Chapter 2

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Monday, November 25, 2013

"What is that god awful smell?" Unique asked, making a stank face as she and Kitty walked into the choir room.

"Sam farted." Ryder said, walking past Sam, who was sitting on the piano. Sam thumped him on the back of the head.

"No I didn't, dip shit. It smelled like that when I came in her a little while ago." Sam said, rolling his eyes. He took the hair band off his wrist and put his hair on a pony tail. Everyone made faces as they walked in, smelling it. Ryder kept making remarks about Sam farting or not showering and being the idiot he was. Sam was about to snap when Mr. Schue walked in.

"Ryder, shut up. There's a weird smell coming from the vents. I think the receptionist is eating some nasty Mexican food or something." He said. Sam took a deep breath and went and sat down at the end of the row, right at the vent. The smell was worse there, obviously, but he just sat there and dealt with it. He started getting really tired and fell asleep in the middle of Mr. Schue's lecture to Ryder. When he woke up, he felt like he was gonna be sick, and he was on the floor, with everyone standing above him. He squinted slightly.

"Sam, are you okay?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Why the hell am I on the floor?"

"You just randomly got up and then fell. Are you okay?" Tina said. He sat up and rubbed his head.

"I think so. I think the smell just got to me."

"You're kind of pale, Sam. I think you should go home, skip the rest of the school day."

"No, no, I'm fine Mr. Schue." He wasn't fine.

"You're turning green, dude." Jake said. He shrugged and started to get up. Mr. Schue held a hand out and helped Sam up. He swayed slightly but Mr. Schue steadied him.

"I had the weirdest dream. I don't even remember falling asleep. And you said I got up and then fell?" Sam asked. Everyone nodded. He made a face.

"What was your dream about?"

"Rachel was in it. It was weird. I don't know, I think we were in the auditorium and she was singing in some really weird language and I was sitting in the front row. Then a bunch of avatar people ran up and started twerking behind her, even though the song she was singing was a slow song. I think." He said, making the most confused face ever. Artie snorted behind his hand.

"Yeah, you need to go home. Come on, lets get you to the nurse." Mr. Schue said. Sam shook his head and leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"She's crazy as hell. I don't want to go there." He said.

"Well where do you want to go then?"

"Not there." He said seriously.

"Well, lets go to the auditorium then."

"There aren't gonna be any twerking Avatar people are there? Because that was creepy. And they weren't even good. Tina can twerk better than them."

"Hey! Wait, is that a compliment?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah." She grinned at him. They went to the auditorium, where Sam had finally stopped talking about twerking Avatars and let Mr. Schue call Carole.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey, Carole, are you at work?"

"No, I'm off all week. Is everything alright?"

"Well, there's actually this funky smell in the choir room coming from the vents, and Sam was sitting right by it. I think the fumes made him sick."

"I'm not sick, Mr. Schue." Sam said, then threw up in the seat next to him."Whoops."

"Yes you are Sam. He fell asleep and then got up out of no where, walked a couple steps and fell. He woke up confused and said he had a weird dream about Avatars-"

"Twerking Avatars!" Sam said. Mr. Schue gave him a small smile and continued talking to Carole as Tina went to get the janitor.

"He just threw up too, so I think you should come get him. He's acting a little loopy too, but that could also be because he misses his family. It happened earlier in the year once already."

"Okay, well, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, thank you." They hung up and Mr. Schue put a hand on Sam's shoulder and he shrugged it off.

"My shoulder hurts." Sam mumbled.

"What's with you, dude?" Blaine asked. Sam shrugged. He seemed pissed now, like when Ryder was talking about him farting or stinking.

"I feel like hell now." He said.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna be in here until they figure out what's causing that smell."


"Want to tell me what's wrong, Sam?" Carole asked, sitting across from Sam at the kitchen table. He was leaning on his hand, looking like he was bored out of his mind.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"You've been in a funk for a week or two now. Did you meet a girl, by any chance, while you were in New York?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Sam sighed and shook his head. She raised an eyebrow.

"Did Blaine tell you?"

"No, he told Burt, who told me."

"Figures. There's nothing going on between me and Rachel, I swear."

"Sam I wouldn't care if there was. I'd be happy for the both of you, you both deserve to be happy."

"But what about Finn-"

"Finn would want her to be happy, Sam. I'm sure he'd want you to be happy as well. You were his best friend."

"I know it's just...She was supposed to be his. They were supposed to end up together, all along. But now, it can never happen." He shook his head and buried his face in his hair. She smiled sadly and rubbed his arm. She sighed, thinking.

"Alright, this was supposed to be a surprise but, I know this will cheer you up a lot." She said. He looked at her.

"What?" He asked.

"On Wednesday, your family is coming here from Kentucky for Thanksgiving, and staying until Sunday."

"You're lying." He said, looking at her. She shook her head.

"I know you miss them and you haven't gotten to see them in a long time, so we're paying for them to come down." He got up and hugged her tightly. She chuckled and hugged him back.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me." She smiled and rubbed his back."I love you." She couldn't help the tears that came to her eyes.

"I love you too, Sweetie."

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