Chapter 71

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Friday, November 6, 2015

"Heller!" Liz yelled as she walked into Burt and Carole's house. Kurt and Brittany decided they wanted to have the bridal shower the day before the wedding and no one knows why, but they went along with it.

"The stars have arrived!" Caden yelled along with her, throwing a bunch of pieces of paper at Sam and Rachel. The two rolled their eyes. Carole came and hugged them and told Caden,

"You're cleaning that up."

"Sam!" Sam heard two little voices say and turned around to see two 18 month olds running, well, attempting to run, towards him. He chuckled and scooped them up in his arms. Sam and Rachel went around and greeted all their friends and family and then sat with Blaine, Kurt, Brittany and Santana, but neither of them talked to Santana. Sam sneezed randomly and saw Lord Tubbington hop up on Brittany's lap. He started sneezing, sneeze after sneeze.  Be tween sneezes, he managed to say,

"I'm allergic to cats."

"Crap, I forgot. I'm sorry Sam." Brittany said and went and took Lord Tubbington into another room and left him there. Stevie walked by and saw how red Sam's eyes were.

"Dang bro, you been smoking?" Sam punched him in the arm and wiped his eyes.

"No, I was sneezing."

"How did you not hear it?" Blaine asked. Stevie shrugged and continued on his way. Sam rolled his eyes.

"You alright Sam?" Dwight asked, ruffling his hair.

"There was a cat."

"Oh, okay." Dwight snorted and Sam rolled his eyes once again.

"Not cool, dad, not cool." Sam glared at him playfully.


After opening presents and having fun, everyone began leaving, the bridal party being the only people left.

"Sam, Rachel? Can I talk to you two? Privately." Santana said. Blaine and Kurt nudged them and they followed her outside. They sat in the lounge chairs by the pool and looked at her. "I um, I get it if  you guys still hate me, but I just wanted to apologize again. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought Finn up, period. I shouldn't have said the stuff I did. You two were some of my closest friends." She bit her lip. She was actually getting emotional. "I'm sorry for all the insults over the past few years, and I'm happy for you guys and how great you're doing in life. I miss talking to you, both of you. I hate not talking to you." Tears started to flow as she talked. The two looked at each other. "I j-just wanted to tell you again, how sorry I am, and to please, forgive me. It's literally killing me, knowing how bad I messed up with you. I feel like I've lost a brother and sister." 

"Santana, shut up." Rachel said as she stood up and hugged her. Santana laughed in relief, hugging her back. Sam stood up, and wrapped his arms around both girls, and picked them up, squeezing them tightly, which made them laugh. He put them down and hugged Santana and they went back inside.

"So what are you guys gonna do?"

"Well, the girls are going to stay at my dads house and get ready there in the morning, and Santana and Brittany will sleep in separate rooms, get ready in separate rooms, and leave at different times. Same with Kurt and Blaine, just, here, right?" Rachel asked Kurt, who nodded.

"Yes, so you girls need to go ahead and leave. It's 9 o'clock and we all need our beauty sleep." Everyone laughed. The girls got their things and said goodbye to their significant other and then left. Carole and Burt put the babies to bed and then went to bed themselves, and the boys stayed up for a little while.

"So, Sam, when are you actually going to propose to Rachel?" Kurt blurted out before thinking about it. Sam's eyes widened and the guys all looked at Sam.

"You've been planning to propose to her?" Blaine asked."And you didn't tell me?"

"Thanks, Kurt." Sam mumbled.

"Sorry." Kurt grinned sheepishly.

"I am planning on proposing to her, on our anniversary. And don't say anything, to anyone else, and I mean it." He said, pointing at everyone, but mainly Puck.

"Why you looking at me like that, man?"

"Because I don't exactly trust you with a secret like this all that much."

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad at keeping secrets."

"Uh huh, sure.

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