no.” They chuckled. “How do Stacy and Stevie feel about her?”

“They love her.” Mary said.”Stacy’s happy to have a sister even though according to her, with your long hair, you’re close enough to being her sister.” Sam’s mouth dropped open.

“She seriously said that?” He asked. Mary giggled and nodded.”Just wait. Next time I see her, I’m gonna get her.” He said playfully, meaning he was gonna tickle her.”Where’s Liz even staying?” He asked.

“With Rudy.”

“Of course.” He rolled his eyes.”Maybe staying with Rudy will make her nicer.”

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